We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
I've never gone a day in my life without listening to music. No, seriously, I've never. My dad told me that they played a rock song when I was born. C: Lol...
I've never gone sky-diving. D:
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.
I've never taken a parasite out of a cat? (catully I have. I was a bot fly larva an dit was killing him so I pulled it out and then me and my uncle set it on fire. I actually blows up XD)
"Well get there if its where we want to be and if not, well then I guess we never really lost anything in the first place."
We all have our moments: A moment to cry, a moment to laugh. A moment to be held, a moment to be let go. A moment to be sad for not having what we want, and a moment to be happy with what we got.
Yeah, we all have those moments. And I advise you not to put them to waste.