Wow, everyone's entries are soo good o.o Karma, that's beautifulll, and honestly Rustfur, that poem has such raw emotion. There's so much talent at TFC xDD well, here's mine.
and he's not my first person anymore - by moonstar
and the dirty pillowcases you slept on smelled like paled promises and shattered expectations only because your head is gone. it was after i whispered zoo animals in my sleep when you asked me what i dream about.
i told you "i dream about the endings of fairytales that are teaching children the opposite of reality. i dream about you shedding skin particles onto my bed whenever i think of Hitler or the scary movie i almost didn't watch when i'm trying to continue my nightmares. my nightmares are dreams without you. i dream about not being with you forever.
"i dream about rotten apple cores that have been stripped of all they have and about how lonely and exposed they must feel. i wonder if the air whipping by hurts them. i almost wonder what it's like to be stripped of everything you have and tossed into a garbage can before i remember that i already know.
"i dream about going to circuses where my mind feels at peace, at home. not being the outsider for once. following my mind, my head, and where it says to go because the last time i followed my heart, i ended up face first in the waste of hope. i dream about how without beating organs, there's no life, but without mental organs, there's no thought. so if i'm alive without a brain, i wouldn't know i couldn't think and that i never would. i wouldn't know that your eyelashes are thin and fragile like the legs of a ladybug and that deodorant really only lasts for a little while. and i definitely wouldn't know why you kept showing up in front of my bedroom window that still needs windex.
"i dream about the way your eyes seem distant when i'm talking and how they have no color anymore. like when things started churning, the bright blue just felt useless; 'hey, we have no need anymore when these two aren't in love' and just got up and left. i dream about you begging to explain. saying we are in love. telling the truth- telling what i know and what you still haven't figured out."
and he kissed her lips as she lay motionless in bed. and he told her "when you're asleep, you talk too much. goodnight."
"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.
HAHA :) Yes, I'll need to judge after my cruise.. so, i chose the best time for me. The results probably won't be up until the following weekend, though.