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TOPIC: Doom/Halo: World's End [T; PM; ACCEPTING 7 PEOPLE] [Started]

WindClan Warrior

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Posts: 1452
Doom/Halo: World's End [T; PM; ACCEPTING 7 PEOPLE] [Started]
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From BlizzardWolf RP Productions

Year 2060, June 6th:
Monsters. Everywhere I look... monsters. Not just your average industrial monsters; oh, no. These are far worse. Zombies... phantoms... demons, even. Why, Hades must be quite angered with us; for he has set the very bottom feeders of the Underworld upon the human race. Those long dead have risen once more... creatures believed only to be myth have come... and all the while, we remain helpless as they ravage us...

Year 2070, July 7th:
Approximately 52 humans remain alive in Kansas. It is impossible to tell which part of the state we are in; after all, those... things have left very few, if any, of the landmarks that would show us where we are. Nonetheless, we live in relative peace.
We have established a base here; for the last ten years, it has proved successful at shielding us from the monsters. We have weapons; we have food; and we have shelter. What more could one want in this terrible time?
Of course, we face several problems. Our provisions are thinning; we are getting low on ammo. Soon, I fear we may have to move.

What's that sound? It sounds like claws against metal... Probably one of those things, trying to break in... We've had several of those, you know; usually, they are killed with ease. Lately, though, they have proved to be even more aggressive. Are they low on their own food? Is their urge to destroy becoming too much for them? Only time will tell...


Basically, demons from the Underworld have invaded Earth, destroying almost everything and leaving very few humans alive. We are the survivors of Kansas. At the beginning, we will try to replenish our supplies, although time may hold other pathes for us...

Goals include:
-Replenishing food, ammo, etc.
-Reinforcing defences.
-Finding a way to trap the demons and such.
-Stay alive!
-Others may come up later.

We have suffered 2 causualties.


To join, you simply fill out this form, and PM it to either me or Blizzardclaw.

Name: (First and last name)
(Male or female)

Weapon[s] of choice*:

Other information:

Note that some weapons are more effective against certain monsters than others, such as a sword would be more effective against a zombie than it would against a Phantom.

Weapons list:

These are weapons that you are allowed to have in the RP. More to be added later on.

Regular weapons:
-Certain types of explosives
-[Sub-]Machine Guns
-[Sniper] Rifles

Halo weapons:
-Beam Rifle
-Brute Shot
-Plasma grenades
-Assault Rifle
-Brute Spiker
-Plasma Rifle

Doom weapons:


[1] Listen to the Game Masters. Their decisions are (usually) final. If you have a problem with one of our decisions, PM me or Blizzardclaw, and we'll compremise.

[2] No flaming or spamming. If you have a problem with someone, take it up wiht them via PM.

[3] No godmoding. As they say, you can't win 'em all; sometimes, you are going to get hurt, and there's no getting around it.

[4] If you do not post within a week and a half (10 days), you will be kicked out, unless we were told otherwise.

[5] There is a 10 person limit.

[6] Do not center the RP around your character. Likewise, don't metagame (as in, if someone's character does something or thinks something, or if someone says something OOCly, your character can't suddenly know it).

There is, for the msot part, no set path for the story. Meaning, the RP could go in several different directions.

[8] Keep in mind, this RP will get moderately mature sometimes (such as blood and death.)

[9] Have fun!

[10] All forum rules apply.

[11] Please, for the sake of my sanity and ability to effectively moderate the thread, keep it moving at a slowish pace. I understand you people and your passions for role-playing, but I will not be able to help with the thread if it gains 5+ pages every five minutes.


We are following a four strike policy. Every time you break a major rule, you will get a strike. On your fourth strike, you are out permanantly.

First offence: A warning; possibly a weapon taken away.
Second offence: Second warning; a moderate injury.
Third offence: Five day ban; major injury. possible character death, if big enough offence. New character may be made if character is killed.
Foruth offence: Permanant banning from RP. Character killed and zombified.

In opposition of the above, several rewards will be given to players who:
-Follow the rules
-Listen to the GMs
-Help other players
-Are good sports
-Are, overall, just good people

Rewards range from new weapons, special information about creatures and such, background information about the story, and others.

Game Masters/Staff:
Game Masters are the staff of the RP. They can be turned to when you have a question, need help, or other such things.
These are the Game Masters for World's End:

More to be added later.

-- Edited by Wolf at 20:50, 2008-07-11

-- Edited by Wolf at 20:59, 2008-07-11

-- Edited by Wolf at 21:00, 2008-07-11

-- Edited by Wolf at 21:21, 2008-07-11

-- Edited by Wolf at 21:42, 2008-07-11

-- Edited by Wolf at 00:26, 2008-07-12

-- Edited by Wolf at 20:03, 2008-07-12

-- Edited by Wolf at 20:28, 2008-07-12

-- Edited by Wolf at 21:36, 2008-07-12

-- Edited by Wolf at 06:00, 2008-07-13

-- Edited by Wolf at 03:01, 2008-07-22

-- Edited by Wolf at 02:28, 2008-07-27

-- Edited by Wolf at 23:12, 2008-08-10

-- Edited by Wolf at 05:37, 2008-08-15


ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
RE: Doom/Halo*: World's End [T; PM] [In progress; not accepting yet]
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Monster List:

Land Sharks: Giant sharks that dwell underground and in water.
-Sand Sharks: Lives mainly on land.
-Blizzard Sharks: Can be found in cold areas.
-Cavern Sharks: Lives deep unerground and within large tunnels on the surface.

Soul Demons: Gray scaled, six-eyed, lizard like demons that devour souls. Believed to be the reason that the zombies are able to exist.

Mutant Creatures: Animals that have mutated and become incredibly aggressive and blood thirsty.

Prehistoric Zombies: Ancient, extinct creatures that have risen from their graves.

Dragons: The giant, winged, lizard-like beasts who breathe fire.

Mutated Plants: Plants that have mutated and will attack anything that comes close.

Werewolves: The savage wolf-men whose only thoughts are to kill.

Hydra: The multiheaded, acid spitting lizards that never have less than three heads.

Chimera: Three types
- Version 1: Lion body/head, eagle wings, goat head that sticks out from back inbetween the wings, snake for a tail.
- Version 2: Lion body, eagle wings, 3 heads (center: lion, left: eagle, right: snake), lion tail.
- Version 3: (custom) Lion body/head, eagle wings, crocodile head that sicks out from the back inbetween the wings, hydra head for tail.

Life Force Parasites: Large reptile like parasites that drain thier prey of life.

Phantoms: Ghost like creatures that are able to touch and move objects. Extremely dangerous. Laser-type weapons seem to ave the greatest effect against them.

Zombies: Reanimated bodies, usually of humans.

Cyber Imps: Cyborg like demons that are equipped with several different types of weapons.

Puppeteers: Strange creatures capapble of taking possessing life and moving it around againts its will.

Gyroul: Name of a demon leader. A large, muscular, lizard-like demon with short, dull but rough spikes protruding from wrists, arms, back, and head. Four large curved tusks jut out from his mouth, two from his bottom jaw and two from his upper jaw.

Arkana: The midnight blue armoed, six foot tall Demon Prophet of Greed. His armor features mirrors where his face should be, where his stomachis, and two larger mirror shields on the backs of his hands. He rides the largest and most dangerous Land Shark as his personal steed, and his voice is light as the breeze of night, yet dangerous as poison.

-- Edited by Wolf at 05:21, 2008-08-15



Royal Luddy XD

ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
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Character list:

Name: Jake Nya
Gender: Male
Appearence: 5'8" Medium length brown hair, slightly tanned. Slightly slanted, dark blue eyes. Usually wears a brown coat over a white shirt, blue jeans and black shoes.
Personality: Gets annoyed very easily. Usually keeps look out during the night, as he is not able to sleep with the knowledge of the monsters lurking around. Sometimes acts like he's a bit full of himself.
Weapon[s] of choice: Beam Rifle, pistol
Born in a small town due south-east of the base. Was a soldier in Iraq for a couple of years, and does not usually talk about his time there. Aside from that, he rarely talks about his past.
Other information: Extremely efficient with a gun; even more so wiht a Sniper Rifle.

Name: Deyna Grey
Age: 24
Appearence: 5'6" Short blond hair. Wears jeans and a football jersey of his own team with white shoes. Has light blue eyes.
Personality: Wonders if all of the monsters are actually out to destroy the humans. Usually calm and relaxed.
Weapon[s] of choice: Assualt Rifle, Carbine
History: Lived most of his life in Oregon. Moved to Kansas just before the monsters attacked.
Other information: Pretty muscular from playing as a linebacker in football. Has fairly good aim with a gun.

Name: Mystery Jenkins
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearence: Brown hair, dark purple eyes, tall, and thin
Personality: Humorous, blunt, and daring
Weapon[s] of choice*: pistol, shot gun
History: Was a spy for the government, born in a city of crime
Other information: none

Name: Sam Snyder
Age: 20
Appearence: Honey blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin
Personality: Very rebelious; loves to fight monsters
Weapon[s] of choice*: 2 swords
History: She has lived with a foster family since she was 3, and her foster father was mean to her -- she once punched him in the nose. Later learned to take care of herself.
Other information: Very good with swords and drives a Vanquish.


Name: Claire Harvey
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearence: A tall, fit girl with brown hair and light freckles. Blue eyes.
Personality: She trusts others easly, and is a good listener. Will talk for hours if that's what you want her do do. Ask her to do something? She'll gladly do it. [If you've read Stephanie Meyer's "The Host", She's like Wanda/Wanderer]
Weapon[s] of choice: Assault Rifle, Plasma Grenade
History: Claire had lived happily with her mother. Her father was a soldier in War, and died serving his country. Her Mother died in the monster attack. She kept a notebook to record everything that happens to them. For past referance, memories, and maybe [If everything goes back to normal] to be published into a book.
Other information: She's older than her age mentally, and dosn't mind the age difference with the survivors.

-- Edited by Wolf at 20:18, 2008-07-20

-- Edited by Wolf at 03:00, 2008-07-22

-- Edited by Wolf at 06:12, 2008-07-28

-- Edited by Wolf at 23:13, 2008-08-10

-- Edited by Blizzardclaw at 07:03, 2008-08-13



Royal Luddy XD

ThunderClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 564
RE: Doom/Halo*: World's End [T; PM] [ACCEPTING 8 MORE!!!]
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Name: Mystery Jenkins
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearence: Brown hair, dark purple eyes, tall, and thin
Personality: Humorous, blunt, and daring
Weapon[s] of choice*: pistol, shot gun
History: Was a spy for the government, born in a city of crime
Other information: none



WindClan Warrior

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Posts: 1452
RE: Doom/Halo: World's End [T; PM; ACCEPTING 7 PEOPLE] Begins at 2:30 P.M. Pacific Time
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OOC: Time to start!

IC: Jake sat still as a stone, leanign against the wall behind him. In front of him sat a clear view of the now ravaged Kansas... Somewhere. Without any of the natural landmarks, it was impossible to tell where he and the other survivors of the Kansas purge were staying; all that was left was the castle like building that they called home.
He sighed, and closed his eyes, dwelling on what had happened in his lfie over the past ten years. He realized with a jolt that it had been a decade since the demons had first appeared. He was surprised that they had even had enough time to build this stronghold...
His eyes shot open as a ghostly moan followed the blowing wind toward his position. Clutching his Beam Rifle, he scanend the area before him for the Phantom; one of the most deadly creatures... He stood up, and went over to the railing. Nothing.
He narrowed his eyes; he would not be caught off guard.


ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
RE: Doom/Halo: World's End [T; PM; ACCEPTING 7 PEOPLE] [Started]
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Deyna wandered around the inside of the base. So far, he hadn't found much to do today. Wonder if Jake's found anything, he thought. He headed outside of the building and looked around. "Jake?" He called softly.



Royal Luddy XD


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Posts: 1050
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Sam got up and walked out of her room to find Mystery.
"Mystery?"she called in a soft voice.
"where are you?"
she called


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WindClan Warrior

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Posts: 1452
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IC: Jake turned around in a flash, startled, at tthe sudden sound of Deyna's voice. He relaxed as he saw him approaching. Motioning for him to come over, as well as signaling to be quiet, he went back to searching the surrounding area for the Phantom.
"What is it?" Deyna asked quietly.
"A Phantom," Jake said softly. "Blasted things; the last one that I met took out half of my company. I won't let that happen again."
A few more moments passed, and the former soldier began to make out the shape of one of the ghost-liek things. He took careful aim, and fired. It let out a scream like a banshee, and all was silent.
"Bingo," Jake whispered.


ShadowClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 1789
RE: Doom/Halo: World's End [T; PM; ACCEPTING 6 PEOPLE] [Started]
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"Nice shot! Good thing we found something that affects those guys." Deyna said as he listened to the Phantom scream.
"Aren't you worried that he might attract some attention? I don't want those big demons coming here right now, especially thosse dang Hydras!"



Royal Luddy XD

WindClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 1452
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IC: Jake stared off into the distance for a moment, and then replied, "I wouldn't worry; it's too far away from here to actually attract anything towards here."
He set the rifle up against the wall, and sat down again.
"So, what did you come up here for?"


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