TOPIC: Lightpaw and his scarey jounery of true love
There is a cat that was in my old stories his name is flowerpeddle-A pink tom with purple stripes and pink eyes.Should he be in my storie???? [3 vote(s)]
Leader:Bloodstar:A Orange and purple (Tom)cat with one eye is purple and the other one is orange
Deputy:Pantherscar: A black (She)cat with a giant bloodey scar on her right eye, her eyes are pink.(Mother of Fourkit and Mudkit.)
Medcine cat:Deathheart:A black and red (She) with pitch black eyes.(She kind of looks like darth vader.)
Warriors:Tigerfang:A orange and black (Tom) with giant fangs,his eyes are orange. Graycloud:A gray (Tom) cat with a cloud shape on both sides of his pelt with white eyes. Brownstripe:Brown (Tom) cat with Blonde stripes down his pelt .(Father of Lightpaw.) Mousestorm:A blue (Tom)ith black eyes (Best mouse cather Puddleclan)
Apprentices:Lightpaw:A dark black (Tom) cat with white eyes. Whirlpaw:A rainbow colored (She) cat with gray eyes. Saborpaw:A brown (tom)cat with teeth like a sabortooth tigers,with green eyes Spiritpaw:A white (She) cat died at birth but was broughtback to life by Deathheart,her eyes are liteblue.(now has the sharpest teeth and sharpest claws.)
Queen:Heatherclaw: A brown (She) cat with blue eyes.(Mother of Lightpaw.)
Elders:Oneear: A mustardey yellow (Tom) one ear only with yellow eyes Whiteclaw,A red (She) cat with white eyes
Kits:Fourkit:a yellow (She) kit with four tails orange eyes Mudkit:A brown (Tom) kit mud stain will not come out,orange eyes.
Lightpaw was playing with his friends Saborpaw and Whirlpaw. Spiritpaw padded in and bumped into Saborpaw. "Watch it." Saborpaw mewed. "Youwatch were you are playing." Spiritpaw hissed. "We are sorry." Lightpaw mewed. "Im not."Saborpaw mewed. "Leave us alone." Spiritpaw mewed. "Help!"
"i did." Mudkit meowed,As he ran out of camp. "Whats with him." Whirlpaw mewed. "I know,look." Spiritpaw mewed. Everyone looked at the pack of dogs. "Hey guys, Me and Whirlpaw will go get Mudkit and Fourkit and bring them back into camp,will Spiritpaw and Lightpaw go fight of those dogs." Saborpaw mewed. So Lightpaw and Spiritpaw padded over to the dogs and saw all of the warriors and Pantherscar, and Bloodstar fighting them and right when they got there they saw the leader of the dogs had throwen Pantherscar across the camp.
Spiritpaw ran over to the leader of the pack of dogs and slashedhis back side. The dog yelped. Pantherscar turned she had heard the yelp and ran over to help the two apprentices. "What are you doing here go safe yourself."Pantherscar hissed. "No way we are going to fight,right Lightpaw." Spiritpaw mewed. "Right." Lightpaw mewed. Spiritpaw ran over to the leader again and pulled his paw until she heard a loud crack.