I'm actually really confused... Tabbystripe said that she wanted a game like the "What is the person above's sig thinking" game, but then she goes on and talks about having a HOST and how many people can JOIN and stuff and she totally confused me... if we lose because of that I'm gonna be mad.
Well, see, what your thinking of right now is great. When I meant host, in your case, it would just be watch over the game and make sure everyone understands the idea of it. I really meant that you guys have to come together and create ideas. The ideas you chose right now are great, it's something people can jump into, and never ends, so it can be stopped when the deadline takes place. ;)
Yup, I know I already told you, but I'm letting eveyone else know: Since our game is simple, we need to do out of the box things to make it special so that we can win. So Oceanheart is going to make a banner. It can have the game name on it, maybe some gossiping cats and anything else you can think of. xD
Okay, that was almost exactly what I was thinking! I already started working on it. Maybe for the gossiping cats we'll have something like Firestar sitting and then a speech bubble saying, "Did you hear that Leafpool is Jaypaw's mother?" to Crowfeather? That's what I was thinking. :)