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TOPIC: Twiggy's Art River!! ~11/12/11

RiverClan Deputy

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Posts: 5351
RE: Twiggy's Art River!! ~South Park Rules Haha:3~

What Inspires Me?~

TBF.png picture by BarkyVoo
Well, lots of things [mainly fandoms] have inspired my art to what it is today :3
Pokemon got me started drawing, I didnt draw them long, but I owe 'em a lot for getting me started :3
Then my Sonic fandom got so far I started to draw them [Or atleast try] I never got good at it, but it also helped open my mind to creative things
Warriors then came- causing me to draw cats and animals, this has been what I've worked on for maybe 2 years now, I've seen a lot of progress in my cats:3 Not exactly how I want it right now, but its working.
Music's been a huge impact to my art, it just helps me get emotion in my pictures as I draw them, might not show, but it helps me get motivated.
Annnddd South Park, this fandom has opened my mind to cartoonish people, I actually adore how I draw 'em:3 To me i seem to get better everytime. I just started drawing this style and I love how its following along so far heart.gif
Soo, this is just a picture of all the things that have helped me become the artist I am today X3

Btw, Kenny James McCormick plushie FTW XD [I have one irl haha]





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Posts: 1953

.......... okay... well you have an obbsestion with southpark, i have an obsestion with D.N.Angel and Yu-Gi-Oh! and other things that don't come to mind right now.


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

RiverClan Deputy

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Posts: 5351

Bug eyed Paper people [SP] for the win XD
Well, we all have obsessions now dont we all? :3




ShadowClan Warrior

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Posts: 4045

I like Dark on DNAngel! One of the students at my school told me to draw him!




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Posts: 1953

LEGAPS YOU READ THAT MANGA?! I LOVE THAT MANGA! riku and daisuke are my fav!


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

ShadowClan Warrior

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Posts: 4045

You kidding?! I watch it on You Tube! It's cool!




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Posts: 1953

you should read the manga! IT HAS A REALLY COOL CHARATER IN IT.


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

ShadowClan Warrior

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Posts: 4045





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Posts: 1953

go onto onemanga.com. they have 57 of the chaps there.


"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.

ShadowClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 4045

OMG you're right! It's amazing!



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