Journal Rules- Posting and Starting One
This board was made for other users to be able to always keep in touch with all their friends and fellow users, without having to PM almost everyone on the website. You may make your own thread, titled "___________'s Journal" and then post journal entries about important events you want to...
~Woody's Journal~
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I changed that really stupid title of that journal. Hurray! Hi there. This is my journal that I will rarely update. Happy reading. -- Edited by Woodfall on Friday 9th of September 2011 03:46:00 PM -- Edited by Woodfall on Sunday 31st of March 2013 10:46:35 AM -- Edited by Woodfall on Tuesday 8th of Octob...
Honeypaw's (Super Awesome) Journal
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I am in 6th grade going on 7th, and I'm pretty sad that I'm going to leave my school. I'm looking forward to a good summer. I went to Lake Tahoe a couple days ago, and I can say that it was pretty fun, though the weather did not want to cooperate. So we didn't go hiking, swimming, or anything that...
Scorchheart's journal-A new Year
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-Hello there. I felt kinda weird not having a journal since I have over 100 posts, so I'm making one! I did read the rules and I will follow through with them, and I might make mistakes. I'm nervouse about what to say though, considering I really can't think most of the time. I hope my journal is approved! -...
Goldies Journal. ||August 30th, 2011||
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My life is quite insane at the moment. And basically overwhelming. And I'm about ready to snap. Everywhere I go, I'm putting on a fake smile. I'm showing everyone else that I'm happy. That nothing is wrong. When inside me, everything is spinning around. And it's honestly freaking me out. I mean I have a...
DewPaws life: DewOnASoftPaw
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RIGHT OKAY I DECIDED TO REDO THIS because my other one was crap: right my name is amber and my hair is carremely-blondy. my nose is a bit spotty (cos` im an early develiper) and me ears are big. i am very tall and i hate the way my face looks. people say i am quite pretty but i think they just do it to stop me fee...
....*...whatever will be, will be - Briar....*....
26 Augest Twenty-Eleven.... "Just when I feel this crazy world is gonna bring me down...That's when your smile comes around."So, on Monday, I offically become a Sophmore in High School! (YAY!!!!) This summer could have not gone by more quickly. I mean between the hospital (a story for a d...
as long as you're living; that's the good life. resta.
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even though i can't delete all the posts - theyhavesomanymemories - i can restart my journal-ing.gonna go back to writing once a week maybe.no need to read it. it's more for my sake of never forgetting.-resta -- Edited by Florestapaw on Wednesday 17th of August 2011 06:56:20 PM
Moonstar's Journal! [Update 9/5/11... Moony's giving an update after forevers?! OMGZ]
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Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008, 5:31 PM I suppose I should go with the flow and start out by introducing myself like everybody else did. So hey, I'm Moony. I am an obsessive person who listens to songs until I'm sick of them and who's number one fear is rejection. By the way, sometimes when I write something t...
Aurastripe's summer is stinking!
Hi people this is what is going on in my life right now! P.s. i'm in the 5th grade so just to let you know. IT BEGINS! Yesterday I went to the zoo it was awesome. There was this monkey thing and it was so cute. There was a water bottle in the water I have no idea what it was doing there but some zoo keeper should jus...
Draggie's Journal -Update 8/29 Still Here! And thinking....
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Okay, WHY DIDN'T YOU MENTION OUR HIKE TO THE THEATRE MOONIE! It was epic. All right you guys, Moonstar, two friends, my sister, and I decided we were going to walk down to the movie theatre. It was a pretty long walk too. But as we were started walking, one of our friends came up with a briliant new trend. Th...
superNova journal.
This is my first journal post. Ok guys, I'm not goin to be all, "this went on today, and she did this, and he did that" all the time ok. not to be a jerk or anything. sometimes I will post a song or two (credit will be given). DON'T USE THOSE POSTS AS A CHEATSHEET FOR THE GAME "Music Quotes&quo...
Wyverny Journaly
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Kay, I lied - I said these were stupid, I said I wouldn't make one, but by now, I've exhausted all other options. As such, I'm making a journal, for various reasons: 1. I no longer have a loner den. As such, I have no place to advertise things or operate out of, all together. 2. No one read said den even while I...
Music's Journal GUESS WHO'S BAAACK journal on page 3 8D
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YAY! MAH JOURNAL! Watch for updates. =3 July 23, 2008 YAY FOR JOURNALS! Well, let's start with an intro. I'm 12 years old and my name is Maggie. I have long, pin-straight dark brown hair and cloudy blue eyes. I am VERY clumsey. I'll wake up in the morning with TONS of cuts on my legs and arms and no knowled...
.Pa!nt's Journal.
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PA!NT'S Journal [CAROL WILSON] September 3rd 2010 Soo......Im getting pretty bored lately and the best thing I thought I could do while still trying to stay active on this site is creating a journal. So here it is... Journal Entries: - -- Edited by Paintedleaf on Friday 27th of May 2011 12:01:10 AM
Ixie's Journal- New School, New Me: 25 July, 2010.
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Entry one; Wednesday, July 23, 2008 I'm supposed to Intoroduce my self so... Well my name is Jessica. I live in California. I have a lot of friends ( on here and at school) Many of my friends call me Jess or Dawn because my hair color is a sandy brown. I'm 13 years old and I'm going to be in 7th grade next ye...
Lilyspirit's Journal |[If you want to read my journal that is active...]|
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:37 pm Hey! This is my first Jornal. Okay. I'll say a bit about myself. My real name's Brooke. I'm Thirteen, and going into Eighth grade. I am involved in alot of things to say the least. Band for starters. I'm in Concert Band, Marching Band, and Jazz Band. I play the T...
Nettle's journal
Hi everyone! I decided to start my own journal cause Im cool! Tommorow Im going to a meeting at Dog Trust and on Sunday we'll be getting are dog! My last one died of a massive heartattck (she had a weak heart) when she was only four. We'd only had her for a year and I was the lucky one to come home to her. It was a...
Lovelovelove [-i can manage my own life pretty well, thank you-] 06.25.10
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Hey I am a girl. A frigginly awesome girl. And I am a nerd, who wears glasses and is really smart. Just a little about me. For starters, I am pretty short for my age. I have blackish brown hair and dark brown eyes. I am tan. I am chinese. And I'm proud of it. I play piano and violin, and now, I have a guitar. Mor...
Shatterstep's Journal ::May26::
Heyy,Well I have been meaning to make a thread here I just never got around to it until now. I will try to update every week but I am not promising anything because I have lots of stuff to do now that summer is out. Well that is about all I have to say as far as introduction goes. Until next time Christian(:W...