Now we're gonna get RANDOM. Who here remembers RandomClan? I'm doing something similar to that again and seeing if I'll keep it running! Please post comments and thoughts about chapters and such. You can even submit ideas, such as the characters going to an amusement park or something.
Characters: Moonstar Tabbystripe Florestadream Ebonycloud Flamepelt Lily Twigstorm Flight And random guest stars who may randomly show up at random moments! *I am sorry to all who wanted to be in this, yet are not listed above. I deeply apologize; there are many of you who I wanted to add but simply couldn't due to my personal size limits. Thank you for understanding. ^^
Note that your characters may not always show up in every chapter. By being listed, it means you will be a consistent character that will show up in MOST chapters. ;]
Those of you who are listed above, please tell me if you don't want to be in the comedy and I will remove you. If you are listed above and would like to stay in the comedy, please post your favorite obsessions, such as BANDS, SINGERS, FOOD, PEOPLE, etc. For example, your character could be obsessed with Twilight. It will not be the same as Flight's obsessive comedy, but I want something to identify each character by (like Moonstar's obsession with pudding in RandomClan).
-- Edited by Moonstar on Friday 3rd of July 2009 04:29:57 AM
I am obsessed with Edward Cullen, Wizard101, Video game characters (Crash Bandicoot/Sonic, etc..), PWNING NOOBS xD, and lastly, saying the word "Noob" X3 I know, I'm messed up xDDD Thank you so much for letting me be in this again X3