Roughpaw stoped running and went by the lake "I wonder if i can speak to Flamepelt in thought" rough membled and she fainted "Flamepelt. Flamepelt can you hear me, if so i am sorry i ran off i just didnt want to say the cat who started the fire was you!!"
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
Roughpaw woke up by Saphire "Wha-!? Saphire what are you doing here!?" mewoed the shadowclan apprentice "My cub went into your camp!!!" "What....oh no c'mon we are going to Shadowclan camp i wont let them hurtMoonlight, Saphire i promise!!" and Roughpaw jetted to the camp when she got there cats were trying to scratch the cub "Hey STOP IT!!!!" yowled Roughpaw and wet in front of the cub "You hurt him you hurt me!!"
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!
"Don't worry Roughpaw. I won't let them hurt it." said Sandpaw. She was looking at the cub. "I think it might have fallen or tripped, it has a gash on it's leg. Give me a few minutes and I'll be able to treat it." said SAndpaw. She examined the fox's leg. "It's not bad, but I want to put some cobwebs on it and give him some marigold, just incase he gets an infection, I want to stop it before it happens." meowed Sandpaw. 'I'll be right back." she told the young cub.
Flamepelt began to part the crowd to see what was going on. when she saw the scared young fox cub she ordered everyone to back away. The cub had a wound, but she wasn't sure if she should cure it. If she did, then it might grow up to be a strong adult, ready to kill a cat of her clan, she decided she would talk to blizzardstar.
SAndpaw hesitated. Almost as she could read Flamepelt's mind. "But what if the young fox grows up to become a good allie?" she asked herself. She took some marigold and cobwebs and ran out into the clearing.
"I am sorry Sandpaw but... i cant trust anyone with this cub!" mewoed Roughpaw and she gave sighns to the cub to back away sloley "I can handle it!"
I thank Scarclaw for the AWESOME pic you drew me and i am glad and happy that i am going to put in ma sig. =3(now i can have people see you AWESOME art work!!!!