OOC: Hold on just a moment! Didnt Lionpelt just get pregnant? She cant be having her kits already... it hasnt even been one day! You have to wait at least a couple of months... unless we do a time skip and there are so many things that need to be taken care of before we do that...
OOC: Its no problem i was just really confused... anyway i think Rosey need Moth at the moment...
Mothdust sat beside Rosestar. He was really unsure of what was wrong with her. He pushed a few of the herbs toward her and mewed softly, "Please eat them. It will be better for you." He was unsure it he had gotten the right herbs or not. His pelt prickled with unease. His short legs kneeded the ground. He turned to his friend Tabbystripe, "Do you think she will be alright?"