Aww! And you did wonderfully with her markings; thank you! Very very cute! Sorry, the SunClan thing is kinda dead now... but I still appreciate it! I love these two charrys!
Can you put my request(for a pic of my character tabbystripe) on the first page, where requests are? I dont care when you get to it, just dunt want to forget. And the new pics are great, BTW! :D
Way over due request from ~cheeseburger1308. It's her characters Mousefang (the bigger, brown one) and Flowerheart (the smaller, ginger one). This picture really reminds me of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, for some reason. I didn't mean for that to happen, it just did because of the pose I chose for them. Sorry if you don't like it, ~cheeseburger1308. I did my best.