Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: --The Four Clans Gazette-- [ISSUE 27 UP! It's huh-yugee!]

RiverClan Leader

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RE: --The Four Clans Gazette-- [Issue NINETEEN Up!]

The Four Clans Gazette
---Issue 20 

Lizzardpaw/fang is strangely the newest, who joined RiverClan not too long ago.
To Lizzardfang, our newest warrior who joined RiverClan not too long ago! 

For this IMO, many users PMed me an answer to this question: Villains. Who is your favorite warrior villain? Which did the deadliest deeds? If you could create a villain to appear in the series, what would it be? Here are their answers!
My favorite villain was Scourge; he was awesome at being evil.

In my opinion, Tigerstar did the deadliest deeds.  
Phantomtalon sounds like a good name for a villain who enjoys killing for fun.

I'd have to say that Scourge would have to have done the worst deeds, but my favorite villain would have to be Tigerstar. I personally do NOT like him, but if I had to pick, it'd be Tigerstar. He's... different. But I thought Scourge was interesting, too. He had a very incredible fighting style, and I loved that. 

Scourge is my absolute favorite! I've become rather fond of him since I read "The Rise of Scourge". :3 But I do also like Tigerstar and Hawkfrost, father and son! xD
If I had an evil character...it'd be a she-cat, most probably. I mean, c'mon! There were NEVER ANY evil she-cats! I'd probably name her something like, Deadheart, or Mysticsong. She'd maybe try and take over the Clans, like Tigerstar did. xD

The next IMO
: Who is your best friend or best group of friends on this site? What users have changed your online experience forever because theyre your besties? Who is very special to you and youd do anything for them even though theyre just a user? Send your thoughts to Moonstar, and your answer most likely will appear in the next issue! Please do not post your answer, PM it to me. ^_-  

User Interview!

TFCG: Brokenstar, why did you leave your home clan to start BrokenClan? 

Brokenstar/Wolf: Ohh -- I love Rv-
SILENCE! *Slap* As for the question, I thought I made it veery clear in the war that StarClan spoke to me about it. There I was, stalking a mouse, when I saw a pool of water, full of wheat, shadow and light. So, naturally, it must have meant that the Clans had to come together -- or else.
Hahaha, funny story. No, what really happened was that he was stalking a mouse, he ran into an old cat, and the cat was rambling on about how the Clans were broken. =)
... *SLAP!* Moron... My story is truth! DON'T BELIEEEVE HIM!!!!

TFCG: Wow... Sounds like you got your hands full. xD
Why do you think Starclan would have sent you that message? 

Brokenstar/Wolf: They didn't -- otherwise he would have won that war thingy.
"War thingy"? Moron... Obviously because the Clans were brokened. They were weak! They needed each others' help to survive -- and StarClan obviously saw this, as well as I! And might I add that I didn't win the "war thingy" only because I began too early -- had I waited a few days, I would have been powerful enough to crush the four Clans.
Riiiiight. How do you explain the fact that you're not in StarClan, if you followed their will, as you say you did?
The cat that was at the receptionist's desk was going blind... and deaf... and stupid... <_< -_- >_> *Shift eyes X6*
Mmhmm; sure. 

TFCG: haha. There's a... receptionist's desk in Starclan? I'd like to meet whoever was working it that day. xD
So how did you feel when you lost? did you feel the urge to try once more before you fell to your death? 

Brokenstar/Wolf: Dead. I felt dead. And holy, because those rocks at the bottom of the gorge were pointy...
Whoa, Brokenstar; you spoke before I did. O_o
Shut. Up. Fool. Anyway, if I felt like trying to win again, I wouldn't have run away. Plus, at that point, pretty much all of my followers had either been killed, injured, or joined back with their respective Clans. Ebonycloud, especially, caused me to lose -- she went rogue in the middle of the fight! >=( If she's listening right now, I will UNT YOU DOWN AND EAT YOUR SOUL!!!
see, that's the type of thing that got you sent to the Dark Foresty Place of Darkness Where Dark Souls Filled With Evilness Go Once They Die. 

TFCG: woah. Big name, there. xD
What would you have done instead, if you knew that you'd die after that battle? Would you change anything you did? Any way you chose to do something?

Brokenstar/Wolf: I call it DFPODWDSFWEGOTD for short. =)
Shush. I would have done everything exactly the same as I did it. After all, it's not as if my quest won't be continued -- just you wait until my children are fully grown. >=(
You have children?
Who do you think Splinteredwood is related to, you buffoon?
Ah; I see now. 

TFCG: So, does this mean the Broken Battle is not over? And if there's more to come, when can we expect it? 

Brokenstar/Wolf: (Server ate my last PM, I think, so...)
Nothing definite yet. I'd have to ask MS about it next time I get the chance.

Hey, moron, she's reading this interview right now -- she knows what the question is.
Idiot. Anyway, the point is, there is no definite answer to the question -- we may or may not continue, depending on whether or not Moonstar approves of the idea.

TFCG: Well, I think another battle would be fun. It would definitely help make more members active. Thank you so much for your time, and good luck with your next master plan! n.n

Brokenstar/Wolf: Totally. ^_^ Thank you for the interview!

Silence -- you do not thank! *Walks away*

Fan Mail!

Dear TFCG,
I know I make this gazette, but I really had to comment on how much I enjoyed Nights poem in the last issue of Graystripe and Silverstream, Miles Apart. She was able to rhyme gracefully, not like a little kid, and everything flowed very smoothly. It was a beautiful poem.Send fan mail on others creations too!Congratulations to this for making it to twenty. Im so proud of it, and I thank all the fans who made this possible. You guys are the best!!
With love,

Dear TFCG,
Oh my gosh! I just love TFCG! One of the things I like about it is the IMO. I love reading the users opinions! I love the drawing section as well!

Dear TFCG,
OLY CANOLIE! I love TFCG! It just brings us all together, and I LOVE that! Good job, guys! Thank you all for bringing this together!

Dear TFCG,
Congrats on making it to a wonderful super-tastic twentieth issue! xDD

Dear TFCG,
Ohmigawds, twenty issues, ALREADY?! Ah, oh well. -hugs TFCG- IT RAWKS BIG TIME, and nothing you say will make me think otherwise! >3

Dear TFCG,

TFCG is awesome, I always anticipate new issues! It's a great magazine and the best way to find out what's going on in the forum, warrior's world, and more, and it's free, I could read millions of issues if there were any! Thanks to Moony and all of TFCG staff for the amazing magazine!

Ask Cinderpelt!

Dear Cinderpelt,

I'm really torn. I have a really good friend, and he likes me, and I like him, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I became really good friends with him this year. I don't want him to know. Apparently he flirts with me when I'm with him, but I don't notice. My friends do, though and tell me, "He was so flirting with you!" What should I do?!


Dear Torn-Apart,

I am no expert on love but I will try to tell you what I know. It seems to me you really care about this boy. He also seems to care a lot about you. Your friendship, as far as I can tell is pretty strong. If he is truly a good friend then saying that you like him wont hurt. If he doesnt really return your affection things might be a bit awkward. I am not going to lie to you about that. But just like most things, it only needs time to heal. But as far as I know he really likes you. Your friends will notice things that you dont. That happens a lot. They seem to know the difference between flirting and just talking. It might be worth it to give it a shot. If it doesnt work out just give it some time to just heal. What is worse, a little bit of awkwardness or never knowing? I am not sure myself but you can decide that for yourself. I hope that any of this has helped you at all.

Always concerned,

Cat of the issue!

By Night

By Flight

The Cat of Issue 19:
Any user on this forum
Send your art/stories/poems/letters/photographs/anything NOW! 

0th Issue!
Yes folks, this is the TWENTIETH ISSUE and the ALL-VILLAIN ISSUE! Weve twenty issues of friendship, fun, and amazingness. I hope our fans truly continue to support this gazette!Thank you for helping us get this far!

Birthday Cards!
Here are the birthday cards sent with love! 

From: Kestreleye 

From: Night 

From: Flight 

Comment from Moonstar:
These birthday cards are amazing. Everybody put so much effort into making their cards and this issue really awesome, and its really touching to see all of these and how much this gazette is appreciated and has expanded. Thank you all so much. I love you guys! We truly have the greatest fans!!!  

-- Edited by Moonstar at 05:50, 2008-09-08



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

Caution: VS (below) may contain spoilers for users who havent completed the Original Series and New Prophecy.
VS: Tigerstar and Hawkfrost
Who was the better villain: Tigerstar or Hawkfrost? Hawkfrost has the evil blood in him, but was it enough to jump into Tigerstars haunted footprints? If you either agree or dont agree about the winner of evilness, you can send me a note about VS in the fan mail! 

Tigerstar: Leader
Hawkfrost: Warrior
Leader is clearly better than a warrior, even if he was a terrible one. The haunting Tigerstar receives the first point! 

Tigerstar: Big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws.
Hawkfrost: Brown tabby tom with a white belly and piercing ice blue eyes.
Although ice blue eyes are definitely a spooky villain trait, having unusually long claws does make your appearance more cruel and villain-like. Another point for Tigerstar! 

Tigerstar: Sasha and Goldenflower. That two-timer!
Hawkfrost: No mate for this evil little kitty!
Tigerstar gets yet another valuable point!  

Tigerstar: Killed Redtail, lied about it, almost killed Ravenpaw, tried to kill Bluestar, got kicked out of his Clan, started a new Clan (BloodClan) and fought against the Clans as leader, had kits, persuaded his kin to become evil by walking in their dreams.
Hawkfrost: Helped Mothwing lie to her Clan about her beliefs, almost succeeded in killing the honorable Firestar.
Well, Hawkfrosts simple, disastrous victories are no match for Tigerstars beyond-cruel achievements. Sorry Hawkfrost! Your father snatched another point! 

Final Scores:
Tigerstar = 3
Hawkfrost = 1
Tigerstar has won! Congratulations!Thanks for reading this issues VS! PLEASE send fan mail on the outcome on whether you agree or disagree! 

Who Am I?
1.   I was an assistant to Hawkfrost, but was killed in the act when a tree fell on top of me. Stupid furballs! Who am I?

I had killed many cats in my lifetime. I was a traitor to all. Yet, somehow ThunderClan agreed to shelter me. And I was shocked when their medicine cat revealed herself as my mother. Even with that information, she killed me with strange berries. Who am I? (Answers in the spoiler below)



When Tigerstar Gets Bored
By Night

Archie vs. Aj!!!
By Twigstorm

Want your comic to appear in an issue? Send them to Moonstar!

Want to Help?

Do you love this gazette and don't want it to die? The only way to keep it alive is to send stuff! Here are some things you could do to support TFCG!
-post a reply on this thread
-send an Ask Cinderpelt question
-send Moonstar your answer for IMO
-send a comic
-send a story (story cannot exceed 2 pages)
-send fan mail
-send Ravenpaw letters/poems/art/stories/anything for the Cat of the Issue!
-send your ideas to make this gazette even better!

-- Edited by Moonstar at 05:53, 2008-09-08



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

WindClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 1452
RE: --The Four Clans Gazette-- [Issue TWEEENTYYY Up!]

Neat issue; my favorite part was the interview. =P Like, that Broken Battle continuation sounds interesting... and stuff...
BTW, Night's comic didn't show up -- I think its at an appointment.


WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

I love the new issue Moony!!! Tis so funny!!!!! I loved every bit of it!! Keep up the awsome work!!!!



ShadowClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 4373

I love you! OwO;;;
OMF this great!!!
*huggles Scourge and runs off with him into the sunset*

This is my wonderful competitive Pokemon team.
Sprites from PokemonElite2000.com

RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2635

Amazing! That was really great, Monnstar! ^w^



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790

D'aw, Moony, you really liked my poem? :'3


Heh, that interview was funny. x3

Oh, dang, it's gonna be hard to pick which cat to draw for next issue... >w<;;

Well, in my books, Tigey and Hawk are equal. <3

I just realized I'm commenting for almost every section... xD;



We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

RiverClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 5351

*Fan girl scream*
*Ps, only my Davie gets my fan girl screams XD*
This issue contains the following-
Awesomeness x3
Funniness XD
Great art =3
Plus A LOT more!!1
But let's not forget what made this issue so great!
All the peoples who read and enjoy!!! XD




ThunderClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 2806

Dude, Nighty, no WAI...my Scourge piccy is SUCKISH!!!! xD I sent it in cuz...well, I knew Mooneh needed more stuff...and plus I was feeling random!!!! xD

WEWT for rainbow b-day cards.





ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

@Wolf: Yeah, I don't know why it didn't show up. DX
But I'm glad you liked it! The interview was rather strange, yet amusing. xD

@Ebonners: Thank you SO MUCH! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! ^^

@Shadowstorm: Lol Scourge lovvers you toos! ^^ I'm glad you love it.

@Vally: THANK YOU!!! I appreciate it! :D

@Night: Of course, I heart your poem! And yeah, once again, I don't know why it didn't. D= And say thanks to Wolf/Brokenstar and Lilypaw for the interview! All them! Lol, I can't wait to see your idea. And Hawks just didn't rank as bad as Tigey when I compared them. XD
It's okay, I loves it when people comment for every section!!! And I very much enjoyed both of your pictures!

@Twigtwacks: THANK YOU SO FLIPPING MUCH! I so appreciate it! I'm glad you loved it! :]

@Flightz: Are you kidding? Your Scourge pic is amazing! Lol, rainbow is a winner, isn't it? =P



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

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