Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Part 2 is now UP!!:.

WindClan Deputy

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A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Part 2 is now UP!!:.

Alright, the firsst part of teh story is up and i am makign sure this one isnt as long as Ebonypaw's quest. For now i have a plan of only having a few parts put up at a time, but i have been trying to write more or less in true chapter form where chaptes are more than just 1 word document long. So for no i have about... 7 to 9 pages done of the first chapter. There will be a ot of time skipping in it though so please be patient with me! Thanks!

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Sunday 17th of May 2009 06:24:10 AM



WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Prologue Coming Soon!:.

Alrighty everyone! This sit the prologue, it might sound a little rushed i apoligize for that. If there are many punctuations missing that is probably because when you post stuff here from the word document, it disappears. Anyway, Dusky in this one may seem a bit mean but think of it this way. You have fallen in love with a handsome guy but he is a delinquint. You cant help that you are head over heels in love with him. Then your sister tells you to give up on this guy you love for this other guy that is somewhere close to being you own personal stalker, not to mention his is almost constantly depressed... anyway that is why she is a slight bit mean so sorry to Dusky about that!

           A bone white tom cat sat in the middle of a large star filled clearing. His amber eyes were empty and lowered. His ears hung in an uncaring fashion at the sides of his head. With shoulders slumped,, he heaved a weary sigh. On a small hill not to far away sat two she cats, one with a blazing ginger pelt and the other with a deep brown tabby coat. They looked to each other with uncertainty in their matching emerald green eyes.

            "Can you still say that you dont love him?" Murmured the ginger she cat.

            "Yes I can Robinstripe, and I will continue to say so. I dont love him, not since he changed." The brown tabby replied with narrowed eyes. The ginger she cat named Robinstripe bristled slightly.

            "You know he has only ever loved you Duskheart. Even when he took me as his mate he has ever only had eyes for you." Robinstripe's voice was annoyed and harsh at the brown she cat. She lashed her dark ginger tail side to side in anger. Duskheart's eyes lowered but her resolve was just as strong.

            "No matter what you say, I can't love Ivoryclaw. He just isn't the same cat he was when he was a kit." Her voice was level and calm as she talked about the cat that he loved her with his whole heart for his whole life. "I know how much you love him Robinstripe. I know that you want to see him happy more than anything but I can't give up my own heart for his sake. Blackstar... Blackstar is out there somewhere and I have to find him." Duskheart's voice grew soft and tender as she remembered the cat that she loved with all of her heart.

            "You are a fool," Robinstripe sneered. "I love you my sister but you are an idiot. How could you love that murderer? Ivoryclaw has loved you longer and harder than Blackstar ever could! You-" Her voice was cut off when Duskheart lashed her tail against her mouth harshly.

            "Don't ever tell me how I should feel! I love Blackstar as much as you love Ivoryclaw. I couldnt feel this way about him and if you truly loved him you should be fighting to keep his heart, not be so willing to give him up." Duskheart's emerald eyes glared at her sister.

            Robinstripe returned the deadly gaze gladly. "Dont you think that I have tried? It has been so many seasons since we all joined Starclan... He... He just can't ever feel that way about me," Robinstripe's voice broke abruptly, making her look fragile.

            "Don't talk about others behind their backs. Especially when they find out that you are talking about them," whispered a deep voice. Both Robinstripe and Duskheart jumped up startled that they hadnt noticed Ivoryclaws presence. His soulless amber eyes shifted from one sister to the other. His whole existence looked so pitiful now. He had once stood tall and proud, ready to prove himself as Blackstar's deputy. He was willing to show Duskheart how much he truly loved him. Yet he was broken now. He had accepted that she would never be his, still he couldn't help but fall deeper in to love and despair.

            Robinstripe's whole body looked like it wanted to crumble under his gaze. Almost as if, even though she couldnt be the one to lift him up, she was still willing to fall with him. "Oh Ivoryclaw", she sighed. "What if there was something we could do? You know... like what the rest of Starclan did for Ebonystar. Perhaps we could allow you to go back to Earth and live again." The ginger she cats green eyes glowed softly, still full of love for the large white warrior.

            "It won't work... Ivoryclaw sighed harshly. "We cant do the same thing twice." Duskheart gave him a stern look making his face stir slightly. Robinstripe's heart constricted. Of course Duskheart was the only one that could make Ivoryclaw show emotion while he was in such a state.

            "Perhaps there is a way..." Duskheart mumbled. "Since we cant do the same thing exact thing twice,, we can always try another way!" Robinstripe could almost hear that there was something in this for Duskheart. "What if... what if we one of us gave our rights here in Starclan so that Ivoryclaw could have a second chance on earth?"

            "What do you mean?" Robinstripe narrowed her eyes darkly.

            "Well... one of us could disappear from Starclan so he could use our second chance in Starclan as he second chance on Earth." Duskheart's eyes glowed brightly as she was most likely thinking of where exactly the cat who gave their life would go. There was only one place they could go at this point. The dark forest was the only place... the place where Blackstar was.

            Ivoryclaw's face contorted in to a mask of pain, "I cant ask either of you to do that for me."

Duskhearts eager eyes flashed at Ivoryclaw. "You have had a terrible life Ivoryclaw. This would be a good way for us to apologize to you." Her voice rushed almost as if she was just hurrying through the pleasantries and deciding on this herself.

Robinstripe sneered slightly and turned away, "Do as you like Duskheart. You are going to anyway." She hissed as she loped away but Duskheart ignored her. Ivoryclaw narrowed his eyes.

"Are you sure about this Duskheart," Ivoryclaws amber eyes had a glint of emotion in them now. Like the fact that she was giving up her life in Starclan for him had stirred his emotions again. Duskheart starred at him evenly and nodded softly. At this Ivoryclaw sighed but murmured, "Alright." Duskheart stepped forward and touched his nose with hers, sending waves of warmth through his whole body.

Ivoryclaw felt the starry world around him fall away. A dark abyss swallowed him entirely. "Good luck," Whispered Duskheart's voice as the smothering darkness choked him in to unconsciousness.

-- Edited by Ebonystar at 17:36, 2009-03-03



WindClan Apprentice

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Posts: 4790
RE: A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Prologue Now UP!!:.

Well, at least you're not being mean to your characters... xD

Duskheart isn't mean; she's just stubborn. The way you made her act reminds me of my friend. Not even I could do that. ;)
It's a nice start to your story. I would've liked it if it was longer, though. x3
Do you have some sort of magical mind-power, er somethin'? Because now I have the urge to just write my own fan-fiction... Goodness, I better open up OpenOffice now... xD

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977

Haha! I beeth readin' you mind. Well the progloue was short because i really didnt want it to be any longer than it already was... i suppose i forgot to mention that this is a Streamclan fanfic so this is more or less a sequal. The proglue is just a continuation from where these few left off =D



RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 2635

I like the prologue, Ebonners! It's really creative and all that, and gives me a little look into StreamClan, because I wasn't there. I can't wait! And Duskers just sounds a little... Agitated at what her sister was trying to get her in to. I know how she feels. Agitated, which comes off as anger if you get pushed too far. :3



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ThunderClan Leader

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Posts: 3570

XD I love it Ebbs~ Anyway, I remember trying to decide. I always thought I wanted to be in a love triangle, but I don't! It's too hard! So then, instead of trying to decide based on the roleplayer (no offense Shadow, but I've known Ebbs longer o.o) I tried to put myself in Dusky's place, and when I saw that Ivory was sulking all the time, well, I know SHE would have picked Blacky instead. xD I find it kind of interesting, but Dusky kinda turned into me. She likes the attention and hates it at the same time. And once she's made her decision, she USUALLY doesn't go back on it. But I understand her completely. xD The only thing is, she DID love Ivory o.o The reason she was happy that she met her sister and that Ivory fell in love with her sister was so that she could quell the guilt that ALWAYS resided in her after she broke Ivory's heart :3


"If he dies, then it will be God's will."

"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."

"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."

"That was not comforting either!"

"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."

"Old man, are you trying to provoke me?"

-Stolen from a fanfic~-

RiverClan Warrior

Status: Offline
Posts: 3555

*looks in dictionary* wow. Marilyn French sure is right when she says Love is insanity. O.o

Love it, and must keep up with it, Ebbs!


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Apprentice

Status: Offline
Posts: 4790

*Chuckles* x3
I can never really understand the concept of "love". Oh well~

We all have our moments:
A moment to cry, a moment to laugh.
A moment to be held, a moment to be let go.
A moment to be sad for not having what we want,
and a moment to be happy with what we got.

Yeah, we all have those moments.
And I advise you not to put them to waste.

ShadowClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 4373

Yaaayyy! You can bet I'll be keepin up with this, Ebber'z. I like it already. -3-

This is my wonderful competitive Pokemon team.
Sprites from PokemonElite2000.com

WindClan Deputy

Status: Offline
Posts: 12977
A Second Chance ~Ivoryclaw's Story~ .:Part 1 UP!!:.

Okay here is part one. Its about 9 or so word documents and that is pretty much why i didnt put them up sooner. I hope this is interesting but i am not so sure... Anyway there are a large amount of guest stars and you shall see just who they are. Also if the fonts keep changing, i am sorry! The silly post is being wierd!

A loud yowl rang out in the hollow of a tree trunk near a large stream. "The kits are coming!" The voice screamed, but it was drowned by the pounding rain outside of the trunk.

            "I know," replied a short anxious voice. Pale green eyes watched as a small kit came in to the world from his mate. Her black and white pelt was stained with crimson blood. The owner of the green eyes felt his heart pound heavily. He pushed a small batch of seeds toward the birthing queen. As she tried to lap them up, he bent down and desperately tried to get the small black and white kit to breathe. "Dear Starclan," He gasped harshly as the small scrap refused to breathe in. He pulled the small body close to himself. Tears trickled down his light gray and dark gray face. The tiny kit was a stillborn.

            He wanted to tell the queen but she was still birthing. A second small kit came in to the world, but again this one refused to open his mouth and breathe in the sweet air of life. How can Starclan be this cruel! The tom shouted in his mind. Two of his children were dead, why would Starclan allow this?!

            "Falcondance!" Yowled the she cat. The gray medicine cat snapped his head up and realized that another kit was on the way. He couldn't cope if this one was born dead as well. He would go insane. Yet when the small scrap of life came in to the dark stormy night, he mewled softly. Falcondance's heart leapt in to his throat. He leaned down and immediately licked its fur the wrong way, warming the small body with haste.

            The kit mewled in protest, the tom's little white mouth opened and closed with shrill squeaks. Falcondance felt a wave of pure joy over take him. This was his son! This was the young cat that shared his and beloved she cat's blood! A tear of joy rolled down his face, blazing a trail of bliss.

            "Falcondance..." whispered the queen that was the mother of his kits. "That's it... how are they?" Her voice was ragged and raspy. The medicine cat looked away with shame and depression.

            "Bubblestar... Only one survived..." He whispered softly. Bubblestar shot up and tried to steady herself but wound up falling over again. "Rest beloved!" he soothed as he picked up their surviving son and placed him beside his mothers belly.

            "Falcondance..." she sobbed softly. "What am I going to do? Our kits..." Falcondance shook his head softly and sighed, letting her know there was nothing they could do. Bubblestar's eyes were hollow and shocked. The she cat glanced down at her living son. Despite their kits that had passed away, a smile of motherly love pressed on her lips.

            "Bubblestar..." Falcondance started, You... you know we can't keep him." Bubblestars eyes shot to him with desperation drowning him in their blue depths. Yet, he still had to make her realize that it was still forbidden of them. "We cant. The clan would disown us both. We have to give him up." Bubblestar wrapped her black and white tail around the small scrap that was already pushed close to her fur. A mewl of protest pushed through the little white tom's mouth.

            "But... He is our only son! We can't just give him up!" She pleaded, but Falcondance was resolute. His gray face shook back and forth solemnly. Bubblestar sobbed and pushed her face in to the small kits back. The Streamclan medicine felt more tears poor out of his eyes as he wrapped himself around his soon to be torn apart family.



            "Florestakit, would you please sit still!" The laughing voice of a silver tabby she cat flittered around the nursery. "The others are sleeping."

            "But mama, I can't! The rain is just... just so... I dont know but it just is!" laughed a small black she kit of about 3 moons, with large bright green eyes. Her small body quivered with blissful delight. Her mother rolled her eyes but couldn't resist the laugh that pushed past her lips.

            A startled yowl sounded from outside in the pouring rain. The silver tabby's ears perked and her blue eyes grew wide for a moment. The branches outside of her den rustled violently as the gray face of their medicine cat pushed his way in to the den with a small scrap of fur dangling dangerously limp in his mouth.

            "For Starclan's sake, give the little dear to me quickly!" The she cat gasped. Falcondance gladly handed over the little white tom. "Where on earth did you find him?" The she cat turned to the medicine cat. He gave her an almost guilty gaze but she ignored it. Rather she spent her time licking the tom's fur the wrong way to warm him up.

            "You know that I was out collecting herbs earlier today Flightstep, but while I was out I found this young newborn by the river. I dont know where his parents are and he looks like he was just born today. I waited a bit for the parents but they never came back so I had to bring him here." The tom cat was creating a complex lie but the she cat was too occupied with the new kit to pay close attention to the guilty flashes in his eyes. "I shall go now... he doesn't have a name that I know of so..." Falcondance desperately wanted to name his son but it would be too suspicious. 

            He forced himself to turn and leave. Flightstep hadn't even realized that he had gone. She was to busy with the new arrival. The medicine cat padded through the rain to his den where his apprentice Sparrowpaw was sleeping soundly. A sob pushed past his lips as he crawled through the hole in the hollow tree at the back of his den. It was his private chamber that was big enough for only three cats. Lying on a moss nest at the back was the love of his life, Bubblestar. A devastated hollow look in her eyes told him that this hurt her as much as it did him.

            "Falcondance..." She whispered softly. The tom cat nodded and curled himself around her. They stayed next to each other the whole night, crying for the loss of all of their kits.


            Back in the nursery, Flightstep and Florestakit studied the small new addition to their den.

            "Mama, where is the little guy's mommy and daddy?" The young she kit inquired. Flightstep shook her head softly for a moment as she dived in to thought. Her young black kitten prodded her in the side and snapping her back to the present, "Mama?"

            "I dont know darling... But now you, Shadeflight and I shall be his family okay?" Flightstep smiled with motherly warmth at the small white runt of a kit.

            "Alright..." Florestakit started, "but he isn't really our family is he?"

            "No dear one, but that doesn.t mean you can treat him any different." Flightstep thought for a moment. This young tom was born on the night of a storm. It is said that those born on the night of a storm were to go through a harsh life. Pity passed across her blue eyes. "Florestakit... can you promise me something?" The queen purred softly. Florestakit's eyes lit up seriously.

            "Of course mama, I would do anything for you!" The she kit's green eyes blazed with warmth. Flightstep giggled to herself about how silly, yet adorable her young daughter was.

            "I want you to take care of this young kit. Can you do that for me? Treat him like your brother, watch out for him and make sure that you are his friend even when no one else will be. Can you do that?" Flightstep's voice was serious but her eyes twinkled with laughter and love. Florestakit nodded vigorously and lashed her short tail side to side.

            "Don't worry mama! I will make sure that I will always be with him!" Florestakit's chest puffed out with pride as she returned Flightstep's laughing eyes. Florestakit glanced down at the bone white kit for a moment and titled her head to side. "What is his name though?"

            Flightstep thought for a moment and turned back to Florestakit, "How about you help name him? That can be your first gift as his big sister." Florestakit's eyes grew as wide as saucers and a grin touched her lips.

            She squeaked happily, "Really?!" Seriousness washed over her face as she looked down at the white kit. The she kits face dropped in to deep contemplation and once again Flightstep couldnt help the small giggle that pushed past her lips. "Mama, you said that Ivory was white. Just like him!" The she kit looked up with ecstatic green eyes. "Can he be Ivorykit? I think it suites him!"

            Flightstep purred softly and licked Florestakit between the ears, "Okay, you shall be Ivorykit's big sister alright?" The she cat laughed as Florestakit looked down protectively at her new little brother. The tiny she kit stretched her mouth in to the cutest little yawn, it made joy run all throughout Flightstep's body. "Alright now Florestakit, my dear it's time for you to sleep." The young kitten nodded slightly and curled up beside Flightstep.

The small cat shifted for a moment before she stood again and scooted closer to Ivorykit. She wrapped herself around him and purred softly in to his ear, "Dont' worry Ivorykit, I will be here for you. I won't leave you like you parents." With another yawn she fell asleep beside him. A troubled look passed on Flightstep's face. Who really were the parents of this little tom?



A laughing voice sounded with a taunting tone, "Come on Ivy!  Keep up!"

"Slow down Florestakit! Just because your apprentice ceremony is today doesn't mean that you can tease me," Mouthed off a rather small white tom with dark amber eyes.

"Honestly Ivy, how many times have I told you?" The apprentice sized kit laughed from her vantage point on the top of the large rock outside the nursery. "Don't call me Florestakit!"

Ivorykit gave a short growl accompanied by a dirty frown. "Fine... you know I am small Resta! I can't help it if I can't jump up there yet!"

Florestakit laughed loudly before she continued, "Don't worry Ivy! Sooner or later you will shoot up like a tree!" Despite the comforting words, Ivorykit heard a mocking tone in her voice. The young tom stopped trying to jump up on the rock and hissed darkly before he snapped away. Before he could get too far he ran in to a large black wall of fur.

"Watch it Shrimp," Taunted the voice of the most recently made apprentice, Nightpaw. He had been made an apprentice about two moons ago. Ivorykit puffed out his chest and glared up at the tom's dark orange eyes.

"Back off Nightpaw, I didn't do it on purpose!" A sneer pressed on Ivorykit's face and Nightpaw growled deeply.

"Ivy! Stop that! Say you are sorry. You are the one that ran in to him," Florestakit chuckled. The black she cat had already jumped off the rock and padded over to the two squabbling toms. She flicked Ivorykit in the side with her fluffy black tail, and gazed at Nightpaw with a steady smile. "You dont have to yell at him Nightpaw. He didn't mean it."

Nightpaw's ears drooped slightly and he glanced away. "Fine... he sighed, "Just be careful next time squirt." With that he trotted away. Ivorykit glared at his back as he disappeared in to the apprentice's den. He truly hated how Nightpaw did everything that Florestakit said for him to do. Was he trying to impress her? Ha! There was no room for Nightpaw in Florestakit's heart. Not while Ivorykit had a say in the matter.

When he turned his dark amber eyes to Florestakit, he was met with a disapproving flare in her bright green pools. Ivorykit flinched back slightly but returned her steely gaze with a harsh one in his own. "What?" He pouted.

"Come on Ivy, can't you get along with anyone but me?" Florestakit gave him an exasperated sigh.

"Why? No one else likes me and that is apparent. Why should I try to get approval from cats that I don't like?" Ivorykit flicked his tail side to side with slight irritation.

"Because," she sighed deeply, "Those cats are the ones you have to fight along side! What if Lostclan, Treeclan, or Rainclan attacks? You need them to be able to trust you enough to be able to fight along side you. And trust starts with liking a cat." Florestakit rolled her eyes as she turned from him and trotted to the edge of the nursery. "I know you are my adopted brother but you have to learn to try and take care of yourself." Ivorykit flinched at the 'adopted brother'. He knew he wasn't really Flightstep and Shadeflight's son. No he was found by the river after his parents had abandoned him. Still, Flightstep was more than any adopted son could hope for. As for Shadeflight, Ivorykit wasn't his real son but Ivorykit wouldn't trade the brave black tom for any other.

The black Streamclan tom was tall, proud and strong. He had a stern tongue, but he was kind and loving. As Ivorykit thought about his 'father' the warrior trotted in to the clearing. His dark blue eyes were barely visible against his jet black pelt. It was said that he had inherited his pelt from Shadowstar himself! It was very much like a slap to the face, reminding Ivorykit in everything he did that Shadeflight wasn't his father. All those that were descendents of Shadowstar had jet black pelts. Even Florestakits pelt was as black as the nighttime sky. Ivorykit was as white as a cleaned bone.

Still, he felt a genuine connection to the proud tom cat. "Shadeflight, are you just back from a patrol?" He asked eagerly as he bounced over to his adoptive father. A grin touched the tom's lips as he leaned down over the small white tom.

"Yes, I am just returning with Tornclaw, Raggedpelt and Smalltail." Shadeflight purred and flicked his adopted sons ear with the tip of his tail. "How has your day been?"

Ivorykit gave him a sarcastic frown, "Just as good as yesterday." The young kit plopped down and let his head sink down a bit. "Florestakit and I were climbing the nursery rock when I managed to bump in to Nightpaw." A deep laughter pushed past Shadeflight's lips as he threw back his head.

"You just seem to be a magnet for trouble eh? But don't worry Ivorykit things will go you way soon." With that he turned and joined Flightstep outside the nursery. Ivorykit sighed and padded away softly. His dark amber eyes studied the ground as he let his paws carry him away, before to long he had managed to arrive at the medicine cat den. From the inside of the den he could hear the deep voice of Streamclan's medicine cat, Falcondance.

Ivorykit hesitantly turned but he heard Falcondance call out, "Ivorykit? Is that you? You dont have to go, come on in." Despite Falcondance's voice being very warm, Ivorykit sort of felt a little uncomfortable around him. He had heard that it was Falcondance that found him that night he came to Streamclan. Falcondance was the one that probably knew the most about him, but he was the one cat in the clan that he felt so distant from.

"Ivorykit, why don't you come in?" Sounded a second voice, it was the voice of Falcondance's apprentice Sparrowpatch. The young medicine cat's voice made it hard to want to turn away. She had a charming ability about her that made cats naturally drawn to her. Ivorykit turned grudgingly in to the den and glanced from the dark gray masked face of Falcondance to the brown patched face of Sparrowpatch.

"Hello Ivorykit," Falcondance purred warmly. The medicine cats face looked warm and friendly but his eyes told him otherwise. The tom's pale green eyes looked like they had had borders in them, almost as if he was using his gaze to fight and keep secrets. Ivorykit shifted uncomfortably under the stare.

"Whats wrong Ivorykit? Are you sick?" Sparrowpatch tilted her head to the side with curiosity.

"Well... not really," Ivorykit started, "Just walking around a bit I suppose..." Ivorykit shifted again and looked up at Sparrowpatch's warm golden eyes. Ivorykit felt the edge of his mouth twist up slightly.

"Well be careful. There are all sorts of apprentices running around ready to trample a little kit." Sparrowpatch said with a smile. Yet despite her warm tone and eyes Ivorykit bristled.

"I wont be little forever! I am going to grow up and be bigger than all of you! I am going to be bigger than Falcondance too!" The young tom's deep amber eyes turned to the very tall gray and darker gray medicine cat. A silent challenge was sent through his young stare. The edge of Falcondance's mouth lifted slightly as he returned Ivorykit's challenge.

"I can't wait to see how tall you really get." He laughed warmly. Ivorykit turned and bolted from the den. He would show them! He would show them that he would be the best cat this forest had ever seen.


"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the high branch for a clan meeting!" Bubblestar's call rang around the clearing loudly. All the cats of the clan gathered beneath the large tree in the center of camp, with a branch low enough for the leader to climb upon and give a meeting. The tree had been there for so many generations that the branch was scarred and scratched from all the former leaders of Streamclan.

Ivorykit sat beside Flightstep as she hurriedly fixed Florestakit's fur to look glossy for the ceremony. "Mama, stop fussing so much!" the she cat chuckled.

"Sorry dear heart, but you are my first born, this is just so exciting!" Flightstep's eyes glowed with so much pride that it almost knocked the wind from Ivorykit's chest. The bone white kit glanced away for a moment as he thought to himself. Would she feel anywhere near that much pride when it was his turn? Would she even get worked up?

As his thought churned he hadn't noticed the ceremony had gotten underway. He glanced up to see Bubblestar gazing warmly at her former deputy's kit. As it was, since she was in the nursery Kindredsoul, a silver tom with pale green eyes, had taken over as deputy.

Flightstep's chest puffed out as Bubblestar glanced out for Florestakit's, now Florestapaw, new mentor. A grin twitched on Bubblestar's mouth as she called out, "I shall be Florestapaws new mentor." A shocked look over took his 'sister's' face. Bubblestar leaned down as she touched her pink nose to Florestapaws.

Flightsteps bright blue eyes were stretched wide, but Ivorykit could still see the immeasurable gratitude in her eyes. With that, the meeting was over. Ivorykit rushed forward to congratulate her first. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak he felt a large shove on his shoulder as he was knocked aside.

"Florestapaw, Florestapaw! Great job," purred the rather annoying voice of Nightpaw. Florestapaw giggled and blinked her gratitude to him with warm green eyes. Ivorykit's mouth dropped open with shock. She hadn't even noticed that he was now lying in the dirt because of that stuck up black tom! Ivorykit quivered with rage and he flexed his small claw when he felt warm teeth sink in to his scruff.

Ivorykit dangled in the air with his paws flailing around in vain, "Put me down!" he hissed.

"Sorry but I can see when you want to try and hurt someone. I dont want to have to try and heal anyone on Florestapaws ceremony day," Falcondance laughed past the scruff in his mouth.

Ivorykit snarled but was carried back to the nursery with shame washing over him in waves. Falcondance stopped before Flightstep with laugh. "Reminds me of old times eh?" he purred through Ivorykit's scruff. The silver tabby queen rolled her eyes as she took Ivorykit from the medicine cat.

"Soon it will be my turn and none of you will be able treat me like a kit ever again!" Ivorykit spat darkly at Falcondance whose green gaze was only filled with laughter.



Three moons had passed since the day that Ivorykit had sworn they would never treat him the same. The scrawny young runt now stood taller than most kits his age. His legs were lanky and thin while his fluffy white tail snaked out behind him. This was his day. They day he would start his journey and prove to the clan that he was more than just a runt that could be pushed around. He was more than just that abandoned kit that Falcondance found by the river on the stormy night.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high branch for a clan meeting," rang the familiar call of Bubblestar. Ivorykit sat beside Flightstep whose eyes burned with pride and joy. She fussed with his fur, making sure he was glossy and handsome for his ceremony. Joy flowed in to Ivorykit's body as he purred under Flightstep's warm tongue.

"Ivorykit, step forward," Bubblestar commanded. Ivorykit puffed his fluffy white chest with pride as he padded forward. "From this day forward, until he had earned his warrior name, this apprentice shall be known as Ivorypaw." Bubblestar purred. Oddly enough, the Streamclan leader's blue eyes were intensely warm. It startled Ivorypaw for a moment. "Teardrop, you have not yet had your first apprentice. I want you pass on the training that have learned to this young cat. You will begin Ivorypaw's training." A thin young she cat that was only a few moons older than annoying orange eyed tom that Ivorypaw hated, stepped forward. Her bright silver eyes blended easily against her pale gray pelt. Her legs were striped near the bottom but they hardly stood out against her pale coat.

The she cat touched her small pink nose to Ivorypaw's and purred, "I hope you and I have a great time training together." Ivorypaw grinned warmly and followed her to the edge of the clearing. The meeting came to a close and the next thing that Ivorypaw knew was that his face was planted in to the ground and that there was an intense weight on his back keeping him there.

His 'sister' purred loudly, "Great job Ivy!" Ivorypaw struggled under her weight. His tail lashed back and forth trying to tell her that air was quite necessary for life. Florestapaw laughed and jumped away with a teasing grin. Ivorypaw shot up and gasped deeply, taking in all the sweet air he could get.

Ivorypaw whipped around and snapped, "Resta!" The black she cat laughed loudly and flicked his nose with her tail. The black she cat looked down at him with a devious smile. Just like Ivorypaw, Florestapaw had grown during the time they had been separated. Despite Florestapaw growing up like all apprentices did, her height was barely taller than Ivorypaw's. The bone white tom had grown up faster than any cat his age. Florestapaw used to tower over him but now she was merely one ear length taller.

"Come on Ivy, I was only joking. You don't have to be so sore about it," she didn't exactly sound sincere about it though. Ivorypaw rolled his eyes.

"Florestapaw, please be more respectful toward you brother. He is an apprentice now," Teardrop said sweetly, yet Ivorypaw picked up on the slight annoyance in her voice. He tilted his head trying to figure out why the she cat would be annoyed. With a shake of his head he turned back toward Florestapaw. The edge of the she cat's mouth quivered, trying to decide if it wanted to pull up in to a smile or down in to a frown. "Come on then Ivorypaw", Teardrop purred warmly. The way she said his name made it sound like she expected Florestapaw to stop calling him by his kit hood nickname and by his proper name.

Ivorypaw shot Florestapaw an apologetic glance only to see the she cat almost glaring at Teardrop. Stepping up beside Ivorypaw's 'sister' was the always annoying black tom with orange eyes. Now that time had passed he was a warrior. "Dont worry Florestapaw. Teardrop will turn that runt in to a warrior... if he is lucky."

"Don't talk like that Nightwhisper. Ivy will make a fine warrior someday." Florestapaw nodded firmly and trotted a few steps away. Nightwhisper stared after for a moment and followed automatically. The two had become rather close during their training time together. Ivorypaw had to watch from the side and he hadn't liked it one bit.

From the bramble entrance to the camp rang the voice of Ivorypaw's new mentor, "Ivorypaw?" The white tom grudgingly turned and followed her out.


Ivorypaw and Teardrop trotted back in to camp as the sun set beyond the horizon of tall forest trees. The new apprentice looked completely tired from his impossibly long trek around the territory. His weary paws carried him heavily to the fresh-kill pile. Sitting beside the mound of prey pieces was the larger form of a black cat. Heat rose in Ivorypaw's face. His heart pounded harshly, and his eyes stretched wide. His world fell to black except for the space between him and the crouching black cat.

The form moved slowly, and dangerously. It turned its head to reveal dark crimson eyes that glared at the white tom. A crooked grin quirked the edge of the black cat's mouth. Ivorypaw's blood ran cold. Fear gripped his heart, threatening to crush him. "What's wrong Ivoryclaw... dear old friend? Surprised to see me again after you betrayed me and became the lackey of that pompous Streamclan leader?" The black cat sat up but still kept his back to Ivorypaw.

Ivorypaw tried to say something but the words were stuck in his throat, "I... I..." This wasn't making any sense! He had never met this cat before and why did he call him Ivoryclaw? Ivorypaw lowered himself and laid his ears flatly against his head.

"Thought you could get away with it? I know you were the one that had planned it. You gave up. No... its not that you gave up... You wanted it to happen. You let it happen." The black cat narrowed his eyes. A flicker of insanity touched the dark crimson orbs. "I know why... its because of her isn't? Robinstripe wasnt enough. You had to get rid of me so you could get her as well." Ivorypaw lowered himself even more so that he was pressed in to the floor.

"Please! Stop! You are mistaken! Im not the cat youre looking for. Whoever Ivoryclaw is, it's not me!" Ivorypaw couldn't help the quiver in his voice. Before the red eyed cat could reply with his blood chilling voice, a shove in Ivorypaw's shoulder shattered the dark world letting the rest of the camp reappear.

Two worried voice hissed sharply almost in sync with one another, "Ivorypaw!" The young tom's amber eyes shot to the one that had shoved him. Standing there was his young mentor Teardrop with fear flooding her silver eyes. Standing slightly behind her was Florestapaw with equal if not more worry. "Whats wrong Ivy?!" Florestapaw hissed hastily. She bolted forward and sniffed him all over to see if there was anything physically wrong with him.

Teardrop crouched beside him, staring in to his eyes seriously. "Ivorypaw, what happened?" The young cat couldn't answer for a moment. Rather he turned to try and show them, but the black cat with red eyes was not sitting there. No... it was Nightwhisper. A rather bewildered look was spread across the black warrior's face. Teardrop's tender voice whispered in his ear, "Ivorypaw?"

"Do either of you know a cat with red eyes?" quivered Ivorypaw. The two she cats exchanged confused glances before Teardrop turned back.

"Could you possibly be talking about that cat from the legend of Lostclan? I believe his name was Blackstar...... The she cat's eyes examined his face, looking for the answer to why he was asking. "I don't know exactly who he was but I know a cat that does."

Ivorypaw inched forward and demanded, "Who? Who can tell me about him?"

Teardrop backed up a bit before she replied, "Falcondance..."

-- Edited by Ebonystar on Thursday 26th of March 2009 05:57:46 PM



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