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TOPIC: Hogwarts :: First Year :: Spots open! Post if you'd like one :: Post Please!

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RE: Hogwarts :: First Year :: Full :: First Posts needed from Timbersong and Dusky :: Started! GET YOUR BUTTS ON THE TRA
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Reginald stared at the girls for a moment before he turned to Jayden and grinned. "I am glad i am not the only male in this compartment." He felt a swat on his arm and he sent a devilsh grin to Ebbs. "Sorry old chap, i meant we are glad we arent the only males in this compartment." He laughed happily. "I am Reginald Wilkins, but you guys can just call me Reggie. My name just sounds to stuck up." He turned and tickled Ebbs' black tummy. The long leg cat meowed and swatted his hands.



RiverClan Warrior

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"Oh my gawd, me too!" Brooke laughed, "I can't believe how freaked my parents were. I swear I gave them both heart attacks." She reached in her bag and threw the Sweedish Fish at the new girl. "Name?" She asked, finishing her stitches. She felt the train un-hitch from the tracks, and was surprised to be leaving soon. About ten minnutes, and they'd probobly be off. She couldn't be sure, though. She loved the way her uniform was turning out.

ooc: I'm gonna draw a picture of how she made her uniform. n.n


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



ThunderClan Leader

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Hogwarts :: First Year :: Full :: First Posts needed from Timbersong and Dusky :: Started! GET YOUR BUTTS ON THE TRAIN!
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Lucifer was sitting in his grandparent's old, hot-rod red car, staring at the short shower of rain that cascaded outside the safety of his car. He thought about how this all started, and how he would be going away to a school he had never even heard about, and how excited his granpa was.


"Oh Luuuucifeeeeeer~" Sang his mother from downstairs, calling him to breakfast. Who wouldn't wake up with a cheerful outlook on life with a beautiful voice singing to call you down to breakfast? Lucifer sprang lightly out of bed and put some of his most comfortable and favorite clothes on. His vacation was almost over, and he would be going to 6th grade the next year. His birthday had been on July 11th, and although he didn't get anything expensive, he didn't care. As he hopped down the stairs he say his mother humming away while frying what smelled like a delicious breakfast on the stove.
"Good morning Mum~ Good morning Dad~" Lucifer smiled at his parents as he walked into the little bar/island that he loved to eat at. His mom replied with a cheerful 'Good morning' while his dad just grunted. "Daddy, aren't you happy? Look at the leaves outside, they're all pretty and red and golden.
"Hmph." His dad ignored him and continued reading his newspaper.
"Daddy, it's a nice day outside, won't you go play with me?" Lucifer walked up to his father and gently tugged his shirt sleeve.
"Don't bother me! Go away and eat." He glowered at the paper and decidedly turned away minutely from his son. Lucifer's face crumpled and his mom quickly reassured him,
"Daddy just got up on the wrong side of the bed Lucifer. It's all right." She smiled at him, and he couldn't help smiling back. As he sat down and began to eat, he heard his big sister's footsteps clomping down the stairs.
"Hey Sis, good morning~" He smiled, talking with his mouth half-full of bacon and eggs.
"Shut up little Lucy and leave me alone!" She snatched her breakfast and almost knocked into his little sister, Lillian, who was coming down for breakfast. "Watch it!" The older sister snarled to the younger one. Lillian quickly flinched out of the way and dashed down to Lucifer.
"Oh, it's alright Lilly, Jane is just a bit grumpy today." Their mother, Sally, replied, handing Lilly her breakfast. Lilly, a nine-year-old, dug in gratefully.
The windows were open, letting in the warm autumn sunlight. Suddenly, a tawny owl flew into the kitchen, knocking a glass of water over as it hopped about on the table, spinning in circles in front of Lucifer. "Oh!" Squeaked his mother, while his dad tried his best to ignore it.
Lucifer [c]ocked his head at the owl and said, "What are you doing here?" The owl stopped and looked at him, showing a pale, yellowed letter in its beak. "Is this for me?" Lucifer asked the owl, wondering if it would understand him. The owl dropped the letter, making sure that Lucifer had picked it up, and then turned and flew back out the window. Lucifer stared at the window where it had gone, and then looked down to the letter in his hands.

Luficer James Kaluf
5269 Oak Lane,
Dennis, Cape Cod
The Kitchen

Wow. They knew where he was? How could 'they', whoever they where, know where he would be when he got the letter?

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Lysander

I'm pleased to tell you that you've been accepted to Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I ask that you have all the required items in order before the starting date of September 1st. In this letter is one train ticket from; Dennis, Cape Cod; to the school. Your train number is Nine and Two Thirds (9 2/3). We look forward to seeing you in one small month!

Mrs. Aphrodite
Deputy Headmaster

After he had read the letter, in fact, a few really short seconds after he had read the letter, his father had snatched it from him and read it, his face growing angrier every moment. "I knew it!" He shouted, slamming the letter on the table, his face red.
"What's wrong James?" His mother asked, taking the letter. As she read it, her face grew brighter. She grinned. "This is wonderful Lucifer! I didn't think you had it, especially not after Jane was skipped." Her grin was stretching from ear to ear. A few years before, when Jane should have gotten the letter, she told her oldest daughter that she would be going to a special school. When Jane didn't go, her mother was crushed, and Jane became the irritable person that she was. "That's wonderuuuul~ I'll take you to get your things as soon as I finish with the dishes." She began humming again, louder, and more cheerful.
"You will take him NOWHERE!" His father shouted, and both Lucifer and Lily flinched. "I want no more magic in this family! NONE. I will lead a normal life, and so will my children!"
Lily interrupted, awestruck. "Lucifer knows magic? Lucifer, teach me, teach me!" She began tugging on his sleeve.
"NO!" James shouted, almost pouncing on her. Lucifer immediately spread his arms out in front of his sister, protecting her from any painful blows that his father might have sent her way.
"James, please! Calm down. I WILL take Lucifer to get the supplies. If he does not want to go, that is fine, and he won't. But I WILL give him a choice." Her voice hardened to a tone that he had never heard her use outside of to Jane when she bullied him and Lily.That quieted James.
"Fine. Take him to learn your silly magic. Take him away from me like you almost took away Jane." He scowled deeply and turned back to his newspaper, turning the pages violently. Suddenly, from upstairs, a sobbing that couldn't be heard through the shouting of James was heard. Jane had heard what was going on.
"Oh no..." His mother sighed. Her face hardened as she turned to James. "It's your fault she's crying, with all this shouting you've been doing. YOU go take care of her." James slammed his paper down and, grumbling all the way, stomped up the stairs to Jane's room.
"C'mon Lucifer, get some nice clothes on." His mother winked at him. "You'll like where we're going."

His mother had gotten ready smiling and humming, as if the previous events, other than the receiving of the letter, had occurred. They both got into the car, and his mother drove to a place in between two walls. She got out and said, "This is the place." Lucifer looked from side to side, but saw nothing other than abandoned warehouses. "Mum? Where are we going?" He asked, confused.
"You'll see." She said, smiling. Then she stepped to the mortar holding the two buildings together, and as if it wasn't there, grabbed something farther into the wall and pulled out a door. Well, not really pulled it out, but she opened it. Lucifer blinked, and suddenly he could see a tavern in front of him where before was nothing but two warehouses.
"WOAH!" He shouted, nearly jumping up in his excitement. His mother beamed and led him through. She nodded to a few people wearing strange clothes looking melancholy. When they saw him though, the smiled a little. He was confused, but his mother gave him no time to ponder and quickly pulled him through a side door which led to a dead end made completely of bricks. She pulled a small, smooth stick which whittled to a point and tapped fourteen different bricks. She stepped back, putting the small stick back in her purse and watched, completely calm, as the bricks practically dissolved and made a pathway for them. Lucifer said nothing, already ready for anything else completely amazing and unbelievable. They stepped into a street which was teeming with people. She saw a boy with dark ginger hair and green eyes(or so he assumed, since he only saw one. xD) carrying boxes and who had a black cat clinging to his shoulder. (Loool. Guess whoo. xD)

His mother led him briskly to a building which had BANK printed in big black letters. He followed her in, and she told him, "I had been saving money for Jane, but since she won't need it, you can have it, as well as Lily, if she joins us." 'Us'. What did 'us' mean? She just rushed him on, and so he had no time to ask. She talked to one of the helpers, a strange creature which he had no name for, and it handed his mum many coins, none of which he recognized.

She led him into a shop, or at least, that's what he presumed it was, full of bubbling...cauldrons, he had no other word for it. She led him straight to a desk, not stopping to look at the bubbling potions with colors so mesmerizing, he could hardly drag his gaze from their ever-changing depths. "One standard-size pewter cauldron for my Lucifer." She beamed at him while the man at the desk brought her a big cauldron. "It's best to get the cauldron first, because then you can put everything else inside it." He followed her, and they fitted him for a robe, then got the books while they waited for the robe to be made. They picked up his robe, got a trunk for him to put his things in, and then went to a shop teeming with animals. He instantly perked up, this time pulling his mother through the shop.
"Do I really get a pet?" He asked her, happily.
"Of course." She smiled at him, enjoying this as much as he was. He pulled her through the shop, looking at all the animals, so adorable, some fierce-looking. A brown cat spotted his eye. He dashed towards it. It was a dark brown tabby, with light brown stripes and blazing dark forest-green eyes. He gasped aloud. "I want her!" He exclaimed, already knowing it was a girl. Her mother went to the desk, telling him to take the cage, while she paid for it. "What should I call you?" He asked the young cat in the cage. She simply meowed at him. "I'll call you Dusky!" He smiled, and the cat purred. His mother quickly found him and took him along. "One last thing." She smiled, as it was mid-afternoon. His legs were getting tired, but he didn't care. He was enjoying this.
She took him to a shop that was full of boxes. "Hello again. I've brought my little Lucifer for a wand now." She smiled, and the older man at the desk also smiled kindly.
"Ah, I thought it was just yesterday you got your own wand, Sally." He smiled kindly at her. She stuck her tongue out childishly at him.
"You think it was yesterday that you gave everybody their wands." She laughed, and so did Lucifer. The old man laughed good-naturedly and walked among the shelves, talking to himself and Lucifer's mother at the same time.
"What kind of wand should I try first..?" Lucifer had figured out by now that he would be getting a wand and was jumping out of his skin. He couldn't wait!
"Here. Try this one." He handed Lucifer a plain wand, but as soon as Lucifer touched it, it jumped out of his hand. "No no. Hang on, let me go find another one." He soon came back with a blue box. Lucifer picked up the wand and it stayed in his hand. "Good! Now wave it." Lucifer gave it an experimental wave, and a lamp near him suddenly blew up.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Lucifer cried, flushing red.
"It's no worry." The old man smiled kindly. "I've had my wall blown up before." He chuckled, and so did Lucifer. After a few more tries, the man finally found a green box with a dark blue ribbon and brought it to Lucifer. "This is a very special wand." He said. "It is the only wand that I know of that has a pheonix feather combined with a griffon feather for it's core." Lucifer's eyes grew wide as he gently picked up the wand. It didn't jump out of his hand, and he gently waved it a far wall. A star shot our and did a few loops in the room. All the while, the old man was clapping his hands and jumping up and down. "Wonderful! Wonderful!" His mother paid, and they left, with the man wishing him well.
"And that's it." His mother smiled, helping him with the load as they walked back to the car.


A voice jolted him back to the present. "Hurry!" His mother willed, already at the trunk and somehow getting the trunks out without touching them. She loaded them onto a cart, and Dusky perched on his shoulder, being small enough to easily stay on, as he stood up. They pushed the cart in, and his mother handed him a ticket. The platform said 9 and 2/3. How was that possible? Somewhere in between platforms 9 and 10, closer to 10, his mother stopped him. "All you have to do is run right through this wall." He swallowed, wondering if she had gone crazy, but she was rushing him, and so he ran, right into, and through the wall. He saw a black train, with families crowding around windows. His mother gasped, "We're late!" She picked up two of his trunks, while he picked up the third, the one with his broomstick - a broomstick his mother was able to by with the extra of Jane's money - in it. She helped clear the way for him, and saw somebody also helping her. In a moment, he was on the train, with all three of his trunks and his mother kissing him on the cheek, almost crying. "Good bye my dear Lucifer! Be good! I know you'll make me proud!" He turned around and walked through the train slowly, looking at all the full cabins. Only one didn't seem crammed with students. There were already four kids in there, and he knocked on the glass politely. "May I come in and sit here?" He asked, barely holding all three trunks.

Ooc: JEEZBUS. That took me about an hour ._. And I didn't even mean it to. Soooorrryyyyys, >..> Specially for making you all read it. XD

-- Edited by Duskstar at 01:52, 2009-01-08


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

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RE: Hogwarts :: First Year :: Full :: First Posts needed from Timbersong and Dusky :: Started! GET YOUR BUTTS ON THE TRA
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Taylor caught the Sweedish Fish and opened the bag. She replied, "Taylor Alyson Even. Sounds weird... buy, ya, it's my name." She blushed a little bit. She was still shy but was ok now because she got to know Brooke. Taylor peeked over Brooke's shoulder and saw her stitching something. "What are you making?" she asked curiously. "Whatever it is, it's turning out great!" She smiled. "And you are?" she asked the boy. Taylor filled with pride by asking her own question without blushing.

you're hiding in the closet
once again, start smiling.
I know you're tryin', real hard
not to turn your head away
pretty darling, face tomorrow
tomorrow's not yesterday. <3


ThunderClan Warrior

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Jayden energetically bounced up and down on the seat. He leaned out to see around Brooke and looked at Taylor. "Hey, Taylor," he greeted her cheerfully. "Why are you shy? What's the big deal of just saying hi to everyone?" He laughed and his eyes lit up. "So, you're Muggle-born too? My parents are Muggles but my sister's a fourth year here. She says it's the best place ever!"

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

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Taylor stared at the boy who was talking to him then smiled. "Well.... i dunno, it's just hard for me. I'm the only child at my house and it's my first year too, so i'm pretty excited," She smiled. "What's your name?" she smiled. "I guess you know, but I'm Taylor Alyson Even," she giggled. "It sounds kinda funny... but yours?" She took a breath. "Any name is different, i mean yours might sound awesome but mine doesn't..." she laughed. "I talk a little bit too much once you get to know me!"

you're hiding in the closet
once again, start smiling.
I know you're tryin', real hard
not to turn your head away
pretty darling, face tomorrow
tomorrow's not yesterday. <3


ThunderClan Warrior

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Jayden grinned. He was already liking the other students in here. "My name is Jayden Nathaniel Channing," he announced importantly, his nose in the air, then went back to his regular slouch with a laugh. "I hate my middle name, though. And your name doesn't sound funny! I like your middle name," he said enviously. "I want it. Actually I don't want it, I don't want a girl's middle name," he snickered at himself.

ask me why i love marching band.
i'll definitely tell you.
but only if you've got a year to listen.

ThunderClan Leader

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Hogwarts :: First Year :: Full :: First Posts needed from Timbersong and Dusky :: Started! GET YOUR BUTTS ON THE TRAIN!
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Ooc: Poor poor Lucifer. >.< He's about to drop his bags from waiting for you guys to let him in! XD

-- Edited by Duskstar at 02:15, 2009-01-08


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

RiverClan Warrior

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RE: Hogwarts :: First Year :: Full :: First Posts needed from Timbersong and Dusky :: Started! GET YOUR BUTTS ON THE TRA
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"Hello!" Brooke smiled to the new peoson. "I can make a little room." Brooke laughed, sitting on the ground. SHe did the final stitch with a large smile. At last! She put it in her bag and looked up at those around her. These four were sure to be some of her best friends here. Each person seemed quite different, but they all seemed to be getting along fine. She felt the train move, and fell back against Reggie's legs. "Oops!" She laughed, standing up and sitting on him. "Mind if I sit here?" She spread her legs across Jayden's lap.


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



ThunderClan Leader

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Just as Brooke fell on the boy he had seen earlier at the alley, so he fell into the cabin, stumbling. "Ack, I'm sorry!" He mumbled, blushing. This was NOT the best way to meet new people. Dusky had leaped off his shoulder and jumped to where the black cat was, staring at it with whiskers twitching. He quickly gathered his trunks and put them on top. "Sorry about that." He smiled a little, and said, "I'm Lucifer James Kaluf. Thanks for letting me in, by the way." He smiled. "All the other cabins were stuffed full, and most people just glared at me." He stared at his feet, squeezing into a small space next to the window. "There's still some room here." He said, smiling. "Especially since we're all so small. You should have seen all the 7th year guys stuffed into one cabin!"

Ooc: XD Three seconds after I posted, Lily speaks! xD


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-
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