OOC: Yes I Sandpaw will leave my Warrior life behind and follow the footsteps of being a Medicne Cat.
BIC; Sandpaw looked at Flamepelt, then her sister. "Flamepelt fainted a while ago. She seems to be deep in dreams. I wonder what she's dreaming about." sandpaw couldn't help but remember the dream she just had. Sandpaw shook her head and said. "So i decided to get her warm. Life as a Medicine cat most be lonley but worth it."
"Hmmmmmmm i hope she isnt dreaming bad things certainly!!!"Roughpaw meowed She sniffed the air they were being followed!!!"Sandpaw do you smell that scent!?" she ask her sister.Befoore she could replie Two rouges jumped out surrounding the three cats "We are in trouble!!"thought Roughpaw "Are we going to die!?"
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
Sandpaw looking at t he two rogues, a fowl scent they were. "Let's try our best not to fight. We are only apprentices." Sandpaw mewed to her sister. "Hello." mewed Sandpaw.
Roughpaw had never been in this situation before and she couldnt move she was frozen in fear. "Well what are cats like you doiing out in this part of the forest you could get serously heart Ging!!" Suddenly Roughpaw snapped out of it! She new that voice from anyware it was her dad! "He didnt die!? but how he fell of that clif!! Thats how he new my kittypet name!!" Roughpaw got un-frozen and walked twords her dad and said "Dad your alive!!" and rubbed against his chest and then he replied" I am darling i am!! Sandpaw its nice to see you to again!!" he meowed to sandpaw and Roughpaw OOC: can Roughpaw and her dad have been kittypets but they ran away to the froeast and then our dad and mom mated and you becoame my half sister but we call each other sisters or our apprentice name and my kittypet name was Ging k?
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
Bic: "I though you were dead!"she mewed. Then she looked at the other rogue/ "Who is this?" she mewed as she tried to make out the cats looks in the dark.
"When i fell i grabbed onto a crock on the cliff the when the log was dfalling i jumpedf inside of it then onto a rock and onto the other ladside . Remeber your dad has good reflexis!!" he mewoed to his daughters "Oh and this is Sugar she is a loner and my new ma-" he was gooint o saw new mate but hen he thought it brake Roughpaw and Sandpaw's hearts! "New what asked Roughpaw!?!?"
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
"MAte." Sandpaw finished. "Congrats, I'm sure mom would want it for him." mewed Sandpaw with no feeling in her eyes or face. "Nice to meet you." she said.
"Hmm ya mom would be happy that we have a i guess mom but not a mom hi Sugar!!" she meowwed
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
Flampelt woke up, the apprentices were gone!! what had she done? brought them here only to run away and be trampled by twoleg monsters?? She had to go back to camp to tell the others, they needed a search party! "Wetleaf! are you still here?"
"Oh hat we forgotabout Flamepelt!!!!" Roughpaw shouted!!.. "I take it you to are going to moonstones?" the father asked "Yes we are dad! But we have to go back an-" Listen you to head on you dont have a long way to go and me and Sugar will go to your camp and tell them wear you are!" Roughpaw and Sandaw noodded and the cats went to Moonstone
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!