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TOPIC: Tabbystripe's Journal!-new entry on first post! :D

WindClan Apprentice

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Tabbystripe's Journal!-new entry on first post! :D
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Welcome to my journal, thanks so much for coming to check it out! :D

-- Edited by Tabbystripe at 20:00, 2008-10-19


WindClan Apprentice

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RE: Tabbystripe's Journal!
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Past Entries:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Entry 1
  I've been really nervous recently.  I'm a huge Miley Cyrus fan, as most of you know, and last Wednesday, July 16, 2008, I entered a contest for the biggest Miley fan. I entered the maximum-7 photos. One was of me in front of a HUGE Miley poster, at a concert with her, the Jonas Brothers, Snoop Dogg, Danity Kane, and a bunch of other people called Wango Tango.  THe others had pictures all up on the walls behind me, with just some of my stuff(all I could fit in the picture) behind me on stools. I even had Hannah Montana underclothes sets behind me(desperate to win! xD). In each picture I had on a different outfit. I had a Miley sweater, only available at the Best of Both Worlds tour, a shirt to match with Hannah, and lots more stuff. My clothes were COMPLETELY Miley. One skirt even looked like the one she wore, but the top lining said "I LOVE HANNAH MONTANA". And in the last picture, I was wearing Miley things(I even have boots just like hers!) and on my arms I had a bunch more shirts, and behind me I laid out more shirts and purses with my Miley Cyrus things. Most people are entering young kids, which they said they wont pick, and copyrighted pictures taken by paparazzi and proffessional photographers, which are automatically not going to be picked, as stated. But they haven't said when they'll pick the winner. The winner gets to see a private performance, and possibly meet her after, on Monday, July 28, 2008.  So, today, I posted a comment that stretched down the whol page (theyre on the side of the page). Here it is:
I just got Miley's album yesterday. It truly is amazing. It's a new showcase to her voice, it's amazing, and it makes me even more anxious to want to follow my dreams. she truly is a huge role model. now i'm so inspired, i feel like all I'll ever want to do is write more songs and sings, to meet her, I would appreciate it so much. I wouldnt just be all "Omg yay!" asking for everything autographed, I would ask her questions like how she got through teasing at school, how she gets through everyday of papparazzi and haters and posers and people out to get her. I would ask if she would be able to get through this with her fans. Miley said, "a girl wears a shirt with my face on it because she must look up to me" and that is so true. I definitely look up to her. And I'm not that young, I'm not under 10, this experience will truly be appreciated and treasured my whole life. I dont just like miley because people think shes 'cool', people at my school make fun of me for looking up to her, I look up to her because she's a role model in every way. I will remember this forever, and I'll also always remember this amazing oppurtunity to enter this, and that's amazing. This experience would truly make my life complete, I would remember it forever. I would always value it, even as an adult. This would be such an honor, and I've been to two of her concerts, but my mom and I weren't close, we couldnt see her well, but we dont care, I appreciated the experience itself, to know that she performs in front of all these people, it looks easy, but truly, it has to be so terrifying, to look out and see all those people. And to know she does that for me and a lot of other fans, she comes out just for us, it's amazing. and I wont say I'm the #1 fan, even if my family and people I know always say that, because it would be rude to fellow fans, I wish there could be more than one winner, so all us fans could go together, but unfortunately there's only 1 winner, so that would make me value the experience even more. And I think if I got a call or message that I won, i would fall to the ground crying, because the road just to the oppurtunity to get here was so hard. At school, everyone(even adults) call me "Hannah Montana Girl" and laughs at me. For our pictures at school, I wore an outfit almost exactly like one of Miley's to try to dress like her because I love her outfits, and then one of the people working at the school saw my shirt, which had a print like mileys belt, but above it there was a picture of her, and she looked at me and laughed and said, "Oh, everyone tells me all about how your obsessed with Hannah Montana, your the Hannah Montana girl!!" and walked off laughing. I had a jacket like the one Miley wears in the outfit I wore, and they kept trying to make me take it off, and when I wouldnt, another employee said, "No, she wants to look like Hannah Montana or miley cyrus or whoever she is!" and laughed, and after the pictures, I walked off and sat down, waiting for class to end, while everyone talked with their friends, but I dont have any because they all tease me, and now I have one, but she still makes fun of me all the time, and I felt like I would cry. But I didn't, because I take pride in being a Miley fan. Anyone can say whatever they want, I even get teased on the internet, NOONE can stop me from being a fan. I once didnt really like any music, until I heard Miley's. Miley, in every way, introduced me to music, and her music is still what I'm always listening to. I can't thank her enough for that. And I love how her music is always an inspiration, even Bottom of the Ocean on her new cd is about losing love, but at the end, she just wants everyone to be happy and she says she'll try to move on. And all her music has such strong messages, she even completely enhanced "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", and it shows even more girl power and fun than the original. And it's not just her song, her voice is NOT normal, but in a good way. It's totally unique. That makes me inspired to sing, even if I'm shy, I can overcome that, if I don't think I can sing, I just have to practice and try new songs, if I think the songs I write aren't great, I just have to keep writing, keep trying. I always remember every piece of advice from Miley, because it has changed me and helped me sooo much, and for the better. If I win this, I'll take in every moment of it, I'll appreciate it all, and even if I don't meet her, just to see a private stripped performance is an experience enough. To know that Miley, in spite of her extremely usy schedule, went out of her way to perform just for a fan that wins is just...indescribable how amazing that is. I dont think many (if not, none) other stars go out of their way for their fans. And it's amazing, how much she says she respects her fans, and how she does so much for us fans, it's just amazing, I can't describe how much I'll appreciate this. Truly, I can't. I'm not going to beg PLEASE PICK ME!! over and over, I'm just saying I'm really appreciating this oppurtunity, I've been wearing Miley things all week for good luck, and following her advice more and more, too. Thank you, KIIS FM for this oppurtunity, thank you Miley Cyrus for doing this for us fans, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, we can NOT thank you enough! Thank you so much to everyone, and thanks to all other fans, because now I'm sure I'm not alone in being Miley-obsessed! :) 

There's this other girl who keeps posting right after me, as if trying to outdo me or something, but she said she'd all ready met her, at an audition, but she wasnt famous then. She said she saw her, but didnt want to talk to her, but now that shes famous she said she has to meet her so that she can be famous too. I'm not trying to be famous, I just want this experience because I feel I'll always treasure it, and if I meet Miley, maybe we can be friends, but just meeting her would be great. I know that it's rare that she'd just give me her number or something, but a girl can hope to make friends, right? It would finally be a friend in real life, that wouldnt tell me that Miley sucks, or that I shouldnt look up to her, or teas me for liking her music. I can just imagine how great it would be. But of course, just winning this would be my dream come true. If I do meet her, I'll update my journal right after, if I don't pass out first, okay? xD 
  Anyways, I really want to win. If not, there's a contest to sing, and then you can win a record deal with Miley as your vocal coach, so thats almost a guarantee that I'll be able to see Miley more than once. :) But I cant sing, and Miley's picking it, why would she like my singing when her singing's so much better? But I love singing, to get a real record deal would be amazing. I'll probably enter that contest, if I'm ever alone, because I'd never sing with my family around. If not, then I'll have to forget about entering. But that's probably only if I dont win this one, and I really, really, really, really, want to.  :( So anyways, that's why I'm really nervous right now.

Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:25 a.m. PST

  I'm very nervous right now.  I still haven't gotten a call, and no winner has been announced. I'm on the verge of calling the company in charge of the contest I'm so scared! I also wrote a song for the singing contest. Everyone seems to be singing Miley songs, but I wrote my own, because it's judged on creativity. Here it is:

I've come to conclusions
That the time has come
To let my voice out
And let the world hear it

I've waited for this
I've waited for this moment
To take me where I need to be

Take me on a path
Take me on journey
Take me where I need to go

Let me make a record
Let me sing my songs
Let me go
Where dreams come true


I don't care how long it takes
To get there
Just take me
Where I need to go
Take me there
I'm gonna get there
Get there
To where dreams come true


Let it take
A million years
I don't care
Whatever the pace
I gotta get there
Get there
to this place
Where dreams come true
Dreams come true

I actually kind of like it. :) I'm just working on my voice to sing it, because I wrote it to involve a lot of "voice" in it.  I also don't sing with other people around, so I'm going to have to wait until I'm by myself to record it. I have to keep it under a minute to enter. But it could pay off so much! I mean, imagine, just making it to finals, that would be awesome! That would mean that Miley liked my video, and if I won. I'd get to go record, and even if I dont like my voice, she'd be my vocal coach, she'd teach me to sing, and maybe we'd even get to be friends and even sing a duet together! And if my albulm would go well, imagine being able to go on tour.  Imagine, a bunch of fans, coming, paying for tickets and coming out, screaming and singing along, just for me. That would be.... wow. And not just once, tours are everyday. Even just opening for  a show would be an honor, and fans everywhere I go, any place at all, and cameras, and people screaming for autographs would just be awesome. But much as I can hope, I have to realize, chances are so slim, only a few people out of the millions get picked for that, and how can I ever be sure I'm one of them? Still, I can't stop imagining all the things that come with stardom, just with one single minute video of me singing one song, so many things could happen. But it's so likely I'll get my hopes up to have them dashed away, I mean, it's rare even to make it to the final four that they're picking, unless Miley truly sees something in me.  But I'm just an ordinary fan, even if everyone's special, she sees people like me everyday. And that's why I'm going to try not to get my hopes too high. Because anything can happen, I can lose, make it to the finals, but lose, win, be so close to winning, really so many things can happen. 
  And that's what scares me.

Thursday, July 24, 5:00 p.m. PST
I'm going crazy writing songs! I wrote some like 6 months ago, and a few about a month or two ago, but they weren't that good. I kept struggling, thinking, "What's wrong with me? Why can't I get any right?" and now, I love how they're turning out, because now the words flow out of my hands, and I love it. Here's some:

I've come to conclusions
That the time has come
To let my voice out
And let the world hear it

I've waited for this
I've waited for this moment
To take me where I need to be

Take me on a path
Take me on journey
Take me where I need to go

Let me make a record
Let me sing my songs
Let me go
Where dreams come true


I don't care how long it takes
To get there
Just take me
Where I need to go
Take me there
I'm gonna get there
Get there
To where dreams come true


Let it take
A million years
I don't care
Whatever the pace
I gotta get there
Get there
to this place
Where dreams come true
Dreams come true

Try Again
I feel like I'm in
the deepest ditch
and I just
can't climb back out

But as hard as it is
As much as it hurts
I gotta try again.

I gotta

Get up
Get up
And try again
As hard as it seems
I gotta move on

And get up
Get up
And try again
Be strong
And try again

When life gets you down
I gotta turn it around
And get up

Get up!

And try again


Try again
I gotta

Try again.

Oh, oh

(whispered) Try again.

And my newest one:

My Friend
When we fight
I can't take the ache inside
I'm lonely without
you, my friend.

And now, I just dont know what to do,
Don't want to put all the blame on you,
But I don't know where I went wrong.

All this time
I thought our friendship was broken
But I realize now
that we're just at a bend

We're on the same pole just at opposite ends
Waiting to get all the way back again
Back again
Back to friends

I once thought that we were
friends till the end
Then I thought
that had shattered.
But I realize that sometimes
we think we lose things
but really,
it just gets misplaced.

And now,
I try so desperately
to find it again
but I can't
without you,
my friend


When we fight
I can't take the ache inside
I'm lonely without
you, my friend.

And now, I just dont know what to do,
Don't want to put all the blame on you,
But I don't know where I went wrong.


Back to friends
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Back to friends

I need some help, though. Which should I sing for my contest entry to the singing contest, to win a record deal with Miley Cyrus? Also, what type of singing do you think is better? Would you rather hear someone with a low, deep voice sing this, or a high voice, or should I just let my voice flow on its own?
  Anyways, if I don't win, does anyone know how to get into recording music, or no? I still think that would be so awesome. Especially going on tour appeals to me, like being on my own tour bus, and waking up the next day in a whole other place, performing for a bunch of people almost every night. Looking out there, and millions of people are here, just to listen. I knew it sounds like stress, but I'm up for it. :]

Anyways, please feel free to comment! :D

Friday, July 25, 2008, 9:41 p.m. PST(I'm staying up late, I know)
A few days ago, I was really, really happy because someone at my mom's work said he had to get rid of his dog, management problems. My mom was thinking of getting it, but she said yesterday it's too old, its around 6, and my mom says she wants a puppy. But yesterday, my mom made a deal of stuff to do around the house to get a membership to MileyWorld, and today I asked if I do more of it, if I could get a dog, and she said, yeah, sure. And lately, I've also been helping more with the cats amnd stuff. My mom really wants a pug, and she keeps saying, "Pugs are so cute! That's all I want, a pug!" and today, I said, "If we get a pug and it's a boy, let's name it Frank, like the dog in Men in Black!" and normally, my mom's really wary and is touchy on dog subjects, but there was no sign of that, so she was srrious when she said we could get one. Instead, she said, "Oh, its name's Frank? Are you sure?" and I said, "Yeah, I looked it up!" and she said, "Oh, that'd be so cute!" and then I said, "If we get a girl, let's name it Daisy!" and, we'll, I'll just do the conversation this way:
My mom: "Why Daisy?"
Me: "Because, I just think Daisy would be a cute name, what would you name a girl?"
My mom: "I think Daisy's cute!"
Me: "Or panda or something, since they have little black faces and white fur."
My mom: "Yeah...Koala-ie!"
and we laughed. So for us to have a conversation like that is great. We were talking about dealing with its shedding, bathing, and trimming. We also talked about their personality. We know they love dressing up, and my mom thinks that's adorable. I don't care about picking up its poop, either, really, i'd just get bags bring one big plastic wal-mart bag to put it in on walks, and I love fresh air, but we never really go take walks, so to be able to get out and have an excuse to walk daily would be great. And after school when I get home I could take care of it, too. So I'm planning all that. It'll probably be soon. We're all ready talking about where to find it, which is at the shelter. We're looking out for them and stuff, so yeah. I'm really excited!

Sunday, July 27, 2008, 11:25 a.m. PST
Yesterday, my mom, two brothers, and I went to the shelter. There were two dogs we were interested in:
He is not a typical chihuahua, he didnt even bark, and he was really mellow. He wasnt available until today, but we went yesterday.

Up close, in real life, he looks a little different, a lot cuter! I love him! Here's what happened:
My mom gave me two kennel numbers to look at because I was asking about another dog: the chihuahua above, and the puggle just below th chihuahua. I checked them out. The puggle ran right up to me and sniffed my hands, which must've smelled like cats because some dogs growled after smelling my hands, but he dindt care, instead he just jumped up on the fence and let me pet him. I went to see the chihuahua, and he whimpered when I left. I came back, and he seemed to be frowning, but when he saw me again, he ran back up to the gate, and opened his mouth, and I could've been sure he was smiling, because his lips were so high and he was trying to lick me all happy. I was like, "I've only been gone for two seconds, and I dont even know you!" he was on owner hold. We asked about him, they said they contacted his owner, and theres a 50/50 chance of them picking him up. But he's all ready been there for over a week since they called the owner, so theyre really not sure. We left to look at more dogs, and when we came back, he was in the back of his cage, and when he saw us, he ran up to the front and started getting all happy again, wagging his tail. My little brother's almost two, and LOVES dogs, and he reached his hand in to pet him, and he got all excited when he started petting him, and my little brothr even jumped in a puddle between the groudn and cage to get close to the dog. And then, someone brought a dog back into a cage. Dogs all around wer climbing their fences, going crazy. I looked around to see if there was one not barking. That would be perfect for us. There wasn't any dog not barking, except the puggle. He seems so perfect! and he's a great age, a year and a month is the estimation, so he's out of his teething stages but he's not too old, either!  I think he seems just perfect for us, but if his owner picks him up, I guess it's meant to be, you know? and maybe he'll be happier in his old home. But, I don't know, other people walked by him, and he just stared at them. With us, he realy seemed to love us, even my two brothers, who can get a little out of control when they're excited, like they were yesterday. And my mom likes him a lot, too.
   So yesterday, I get home and later, my mom sighed when I asked about him, and said she really likes him, she really wants him, but she just doesnt have the money to buy the poor little guy if he is put up for adoption, and to talk to my dad, so I went out there, and said, "Today we went to the pound and we saw a cute puggle and we really want it." I told him all about it and stuff, and he was like, smiling and like, 'I can't believe this'. Then, I said, "hang on". I ran inside, and got my binder that I'm gonna use for school-covered in puggles. I took it out and showed it to him.  He said, "Tabbystripe(he used my real name), how long have you had this?"
Me: "I don't know."
Him: "Did you just get this  yesterday?"
Me: "No!"
Him: "How long have you had this?"
Me: "I got it a few weeks ago."
Him: "Oh, now we're getting somewhere." 
  He seemed to think at first I was just going through a stage and just decided I wanted a dog. but he said, "this is an ongoing process. You have to keep things cleaned, you have to really take care of him, this never stops." I told him, "I know, but you know how I always try to walk the cats. You know I'd be responsible with daily walking the dog." He said, "Well, that's true. You do always try to walk the cats, we all know that, and at least a dog actually
And after long talks, it wasnt really official, his decision. 
  But today, I freaked out. I called the shelter and asked when he was getting out, i had forgotten for sure when. I didnt know his number, only an approximate. They said he probably got picked up by his owner. Then my mom found the card with his kennel, and called and asked about his kennel number. They said he'd be released for adoption Aug. 4th. I told my dad, and showed him the picture. He said he gets his work schedule Friday, and if he's not working that day, he'll buy it. I'm overjoyed now, and I can't stop thinking about him. I don't know what I'll name him if I get him. Here's a possible list:
Curly-because of his curly, long tail
Dusty-because of his fur

Any other suggestions for names?

Monday, July 28, 12:35 p.m. PST
I think the Dark Knight looks awesome! I heard its gorish, but I don't care, I don't want to see it for Batman, either. I want to see the Joker, I heard he's great in it! i accidentally got too curious and found out some plot info, like Two face and read some Joker quotes, and read just the first opening scene, but nothing that will ruin the movie for me. I really want to see it. I've been watching Trailers, it seems great, and the joker's voice is also awesome!
"Why so serious?'
"Let's put a smile on that face!" very laughy and screechy at times, but so serious at others, and yet still dramatic at other times, its great. Poor Heath Ledger, the actor was amazing. I think he did a fantastic job. Here's one of my favorite joker picture:

and theres more at thedarknight.warnerbros.com including posters with writing from the joker, like "haha" and stuff. My mom wants to see it, too, and I love how the movie's about some crazy psychopath, that gives the movie real feeling when played right, and from clips, I think it definitely is. 

New Entry-Sad and Happy and Hopeful
Oh my gosh, I called the animal shelter. they said:
"The pug beagle? he was returned to his owner."
I felt horrible, even my mom was sad. then I searched google, and i found some puggle pups. they all were far away and needed shipping, which for the cheapest one was 250, so it ended up still being expensive. then we found a reasonable priced one with shipping included. he's only a baby. his names keith. here's pics:
When he was just a little guy :]
Him with his brothers and mom. Look at that one flipping upside down, i dont know if thats him, but thats hilarious.
Awww.. him when hes older, i think thats him now, when we get him, if we do, he'll be like that. :D
Everyone says their vets are impressed, and that these puggles are great when they bought them from her. :]

I emailed the person selling if he was neutered(though I doubt it) and if he could by any chance lower the price. If not, I'll probably save money to help my mom pay, and my dad may help out, too. I really hope to get him, he's so adorable! And my mom likes him, too. He's a second gen. puggle, which means his mom and dad are both puggles. I think second generations are also smaller. he's only four months, he'll probably teethe a bit, but I don't really care. My youngest cat, Otis, is eating everything. The other day, he dug through the trash, ripped a hole in the bag, and ripped up some containers from el pollo loco, then yesterday he found a goldfish cracker and ate it, then he started running around where he found it all crazy, looking for more. We let him out, but then he came in and started chewing things again, and Otie's almost a year old! So I'm prepared for a puppy. Plus, it's better to raise dogs around cats when theyre puppies, so that's great. And if he's shipped, he'll come with a kennel, a health certificate, a checkup, then when we buy him, they'll take him to the vet again for another check-up, and if he's shipped, we'll be able to pick him up as soon as he gets here. there'll be no waiting for an owner to pick him up like at the shelter or anything, and he's from a good breeder of puggles.

Frank was bought from a girl nearby.  She had bought him for over 1500 dollars, but couldn't take care of the little guy. She had him for about a year, and named him "Dallas".  We got him for 250 with a crate, food, and more.  We expected a mellow dog, but we got him and he was jumping up on us! We still got him, and the whole car ride he was trying to jump up in he car and stuff. Now that he got here, I took him out for a walk, then to play. he doesn't know how to play, I threw a frisbee and he doesn't go get it. Once he ran after I ran, but ran right past the frisbee. He's over a year and doesnt know how to play. I got him a little ball and taught him to go get it and pick it up, and now he seems to semi-figured it out.  He's really hyper, but adorable. He has papers, so we're gonna fill them out. We're also going to rename him Frank after the dog in Men in Black, because he's just like him.  Today we're taking him to get groomed and more toys at PetsMart. We're debating whether or not to neuter him, because he's purebred and we're thinking of showing him. But I love Frankie all ready! He's so loveable! I'm going to really take care of him, I'm excited.

Name: Frank, used to being called "Dallas"
Birthday: January 6th or 7th, 2007 (i have to recheck the papers)
Adoption Date: July 31, 2008
Breed: Purebred Pug
Markings: Fawn
Temperament: Playful, hyper




-- Edited by Tabbystripe at 20:19, 2008-08-07


RiverClan Warrior

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kool! I love it. I really, really hope that you win. It deffinately gets across that you'd like this more than anything. You seem like you deserve to win, and I love it how you say you're just happy for the oppertunity!


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



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Omg I know almost exactly how you feel. I felt the same way during my David Archuleta obsession, it was sooo hard on me because most people wanted David Cook to win and would tease me for being so obsessed and talking about him so much. But I took pride in being a great fan, and I stayed with him, by his side, no matter what people told me, even though some days I wanted to strangle the people at school who would bad mouth my idol, and even though some days I just wanted to not like him and be normal, but I stuck with what I believed in. It doesn't matter what other people think. All that matters is what YOU think. If the whole world hates Warriors except you, take pride that you're a rare fan and never desert that side, no matter how hard it may be. You're so determined.

Though I'm not too fond of Miley myself (actually... well, nevermind) I'm happy she was able to make a huge impact on your life. :) I really hope you win and get to meet her!

-- Edited by Moonstar at 01:21, 2008-07-24



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

RiverClan Warrior

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It reminds me of my Twilight obsession, kinda. I would go around.



Reading every book, and then I'd ramble on about it to my brother and mom and friends. THey're all about ready to strangle me. I keep telling them to read it, but nooooo. They don't READ boooks. x\


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



WindClan Apprentice

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Thanks everyone! And yeah, thanks, I'm sorry that happened to you. :( I dont like idol myself too much, but I still alwys support you and Archuleta, because I know what its like to be teased. A lot of people take teasing the wrong way, they want to get back at people for it. But I dont want to be like that. I want to take my experience and remember it, bad as it may have been, and I have a horrible attitude, and I want to change that. I want to take all those bad experiences, and I'm trying to keep it from weling up inside me and making me angry because of it, like it can make me now, and I want to change that anger into making the bad experiences useful, and remember it to make sure others dont feel that way. And I remember all last year in school, when I would sit on a bench by myself and just read, or in first, second and third grade, when I'd just walk around, imagining stories, or putting them on paper, and people would tease me for always not talking and just walking around or thinking, I would always think, "I wish someone would come and help me, someone who knows what I'm going through, someone to come and not make me try to talk, and not try to make me not write, and just understand me and help me." I realize that I'm that person that I'vealways hoped for. I have to be that person. Because people always say "go to adults and ask for help" but theyre WRONG. In school, in first, second, and third grade, thats when I became shy and antisocial. I was the wierd girl, whod walk around in some other world, or sit on a bench and stare into the air. And everyone laughed at me, but I was only thinking, pretending I was in a story, or writing stories in my head, letting my imagination wild. But teachers, they didnt understand. They'd never understand. They said I had to play with other classmates(my class was a mix of first second and third graders at a small school, thre werre about 10 people in each grade) a certain amount of days a week. they made me a schedule I'd have to follow at recess. And I hated playing with the other kids so much. I remember one time, I tried to be friends with them, and I made my dad help me make a picture on photoshop of my guinea pig and write her name, because once I brought Sydney, my guinea, to school and they would be nice to me, just to pet her. So they asked for a picture, some girls, and I made it for them, and then I gave it to them, pinted on my dad's special photography paper, since he's a photographer, and gave it to them. By lunch, they'd thrown away the picture. And then another day I drew them a picture, and when the girl lost her hamster, I drew a picture of the hamster with luggage, and wrote a story the the hamster went on vacation with his friends, and came back again. She read it and said she liked it, but she threw it away, every page of it. I worked so hard, just to socialize and be nice like the teachers told me to. and they didnt appreciate it. I made a friend, and then later, those girls later convinced her to hang out with them and be mean like them, and I ended up with no friend eventually. And ever since I've been shy. I dont want ot be, I just am. I never really learned how to socialize, and now I still dont know how to really make friends. Until one of the girls I helped, her friend eventually left the school, there were no girls but me left in the class, and she was all of a sudden nice to me. But thats not the same, it makes no sense. and i almost cry now thinking about those horrible memories, but I want to use them for the better. I want to make sure they made me change for the better in a way, I'm trying, I really am.


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...That's horribly super saddning. ;_; I'm so sorry.



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

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Wow. You have such an Inspirational story, Tabbystripe. I'd love very much to hear more.

I know! We all can hop into a car and move to your school and live with you! x3

It's different for me. I'm friends with everyone, and some say I'm popular. I don't really believe them, but now they're all saying it. I never wanted to be popular. I know it comes with alot of stress, and pressure. Now I'm living it, and it's Bittersweet. Sure, I have alot of friends, but I get teased alot for reading and getting As and listening to rock. Wveryone listens to Rap. It's so hard, because I have to hide who I really am to half my friends. They all try so hard to be my friends, now, but I can never tell if it's because they want to be popular, or if they really like me. I hate it. I would rather lock myself away and be able to read, and write, and sing, and study, and play my guitar, and all of the things I love.

So our situations are different, but similar. I'm just saying, I know where you're comming from. I used to be the girl who thought alot and read and wrote stories. Others realized that I didn't care what they thought, and I guess they admired that or something.

Act like you're having more fun than anyone else. You know this is you. This is who you are. Let them know that you don't care what they think. Smile at them when they make fun of you.

It worked for me, so I guess it's worth a try! x3


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



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Thank you, both of you. :)

And bubbleshine, thats odd, because at first it seems like we're total opposites, but yet, we're on the same pole, just at opposite ends. I'll try it. :] I'm going to try to be like one of those people who are really easygoing, and would do anything for a laugh. It'll be hard, to overcome my shyness, but it's the only way to make friends. People right now are unsure of who I am, it seems. The only time I really talked, was when I was standing up for myself. I'll try that. :]


RiverClan Warrior

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Make it more clear what your intrests are! x3

Like singing? Join chorus!

Wanna help the school? Join Student Council!

Think of the things you like the most, and get involved at school. I promise, you'll find at least one friend that likes you for who you are.


Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3



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