But, I'm not very into RPing. x3 So you'll have to find another RiverClan warrior to RP with you. I just make the stuff and let others do the RPing, tehe~
"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.
My hobbies are reading, sleeping, eating, drawing(really good artist!), Slepping, SLeeping, SLEEPING, and SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 13 years old...............................................
Just saying again, please dont post in any clan board unless you are apart of that clan. I can only post in other clans because i am a mod =D I normally cant post anywhere other than Windclan thread for the clans. Thanks bud!
O_O...um,um!My hobbies are...eto(um)...Drawing,SINGING,dancing,traveling,adventuring(O_O aint that same thing as traveling???)...Day dreaming,spacing out,soccer,volleyball,and...eheheh,a lot of stuff...me is weird..^^p.s.:I have long term memory loss.Me just saying so you guys know. Me 13 years old...^^