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TOPIC: Draggie's Journal -Update 8/29 Still Here! And thinking....

ShadowClan Leader

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RE: Draggie's Journal -Update 1/4~Memories

I should say happy new years in March. XD

I got the KH games for my birthday. I really wanted to know what the heck was going on and I thought 358/2 Days was flipping amazing.
So, yes. I agree with you.
I also just realized I can do CoM on Beginner difficulty instead. Not sure how easy it will be. Could end up being way too easy, but I'd rather have fun tearing through everything rather than spend hours on a single boss.

I've got part of the story written, the rest is being thought out. But I will warn you guys. It may be a bit confusing to read. It's in the past and present at the same time.  Here's a line from it that will appear quite often.
"If I die today, where will you be tomorrow?"

As for the riddle. It's incredibly confusing and difficult and I don't think I did a good job in writing it.
The answer's here:

Here's one that's way easier:
I am buried in the depths, and sitting near the surface. Brought back by the smallest things, and sealed away by the biggest. Though I can be lost easily, bringing me back is difficult. I exist only in the living, and seperate one from another. Without me, everything would fall apart. I am important, but not always believed to be. If I am forgotten, you must start over. What am I?

And now, time to get this little story started.

Welcome to the world where things are never what they appear. A world that both exists and doesn't exist. A place where you can see everything and nothing at all. Welcome back. But I must warn you. The one you seek left awhile ago. But they left behind what you gave them...
Have I been here before?
Everything seems so familiar, but...there's nothing here. Yet I can see things...What is this place?
Where am I?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Who is that over there?
I'm not...alone?
The big beast struggled to rise to her feet. She slipped and fell several times, but, eventually, she was standing. She looked back at the being lying not far from her.
The voice startled the beast causing her to fall again.
"Who's there?" she called out.
She heard a moan to her right. The other being was waking up.
We gave you a name, but I think you need a body too....
"Who is that?"thought the boy.
The voice seemed to echo in his head.
"It sounds familiar. Do I know them?"
He opened his eyes and saw a large reptilian beast standing not far from him. It was light purple with sky blue stripes. Its green eyes stared back at him. Its ears perked up when it saw that he was awake and its wings, which were folded neatly against its back, moved slightly.
"Rise, Zorrel."
A new voice was speaking now. It was unfamiliar and the human couldn't tell if it was male or female.
"Zorrel...Is that...my name?" the boy thought.
There was no answer from the voice. The beast was walking towards him now. Its ears flattened against its skull just behind its two horns which curved foward. The boy quickly got up on his feet and suddenly felt incredibly dizzy. He bagan to fall, but a strong hand caught him. The beast was holding him up.
"Thanks," he said.
The beast didn't say anything, it backed up a step and watched him with its bright green eyes. After a few moments of silence, the boy spoke.
"My name's Zorrel," said the boy, holding out his hand.
The beast stared at the hand for a few moments. Zorrel studied the beast. Now that it was closer, he could see that it was a couple feet taller than he was. The tip of its tail flicked every now and then.
After what seemed like an hour, the beast grabbed Zorrel's hand.
"Rekktor," it said.
Its voice was deep, yet soft.
"Rekktor, a female demon hybrid. A being who exist to both protect and destroy. A demon who....
"You need a name. We can't just call you 'the voice'."
"Did you hear that?" Zorrel asked.
"The voice? Yeah, it described you," Rekktor said.
"I didn't hear it describe me. It described you."
"Hm.." Rekktor stared at the floor, thinking. "I wonder..."
She looked up at the white fog that seemed to form a bubble around them.
"I agree. You need a name. An awesome name."
"Giving me a name would make me...an actual being."
"And why is that bad?"
"Yeah, it would make you exist."
"Everywhere and nowhere," the voice replied.
"That's helpful..." Zorrel grumbled.
Are we..."
"How about...Glek."
"Yeah, Glek."
"Why are you naming me?"
"Because you're...."
"Yes, and no," the voice siad.
Rekktor looked at Zorrel, clearly confused by the voices answers.
"Is there anyone else here, in this place, besides us?" Zorrel asked.
"No," the voce replied. "But you cans ee and speak to others who aren't here."
"How?" Rekktor asked.
The voice didn't answer. Instead, the fog formed a cloud. Rekktor and Zorrel approached the cloud. Part of the cloud froze, creating a mirror. Two faces were in the mirror. One was the beast, and the other a young, blond haired, blue eyed boy.
"Is that....me?" Zorrel thought as he stared at the boy.
The reflections vanished. In their place, a picture of a dog sniffing around a pile of crates appeared. The dog looked like a skeleton wrapped in fur. Zorrel stared at it and realized that picture was moving.
The dog limped past the the crates , its head hanging low.
"One fo the crates is missing a lid," Rekktor pointed out.
Zorrel looked back at the crates. Behind the big pile was a lone crate without a lid. Zorrel could see fish inside the crate.
"Wonder how he missed that," Rekktor said.
"Turn around!" Zorrel shouted at the cloud.
The dog paused and lifted its head.
"Turn around," Zorrel repeated.
The turned around.
"Go around the pile of crates."
The dog obeyed.
"Go to that crate."
Zorrel watched as the starving dog dragged itself to the crate of fish. The do peered inside, its tail wagged weakly once it saw the fish. It pulled one out and devoured it. Within a couple minutes, it had wofled down two more fish and was moving on to another. The picture faded and the cloud disappeared.
"Not everyone will listen, but make sure...."
"You can't save everyone..."
"And if we do get someone in trouble?" Rekktor asked.
There was no answer from the voice. Rekktor sighed and shoook her head.
"Can we leave this place?" asked Zorrel.
"There is niether an entrance nor an exit here."
"So, then, how did we get here?" Rekktor demanded.
Once again, the voice remained silent.
"Of course," Rekktor growled. "It only answers your questions."
Zorrel grinned.
"But I'm not letting you join those who I couldn't save...."

And there's the end to the first part. Confused? Things will make more sense later when you figure out who is speaking when.
And I just have to say. I typed this up with KH2 on. I plan on playing it as soon as I post this. But the song for the main menu goes really well for some of the parts to this chapter.



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
RE: Draggie's Journal -Update 1/4~Did the sun actually rise today? More "Memories"

So I was up until 3 working on crazy projects last night. Only got 2 hours of sleep. The entire day, I was confused. I still felt like it was the middle of the night. Like the sun never rose. When I woke up this morning, I spent 15 minutes trying to do a math problem in my head that I didn't have to do. I think I made it up from all the work I'd done just a couple hours ago. I was dividing some number, .257 or something like that, by 2. Don't know why.

Now for the second part of this story that is still a work in progress. I'm gonna be editing this thing quite a bit, even after I post it.

"Memories" Chapter 2

"You know how long..."
"Not really," Zorrel said. "Does time even exist here?"
"Time is everywhere..."
"So how do you know how long..."
"What am I...?"
"There is a clock that never stops ticking until you die," Glek said. "At anytime, this clock could stop ticking. Once it does, you die. Not only do you die, you no longer exist. You simply disappear."
"I don't get it," Rekktor said.
"C'mon, Rekk. It's not that hard," Zorrel grinned.
Rekktor growled and looked down at her broken hand.
"You can't still be mad at me for that," Zorrel sighed. "It was an accident."
"The end has already passed! Why must you keep us alive? To make us suffer?"
"We want to die! Let us die! Those who were never meant to become an existing being keep us here, alive!"
Life should be starting over, for everything. Yet...we are still breathing...."
"I'm getting confused. I remember all of this, but...is there something that I'm supposed to see here? Why does everything keep getting interrupted?"
"You aren't supposed to remember these things. You weren't even supposed to come back."
"I am everything you are not."
Rekktor's eyes shot open. She rose to her feet and glared at the white dragon standing before her. It was about a foot taller with blood red eyes that were staring at the floor.
"What do you mean?  How could I forget all that stuff? I'm not sure how I got back, but there's no way I'd forget everything that happened here!"
The white dragon sighed.
"I wish you had forgotten," he said sadly.
Rekktor stared at Glek. "Why? What happened while I was gone?"
Glek looked up at the fog that swirled around them. "We exist in a world that doesn't exist. But, since we are here, it now exists. There are other worlds like this one, but they are all very different. These worlds appear with each Demon War lost."
"I thought there was only one Demon War," Rekktor said, confused.
"One for each time everything starts over. It is the end of all things."
Rekktor shook her head. "How many Demon Wars have there been?"
"That is unknown."
"How many have been won?"
Glek thought for a moment before speaking.
"None," he said.
"None? How come no one's won it? The nonliving can't be that tough!"
"I'm not sure if they're it."
Rekktor groaned. "What are you talking about?"
"I...don't know."
Rekktor grinned. "Something the great Albino Dragon doesn't know? That's a first."
Glek looked down at Rekktor. "How did you know I was the Albino Dragon?"
"You mean 'am'. Shadowmaw the Devourer told me."
"The survivor of all wars. Of course he'd remember me," Glek chuckled.
"You ended the two most bloody wars before they destroyed everything. You've got so much power, yet you stay here. Why?"
"Those who were never meant to exist can be blamed," he said.
"Brae and Wolgorn were talking about that!"
Brae stumbled forward. The massive bear demon bellowed. Blood gushed from the gash in his leg.
"Why did they come...why do they exist?"
He glared at Zorrel. He began to speak in a language that niether Zorrel or Rekktor knew. Blood began to fill his lungs from the two holes in his chest from where Rekktor's horns had stabbed him. Brae's words became harder to understand as he struggled to breathe. He finished with something they all recognized.
".....death is paradise!"
And with those final words, the ancient demon collapsed. One of the most feared and powerful demons was finally dead. Wolgorn snarled. He spread his giant bat-like wings and began to fly away.
"Who exactly is 'they'?" Rekktor asked.
"The answer is there, but we can't seem to see it."
"Why not?"
"I don't know..."
Rekktor growled. "I thought you knew everything."
"No one knows everything. It's impossible."
"It's impossible for something to exist and not exist at the same time."
"Some things break the rules."
No one spoke for several moments. Rekktor sighed and began to walk forward. Glek watched her wander for a little while before she paused.
"If he isn't here, then where is he?" she asked.
"There are so many things I do not know right now. His whereabouts are one of them."
Rekktor growled again.
"I have a question though."
"What?" Rekktor spat.
"What happened to your shoulder?"
Rekktor rubbed her left shoulder. Three jagged claw marks could be seen. They ended in an indent on the back of her shoulder where some of the flesh seemed to be missing.
"I picked a fight with someone who I couldn't beat," she said.
"I can smell you, hybrid. I can smell that delicious blood of yours. I can't wait to see if you taste better than these lesser demons...."
"When I find Zi, I can make that bounty hunter pay for everything he's done."
Glek smiled, he waved his hand and a door appeared.
"I suggest leaving now."
"You're kicking me out? Why now? I mean...that was sudden."
Glek laughed. "You won't ever find Zorrel or any answers if you stay here, besides, you're bothering me."
"Hah! Really? I'm bothering you?" Rekktor laughed. "I didn't know I was being annoying."
She looked over at the door. "Where does it lead?"
"Wherever you want it to, but it can only lead you to a place."
Rekktor rolled her eyes. "Now you explain things."
"Go, now!"
"Alright, I'm goin'. Why the rush anyway?" she asked moving towards the door.
"You still haven't done what I asked you."
Rekktor paused. A puzzled look appeared on her face.
"You forgot?"
"Oh yeah! I remember it, don't worry. You wanted me to ask my cousin about what Zi said, right?"
"Yes, now get out of here! I have things to do and you are in the way!"
Rekktor shook her head and stepped through the door which faded away once it was shut. Glek looked at the wall of fog. A figure stepped out of the fog so that it could be seen clearly. He still wore the armor he had been wearing the day he died. His jet black fur stood out against the white fog. The Wegekai's amber eyes blazed with fury. He glared at Glek and growled. He opened his mouth and began to recite something he had been repeating since he first arrived.
"Death comes swiftly, seeking those who aren't really there. Protect or destroy, the choice is theirs. What they seek is what they expect, but not what they believe. Silenced with a stab, killed with a snap. They are freed when the last blade pierces what's not really there. Things should be done when the end destroys the beginning, but they are saved by one who's doomed to suffer forever. Never ending wars, they weaken them so. We're all bound to die, why not just let it end. Forgotten he will be, but still existing in pieces. Enemies are allies who know the truth all too well. The answer lies in a simple riddle. A question that is soon to be lost. Never forget, never remember. We exist to die, nothing more. But once we all perish, where will they be?"
The wolf creature began to retreat back into the fog. His amber eyes still full of rage.
"I told them they'd regret the day I died, but they ignored me," the Wegekai said before vanishing.
Glek was left alone, like he had been for so many years. But now, he had a riddle. A riddle he wasn't sure how to solve.

Way different from the way I originally wrote it, but it still leads up to the same thing. I have to say though, I am a genius. That last part is pure genius....in my opinion. XD



Royal Luddy XD

WindClan Warrior

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Posts: 1452
RE: Draggie's Journal -Update 1/11~Did te sun actually rise today? More "Memories"

Nice. Once again, lotsa KHiness -- which I absolutely LOVE. And it's still kind of confusing... but I'm getting an idea of what's going on. :P
And that riddle at the end was... unnerving. I hope you did that on purpose; if so, you should start doing that more. :P

Though, as I've brought up in the past, I would suggest getting more into description, especially if you plan on publishing this and your other stories as a series of books in the future. Right now it's just a whole buncha dialogue -- and, while interesting, dialogue =/= book. Just a friendly little something to consider. :)


ShadowClan Leader

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Posts: 1789

I'm working on it. I do plan on going back sometime to edit these chapters. They definitely need more detail. I think the problem is me getting lazy.



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789

I've been very lazy recently. I should fix that. I also think that journals are getting boring, so I will...add a bit to mine. XD
So I've been working on this picture all day of an awesome character to my story. I Completed him in 6th period, my last period of the day. But when I completed him, he came to life. Seriously! He jumped off the page and started running around. There was mass panic. People started sceaming and stuff. It would've been really funny, if it wasn't a crazy very powerful demon that likes to burn things.
Okay, so maybe I should describe this guy. He is pretty awesome to look at.
First off, his name's Firestorm. He's THE Major Spark Pup. Meaning, he's the most powerful Abyssal Knight (AKA, Servant of an Abyssal Demon) that serves Kazzer the Abyssal Demon of the Flame. He's all black...well, not exactly. He's got these glowing red-orange, jagged stripes (looks like the cracks you'd see in a rock if it started to bleed magma).His head kinda resembles that of a ram's with the curly horns. He has no eyes, but he DOES  have eyesockets. Sometimes flames would shoot from these empty sockets. Same with his nose which always had smoke streaming from it. Firestorm's arms are pretty normal up until just before the wrist. There, everything is seperated.  He's got a hand with two fingers and a thumb. The fingers are seperated from the hand and the claws are seperated from the fingers. Its only in three different sections (His legs are insane though O.o). He has no teeth unless you want to count the two tusks he's got on his lower jaw. His body's all one piece, not counting the wierd floating spikes going down his back. Those are for controlling electricity (That's right, he can control electricity XD). He's got a short tail too. You know what, lets just say he looks like Agumon's long lost evil, demonic, brother or cousin...OR MAYBE HE'S HIS DAD!! O.o
Firestorm: "Agumon, I am your father!"
Agumon: "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Those wierd spikes he has are all wavy. They start just above his forehead and go all the way down to his tail where he's got four of these odd spikes floating around the tip. He's got a couple more below his chin.
Now for the legs. Okay, pay attention. These are very difficult to explain. In fact, i'll describe them very briefly. They are....seperatedinto13piecesincludingallthreetalons!
Okay, done. XD Now back to the story.
So here's my amazing creation, wrecking havoc in my English class. We were supposed to watch this movie about a guy who got sent back in time to 1822, but this is far more interesting. People usually don't think short people are very scary. People who know me know this is not true. Why do I bring this up? Because, Firestorm's only 3 feet tall. Yes, that's right. 3 feet tall. A very powerful demon, and only 3 feet tall. So, why are people afraid of him? He's an Abyssal Knight of the Flame, and , like fire, grows as long as he's got food. Fire needs oxygen to stay alive, Abyssal Knights of the Flame use oxygen to grow rapidly (when they want/need to). And, since this is at school, there is plenty of paper and other flammable objects around.
To make a long story short, Firestorm devoured anything within reach. He himself did not grow, but those stripes he had began to shoot flames. He was now literally on fire.
People are now really flipping out and running around while Firestorm is calmly eating random things, setting stuff on fire, and occasionally shooting bolts of lightning. School gets out in 5 minutes and I want to go home. But I can't get just leave a demon at school, so I order Firestorm to get back on the piece of paper. Being an all powerful demon, he decides he doesn't want to return back the sheet of paper.
The thing about fire is that its always hungry, and the demons are no different. I pull out what I still had left in my lunch box and used it to lure Firestorm back to the paper (It took a bit since Firestorm is pretty smart. He knew what I wanted him to do, and he deifinitely did not want to become 2D again).
Before Firestorm changed back into just a plain old drawing again, I had him fix everything (Yes, he can unburn stuff. He's that cool XD).
And that's the end of today's adventure. Maybe something more interesting will happen tomorrow. Adios for now.
--The Amazingly Epic Genius, Rekktor
(Yes, I will be signing with this title because it makes me sound cool XD)

Yes my story will be continued. But I will warn you, there is no order for it. It will be jumping randomly all over the place. Why? My brain is really wierd and it works better if I do this instead of trying to write it in order. Don't worry, I won't suddenly jump to the last chapter. That wouldn't be any fun. I will save the fun stuff for later....And I will let you know if something comes before/after something else.

-- Edited by Dragonstar on Friday 29th of January 2010 04:54:42 AM



Royal Luddy XD

WindClan Warrior

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Posts: 1452
RE: Draggie's Journal -Update 1/28 IT LIVES!!

I wish I could bring my creations to life.... =P

But that sounds really cool. You should psot the picture/s.

Oh, and is that movie about slavery? Because I think we might have watched that in my History/LA class last year.


ShadowClan Leader

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Posts: 1789

I wish all my creations came to life too. It would be so cool!

And here is Firestorm!

He's the completed guy in the middle. The rest are parts for other Spark Pups and the Minor Spark Pup, Frostbite. Those black spots above his head are not a part of him, but the non shaded ones are. I also shaded in some parts of him so that I didn't get confused, like his legs and hands.

And yes, that movie is about slavery. I believe its called Brother Future.

-- Edited by Dragonstar on Friday 29th of January 2010 10:44:59 PM

-- Edited by Dragonstar on Friday 29th of January 2010 10:46:52 PM



Royal Luddy XD

WindClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 1452

Aha; I think that is what we watched, then.
... I did not like that movie; the acting seemed forced and the dialogue unrealistic. Though I suppose the content was good enough... =/

Awesometenders with BBQ on the side. And, once again, I'm left envying your artistic abilities when it comes to drawing.


ShadowClan Leader

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Posts: 1789
RE: Draggie's Journal -Update 2/1 SNL vs Grammys and Skipping ahead in Memories

Yeah, so the Grammys were last night. Don't know if you guys noticed. And Saturday Night Live came on during it. I have to say, I was far more entertained with SNL than the Grammys. Why? Because Payton Manning was flipping hialrious. XD
He was in this skit that was basically a spoof of those NFL "spend time with your kids" commercials. Very funny. At first, it looks like one of those commercials. Up until Manning pegs one of those kids with the football, tells him he sucks, and then has him stay in a portapotty for the rest of the skit. Yes, that's exactly what he did. Throughout the rest of this skit, Manning continues to hit kids with the football and tell the how terrible they are at this sport. Sounds bad, but trust me, its really funny.
I'm pretty sure they used this one trick that the Daily Show used. This trick is to bleep out a word (any word. John Stewart took some guys speech and started editing out random words and it really did sound like he was swearing in those beeps), and that's it. Its not like they're going to have Manning use swear words in front of a bunch of little 8 year old kids.....or maybe they did. O.o
There was more to SNL, but I don't really feel like going on about it.
Just a warning to everyone who is on the younger side, you may need permission to watch this show (not the Grammys, Saturday Night Live).

And now for a bonus.
A chapter of Memories FROM THE FUTURE!! XD

Rekktor pounded on the wall with her fists. The whole cave shook with each blow, but the wall remained standing.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but hitting it isn't working," Blake said.
"Can it, furball. I can feel it giving in."
"It's solid rock."
"Both of you shut up! Rekk, stop hitting the wall. It's clearly not working."
The orange leon turned around and glared at the two humans.
"If you've got a better idea, tell us now. We're not going anywhere," Blake grinned.
Rekktor growled and took a step towards the brown haired human. Blake jumped to his feet and quickly changed into his demon form. The two glared at each other  until Todd stepped between them. He too had taken on his demon form. Being the Ox, he took up about a quarter of the total space in the small, square room.
Blake shrugged sat down with his back against the wall. The black panther looked up at the only torch which was attached to the wall.
"How much oxygen is that thing eating up?"
"Hhow much do we have?" Rekktor asked.
They looked at Todd hoping he would have an answer.
"Hard to say. Talking and hitting walls probably used up a bit. For all I know, the flames my use less than we're using," he said.
"Should we put it out?" Blake asked.
"We need the light right now."
Blake sighed and watched his tail flick. Todd signalled to Rekktor to check the walls. Rekktor looked up at the ceiling, grabbed the torch, and climbed the wall. Blake got up and began to look around for an exit as well. Todd approached the wall Rekktor had beat on. It looked untouched.
The Ox Weapons Master summoned a large war hammer and swung as hard as he could at the wall. Once again, the room shook, but there was no sign of that any damage had been done.
"Do that again!"
"This isn't a time for games, Rekk," Blake growled.
"Just hit the wall again!"
Blake shrugged and Todd swung the hammer again.
They looked up at the leon again. Rekktor ran in circles on the ceiling a couple times before dropping down.
"Careful with that torch!" cried Blake.
Rekktor ignored him.
"I don't think we're still in the caverns," she said.
"Why not," Todd asked.
"When you hit the wall, the whole thing shook and kinda swayed."
"What do you mean swayed?" Blake's ears perked up.
"Like a building would during an earthquake."
"The walls aren't attached to anything," Todd said quietly to himself. "Check out the base of these walls, see if there's a crack or anything."
Rekktor handed the torch over to Blake and began to study the bottom of the walls. It wasn't long before she had found something. A small straight line that circled around the entire room.
"So the walls aren't connected to the floor, nice find... Now what?" Blake asked.
Todd bellowed and charged at the wall. The room tilted and light seeped in from a gap between the wall and ground. Unfortunately, Todd's charge wasn't enough to knock the room down and it fell back into place. Todd rubbed his shoulder.
"I'm going to try it again. After I hit it, you guys come in and hit again. One at a time," he said.
The other two nodded and the Ox warrior charged again. Just before the room started to fall backwards, Rekktor struck it. Blake charged in right after her. Again, it didn't seem to be enough.
"We're never gonna get out!" Blake cried.
"You're so blind," Rekktor laughed.
Before Blake could say anything, Todd walked over to the opposite wall and began to lift it. Someone had placed a rock under the wall before it could fall back. Todd wasn't the only one lifting the wall, a couple others on the opposite side were lifting as well.
Eventually, the entire room fell over. Slaviks watched the trio curiously as they stepped off the rock platform that had been the floor of the room.
"Free at last!" Blake lept ahead of Rekktor and Todd and handed the still burning torch over to one of the snake people. "You can have it," he said.
"Where are we?" Todd asked one of the Slaviks.
"Tera'kor, the largest city on Zipe," it replied.
"Now that's odd," Rekktor looked over at Todd. "Those caverns were deep underground on Hyrbrid II."
"So Fleshripper not only trapped us in a magic box of doom, but teleported us to Zipe as well?" Blake shifted back into his human form. "Does he want us dead or not?"
"He eats his victims, remember? He probably wanted to save us for later," Todd said.
"We'd better hurry back, Bor's all alone with a crazy, blood thirsty demon."
Rekktor growled and slashed the air with her sharp talons. A gate opened where the claws had slashed.
"There's no way you can gate hop from one planet to another without a ship," Blake backed away from the portal.
Todd grabbed him and began to head through the gate.
"Draigar was right, you guys are suicidal! All this for a guy who doesn't even exist?"
"Zi does exist!" Rekktor snarled.
"If he exists, than why hasn't anyone ever heard of him?"
"Because he's being smart and staying low!"
Blake fell silent when Todd spoke. The ugly scars that were scattered all over the Ox's body stood out more when he had shouted. Rekktor looked down.
Never remember, never forget....
"Let's go," she said.
Todd dropped Blake and followed the leon through the gate. Blake stood up and dusted himself off.
"If only the Replik's had listened," he said to himself.

-- The Amazingly Epic Genius, Rekktor

Yes, I'll write about that crazy story soon. I believe I came up with that one a couple years ago....yeah, 8th or 9th grade. It'll be written wierdly since it happened before this story begins, but it is semi important.

Did I really confuse you guys?



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
RE: Draggie's Journal -Update 2/11 Stupid Cold...New Chapter!

AGAIN!! I AM SICK! AGAIN! This has been a bad year for me. Good thing is that as soon as mid-winter break started, I began to feel better. WEWT! Maybe its the medicine, or maybe it's that really wierd weekend illness. I'm sure some of you have had it before. You feel terrible during school. Then, when school's over, you feel great again. It's one of those things that makes your parents think you were faking it jsut to get out of school. But you know you were sick!
But lets get back to this story.
This is kinda a rough draft. I'll get this thing sorted out soon. But, for now, just go with it.
NOTICE!: I'm going to catch you guys up with what happened between the msot recent chapter and the previous chapters. I'm also going to try to move ahead. Lets see if I can do this.

"Yo, Kitten! Wake up!"
Blake grumbled and rolled over.
"Alright, you asked for it."
Bordrolek flipped the bed onto its side. Blake hit the ground with a thud. Groaning, he got up on his feet.
"Do you guys really need me?" he asked.
Bor chuckled, his snow white fangs gleamed in the light. "We're dragging you along just to annoy you."
"Jerk..." Blake punched the tiger-like Wegekai's arm.
It was like punching a rock wall. Bor laughed again as the brown haired human rubbed his hand. Blake followed the 8 foot tall, dark grey Wegekai to where the others were waiting.
Another human boy looked up from the map he was studying. An orange scaled Leon chewed on a Quillet bone not far from him. She looked up and grinned when she saw Blake.
"What's wrong, Kitten? Too early?"
Blake goaned and headed over to the other human.
"Can I please sit this one out? You guys don't really need me. I'll just get in the way."
"If Ferroh could come, then we wouldn't need you," the boy replied.
"So I'm replacing a super furball. Isn't the gorilla cat enough?" Blake nodded towards Bordrolek who was busy doing one handed push ups.
"What are you going to do if you don't come?"
"Sleep in? I dunno. Anything but crazy missions. C'mon, Todd. Can't I have a break?"
"Not this time. Rekk! Bor! Let's go!"
The Leon and Wegekai headed for the door. Blake tried to sneak back to his room, but was caught by Bordrolek.
"Hey man! I can walk!" Blake cried out when Bor slung him over his shoulder.
"Can you walk the right way?"
Blake sighed.
"You gonna fill me in?"
Rekktor opened one of her four eyes. "We're heading to Hybrid II."
"What's there?"
"Hopefully someone important."
Blake shook his head. "We don't even know if the person we're looking for is going to be there? Who are we looking for anyway."
"Someone important," Rekktor growled.
Blake looked over at Bor and Todd, they both shook their heads.
"This must be it," Bor said.
A massive cave leading underground stood before them. It was shaped like the head of some sort of beast.
"The entrance to the Trials of the Abyssal King. A cave carved to look like the King himself. Supposedly, if you listen carefully, you can hear him."
Everyone was silent for a few minutes. A soft gust of wind came from deep within the cave bringing a faint scent of something unrecognizable with it. Bor sneezed and rubbed his nose.
"You sure its safe?" Blake backed up into Rekktor who growled and shoved him foward.
"C'mon Kitten, lets get moving," Bor pushed Blake towards the cave.
Todd signalled to Rekktor to go ahead of them. The Leon trotted deeper into the cave. The tunnel suddenly became steep and curved to the right. Rekktor growled and dug her claws into the rock and began her descent. The light from the entrance quickly faded away as she proceeded.
You better be here, Zi. She thought.
The mystery scent grew stronger, but Rekktor still couldn't tell what it was. The tunnel spiraled downward. Eventually, a faint red-orange glow could be seen. As Rekktor grew closer to the light, the tunnel grew warmer.
The tunnel suddenly opened up into a giant room. Magma ran down the walls into a large pool at the bottom. Rekktor looked down at the magma. It had to be at least a 20 foot drop to the bottom. Rekktor looked up and saw that there was a rock path that led to the other side. The only problem she could see with it was that large chunks of it were missing. Right now, she was standing on a cliff.
A gate opened next to her and a burning lion stepped out followed by an alligator made of rock.
"Recreate the path," she said to them.
The gator grinned and the cracks in his body began to glow the same color of the magma. The lion roared and the magma shot upwards. The magma hovered in midair for a few seconds before stretching and connecting the entrance to the room to the first section of the path. The alligator breathed on the magma which then solidified. The two demons charged ahead. Rekktor cautiously stepped on the new path. It was warm.
More magma rose from the lake as the demons repaired another section. Rekktor sniffed the air. The scent they had smelled at the entrance to the cave was still there, but not as noticeble.
When they reached the end, Rekktor dismissed the two demons. She looked back and saw that the others were there.
"Keep going!" Todd shouted.
Rekktor turned and headed deeper in.
"Six, twelve, three, and four. You know what those numbers represent?"
The emerald dragon stepped off to the side.
"You're not gonna tell me?" Rekktor glared at Sce.
The dragon guardian laughed, his armour rattled.
"The answer to everything is just beyond this door," he said.
Rekktor stepped torwards the giant, stone door. There was a carving on the door. It looked like a Slavik. A serpent like body with two arms. The creature's tail curled behind it. It had two fingers, no thumbs. A mane of hair ran halfway down its back. It appeared to also have tattoos. Rekktor wasn't sure if they represented anything. It seemed to be smiling.
"What you forget will appear on that door."
The temperature seemed to have suddenly dropped. Rekktor found it harder to keep from sliding. The ground seemed to be frozen. She began to move slower. As she put one of her paws down, she slipped. She slid down the spiralling tunnel. The tunnel ended in another large room. The ground curved up like a ramp and Rekktor was launched off of it into a lake of water.
The water was unbelievebly cold. It was probably just a few degrees above freezing. The Leon swam quickly back to the entrance and pulled herself on the frozen rock. Her claws dug into the ice as she looked around the room. Everything was frozen except for the water.
"What's wrong, hybrid? Too cold?"
Rage began to build in Rekktor when she heard the voice. She looked up at the figure standing on a frozen pathway above her.
Fleshripper grinned as the Leon changed into a dark grey dragon like monster. Its six eyes burned bright green.
"Doesn't take much to become one of them does it?" Fleshripper laughed.



Royal Luddy XD

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