OOC: Anything you feel like doing. Based off the post above, you know everyone else is currently fighting each other and there's no cover or vehicles. You decide if you want to sit and watch or join the carnage.
IC: Door opens up in the floor and a brute steps out with his shadow in the form of a tiger. The loud roar catches the attention of 2 Laserbacks who turn to face the new comer. As they open their pincers, one of them notices the human standing off to the side and targets her. 3 Spartans remain, the Berserker Lord has lost it's thick plate of armor on it's back. 17 Laserbacks are left, including the other 2. 8 zombie robots remain, Reactor still stands strong.
IC: The laserback flinched and then resumed charging. The other laserback has been destroyed by the shadow wielding brute who is now trying to decide whom to attack next. Reactor finishes off the dying Berserker Lord as 3 King Levaithans arrive. The remaining 14 laserbacks have finished off the zombie robots. The hidden Reptilicus' reveal themselves and charge into the battlefield. To make this more interesting I'll throw in a Puma guarded by 2 trolls. The Puma has 2 rapid firing plasma turrets and a cannon which requires a second person to work. It's great for roadkill! Here comes Reactor!
Jezebel started shooting when she was close in range. After a few shots the Lazerback was down. She made a littile grimace and then went after more Laserbacks
He looks around the room Innocently overlooks the truth Shouldn't a light go on? Doesn't he know I've had him memorized for so long?
He sees everything black and white Never let nobody see him cry I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine
Hmmm, I need someone who'll make this more intersting. More people would be better but an insult shouting Reactor wielding a shotgun should do the trick. "Oh yeah! Lets here all you little girls scream! That splatter machine is mine!" And he slaughers a nearby Lasberback with a couple quick shots.