1. eat fifty dead dried worms 2. Listen to only opera music for the next three years 3. Have only three legs as a cat 4. Sleep in gooey mud every night 5. Live on nutricious spiders 6. Be not able to talk but can hear 7. blind
1. eat fifty dead dried worms? 2. Listen to only opera music for the next three years (directed at humans) 3. Have only one ear 4. Sleep in gooey mud every night 5. Live on nutricious spiders 6. Be not able to talk but can hear 7. Be deaf
1. Eat fifty live worms OR eat fifty dead dried worms? Fifty live worms 2. Listen to only opera music for the next three years (directed at humans) OR have bright pink cat fur forever?Listen to opera for the next three years 3. Have only three legs as a cat OR have only one ear?Only three legs so I would look like ive been in a bad fight. 4. Sleep in gooey mud every night OR sleep with your rival clan every night?Sleep in mud 'cause mud is F.U.N. 5. Live on nutricious spiders OR nutricious slugs?Live on slugs 'cause i could wash them. 6. Be not able to talk but can hear OR be not able to hear but can talk? Not able to talk but hear. 7. Be deaf OR blind?Be deaf.