OOC: Well, Tabbystripe, Falcondance and lilypaw got out of battle while ebonystar and silverstep are at moonpool. I'll pretend I scented you on the way home. Are you fireleaf in this too, and is your gender the same as the old rp? IC: Tabbystripe scented the air. It was so familiar, but a bit different ,smelling of unfamiliar places and herbs. Soon she confirmed it. "Fireleaf!" she burst out. She ran to WindClan camp, where the scent led, not waiting for an answer. she burst through camp and saw Fireleaf. "Your back! Did you face any trouble, and how many herbs did you find?" she asked.
OOC: okay ,yeah i am. ;) IC: Tabbystripe sighed;. "That's terrible, all that for nothing?' she replied. "A lot happened while you were gone, windclan seem to have gotten smaller, I became a kittypet, then just came back today, and now rogues are beginning to invade our territory, I just got out of battle back there. Thank StarClan your back, though. WindClan needs you most right now. Silverstep is a medicine cat with you, too. She became medicine cat after I left, because you were on the journey, leaving the Clan without a medicine cat."
"Icepaw!" Tabbystripe yowled. When Tabbystripe had been a medicine cat, too, Icepaw was both Fireheart and hers apprentice. Now it would be silverstep and fireheart's. "Listen to what Fireheart told you. It's dangerous going out on your own, and our leader's gone to the moonpool!"
Lilypaw twitched her tail irritably. "Fine, you can laugh," she snapped. "But don't come begging to us for help the next time you get ambushed by rouges." She turned her back to him.
Silverstep snapped her eyes open. Beside her, Ebonycloud was stirring. Or was it Ebonystar now? She probably shouldn't have been dreaming, not when her leader was receiving his lives. But the vision was so real....What if it was important? Silverstep didn't know if she could figure it out alone. She would have to ask Tabbystripe, maybe she would know. Stretching her tired limbs, she got up and padded over beside Ebonycloud, who was blinking awake.
Ebonycloud opened his eyes gravely. They held the wisdom of Starclan in them, yet the dread of the coming furute. He sighed softly and turned to Silverstep. He wouldnt be able to talk to her until they left the cave. He gently rested his tail on her shoulder and padded away. The path of the tunnel was familiar by now. He glanced back to see her follow behind. The tunnel was dark and winding but he remembered the way out. He thought for a moment. He was now leader of Windclan. He was now Ebonystar.