not sure... but i would spend it fast...I always do!
September 27,2008 4:59 PM (centeral time) Today, Me and my friend(If you[the creater of it] read this you can tell who it is^.^) made a Forum together[yesterday]!^.^ I'm really Happy about it=P It's called
It's about wolves and I really don't know how to explain everything in it so if ya wanna know more about it just visit it! (you don't have to join-this isn't an advertisement) It's new so it doesn't have a lot of members
March 28, 2009 2:43 PM (central time) I'm Back on Four Clans!!!
It's been forever since i've been on last. I'm now a loner (i've been ThunderClan apprentace, Rouge, and now loner). My den is open to anyone, please come by and visit.
I've just seen Twilight on Sunday 22 (and Wensday 18, lol) [i believe those are the right dates] i loved it!!!
Today, I went to my grandma and grandpa's church and they build a new part to the building since the last time i was there. My grade is on the third floor and they have about 5 flat screen TVs, a Wii, a hockey table, a candy counter, a slushie machine, plus more!!! 0.0
Then after we left my grandparents took me to a high school to watch them preform a play (Footloose- The Musical) it was amazingly awesomeness!