Introduction: Each clanmate will need to hunt in order to survive. You will have to learn to hunt and catch prey easily, or you will be useless to your clan.
Obviously, we cannot actually hunt over the internet, so we're going to do a little trivia thing. ;D
How To Play: I will post trivia questions that you are supposed to answer. If you answer correctly, you catch the prey. If you answer incorrectly, prey is not subtracted from your pile, you just scare away the prey you were stalking on and another cat gets a chance to answer. If three cats try and all answer incorrectly, a new question will appear.
Rules: 1. You are not allowed to answer a question two times in a row in case you are the only cat on. ;D this makes things somewhat fairer. 2. No spamming/flaming. 3. No cheating. 4. Questions will be about positions, the warrior code, herbs, etc., so you do not have to worry about getting trivia on books you have not read yet.
For Added Fun: At the end, I will post "Fresh-Kill Piles" I have created on Fireworks 8 based off of each clan's score. EX. Let's say riverclan answered 3 questions correctly. Their prey pile would have three peices of prey.
Prey piles can be posted on teh front page of teh clan rock. ;D