My first bf (in 6th grade) broke up with me, then asked my best friend out a week later. I had to watch them do all the mooshy love-y stuff IN FRONT OF ME :'[
Then another bf (last year [7th grade]) broke up with me FOR ANOTHER BEST FRIEND. what the fish?
I guess I just have bad luck with guys. xD
Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3
Thanks... I know, it's horrible. Actually, I forgot to mention, a huge reason I'm upset also is because when I was texting him and telling him how I felt and how I missed being best friends with him, he didn't seem to care at all. That hurt so much. Then he stopped answering my questions after a while. I can't believe he just like, threw out our friendship. I miss it so muchhh.
June 28th, 2009 11:48 PM OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I JUST GOT BACK FROM A JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT AND IT WAS THE BEST CONCERT OF MY LIFEE THUS FARRRR. OHMYGOSH. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! I went into it like, "okay, I was in love with them last year and this'll be fun" but i came out like "HOLYYYCRAAAAPPP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AGAIN" it was honestly THAT good. i went with my mom and my friend rachel. i knew every song and was dancing so much and jumping and lip synching andthey were all really hot and stuff and they really got us into it and Nick made me freaking cry when he had that diabetes talk... ;__; my favorite part was Fly With Me because... i dont even know. it just really hit me and i felt carefree and had so much freakin fun. i love th jobros. man. that was AMAAZINGG! and i got a t shirt and a free lanyard :))
~~ If it's you ad me forever If it's you and me right now I'll be alright I'll be alright ~~
PETER PAN AND WENDY TURNED OUT FINEEEE SO WONT YOU FLYYYYYYYYYEEAYYYEYYYY WITH MEEEE? hahaha. mkay! *is calm* *sort of* *okay i lied* *except PSYCH* *hahaha!* *you fell for it!* *okay now i really am done.* *seriously*
September 1st, 2009 5:55 PM Well school started. My schedule sucks. Haha xDD It would be a whole lot better if I had Luke or Chris in ANY of my classes! I DO NOT LIKE LUKE ANYMORE- but i REALLY like him in my classes. He's so much fun to talk to and stuff. And he's hilarious. So yeah. But Chris, according to Karma (cus i didn't see him at all, Luke i even saw a glimpse of once) grew his hair out to the cute length. If i started liking Chris again (when i see him, since we all have lunch together and there was no lunch today) then i would want a class with him. And since i don't have one, i would be upset. I love how i still have boy problems when i haven't even seen them. hah. xD i'm such a loser. anyways i have at least one friend of mine in each class... but three of my classes are HORRIBLY eighth grade-infested. THREE OF THEM! It's truly horrible. I want classes of only ninth graders. Anyways. That's all.
~~ You don't know me You don't even care You don't know me You don't wear my chains ~~
-- Edited by Moonstar on Wednesday 2nd of September 2009 12:55:39 AM
wow a week! hahah yeah ours was a bit late... but we usually start later, so this was a disappointment. aww poor yous! that's no fun! no friends = laame. yeahh. haha. and thanks! :]