OOC: WHOOT!!! Sandpaw had 100th post on this!! WHOO! And that would be totally awsome, if u want to be a meddie cat, wetleaf wants to be one to,
Flamepelt looked desperatly at her Clanmates, then she fainted. When she opened her eyes a starry warrior was there, how could she fall asleep when her clan mates were in danger?
Sandpaw heard Flamepelt faint. She ran up to her. She just seemed to fal into a deep sleep. Worried she laid beside Flamepelt and tried to keep her warm. she wrapped her body and tail around Flamepelt but not to tight. She then closed her eyes to sleep abit more.
OOC: whatever you can do. I'll be happy with either I'll also be Apprentice for months as long as I can be a medicine cat or warrior (hoping for medicine cat) Well I have to go, bye. I'll be on tomorrow.
OOC: BTW Sandpaw moonstar said we could all 3 be meddie cats!! so you can be my apprentice!!! ust to make sure before I put you as my apprentice, are you sure you want to leave your life as a warrior to travel the path of a medicine cat apprentice?
OOC: sorry i was ghone people my dad had t get ALL last night so i didnt get to go on at all last night can some explain to me wats goin on here
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
OOC: hey i dont know if i am Flamepelt's apprentice i am cofused about dat so am i
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
Roughpaw woke up after her sister she looked confused but a little scared to "Hey sandpaw are you okay!!?" she nodded "Lets wake Flaepelt c'mon" they both got up and started to wake the medicene cat
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!