"You like him ow get off me, so u do like him does he know/" Dawnpaw mewed jumping in the air up and down "Wait you were a medicene cat so how could u like him?''
He looks around the room Innocently overlooks the truth Shouldn't a light go on? Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?
He sees everything black and white Never let nobody see him cry I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine
"I wasn't always a medicine cat and just because I was a medicine cat doesn't meen I dont have feelings"she spat.Her swirl going down to pink."I don't know if does or not"
Tabbystripe looked uncomfortably at the cats. "Er, why dont we move to the garden?" she said, getting up and settling among the herbs, the grsss was soft, and would surely help eisley a little. Tabbystripe herself didnt really like the concrete.