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TOPIC: ♥~Moonstar's Poetry/Prosetry/Prose~♥ [blowing on eyelashes uppp 12/18]

RiverClan Leader

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♥~Moonstar's Poetry~♥ [new poem up 7/14, "goodbye, white dresser." pleeaseseread&coommentt!]

goodbye, white dresser.
by moonehh

did i ever tell you that i think your eyes look like chocolate that's been under the sun much too long? did i ever tell you that they made me hungry? i'm glad i didn't. because if i looked into them now, they'd remind me of the crap that you told me straight to my glass face while my porcelain heart was wide open on a table.

it took me a couple hours to realize that the only reason we have memories is because things change. i remember the times you kissed my fingernails. and stroked my abdomen with a washcloth. and licked my cotton nose the moment the moon came up. and touched your fingertips to my eyelids to make them close. so i guess if i remember all that, i've changed. you've changed. we've changed. give us some air.

sunday is the latin word for "we'dspendthisdayeveryweektogetherandnowit'smessedup" and the sun would always magically light up like your eyes when you used to look at me in the dark. i remember the pillowcases you rested your head on and i remember that i still have them. i remember the penny i found while dancing in the street with you and it was tails up. i remember how i pressed my cheek against each fragile footprint you'd leave behind in the dirt outside my house.

but what i don't remember is your enormous ego that could cover this whole town and how i was one of four you'd been with all summer and the way you'd lie, lie, lie and tell me forever when you knew that would never come because the clock was still spinning in thisisnevergonnahappens.

*this is the censored version, btw*
i was just thinking about how my white dresser was going to be moved out of my room last night and i realized that i had memories of my old room because it was changing. then i realized that you have memories because things have changed.

-- Edited by Moonstar on Tuesday 14th of July 2009 07:56:33 PM



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

RiverClan Warrior

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Posts: 2635

I can definitely relate with you moonie. (this is my one post of the week on my hiatus, so i'll make it good for you ma buddie! :3) i think you definitely got your feelings across in this poem (hahaha, i was 'bout to call it a story... x3), so i will tell you how i felt 'bout each part. :3 could you pm me the uncensored version? i'd like to read the original.

did i ever tell you that i think your eyes look like chocolate that's been under the sun much too long? did i ever tell you that they made me hungry? i'm glad i didn't. because if i looked into them now, they'd remind me of the crap that you told me straight to my glass face while my porcelain heart was wide open on a table.

;;i can soooooo relate to this part. it's how i felt when HE broke up with me. but that's all in the past (though my backstabbing friends still remind me of him every day, the jerks they are). it's easy to pretend, though you can never forget truly, can you? i hate that the most about life. it's easy to pretend, but nothing can ever truly happen. you can be happy, but someone can easily step on you and bring you down. *sighs* life sucks that way.

it took me a couple hours to realize that the only reason we have memories is because things change. i remember the times you kissed my fingernails. and stroked my abdomen with a washcloth. and licked my cotton nose the moment the moon came up. and touched your fingertips to my eyelids to make them close. so i guess if i remember all that, i've changed. you've changed. we've changed. give us some air.

;;change comes and goes, but it's always there. this stanza definitely captured that concept of life. that's why this is probably one of my favorite stanza's in the poem, since i can relate to this the most. "give us some air." is my favorite line, however. i think everyone needs time to relax and adapt through change. and it's not always tehre, unless you ask for it (or it comes, though that happens rarely).

sunday is the latin word for "we'dspendthisdayeveryweektogetherandnowit'smessedup" and the sun would always magically light up like your eyes when you used to look at me in the dark. i remember the pillowcases you rested your head on and i remember that i still have them. i remember the penny i found while dancing in the street with you and it was tails up. i remember how i pressed my cheek against each fragile footprint you'd leave behind in the dirt outside my house.

;;this stanza is also very, very lovely. it's touching, and makes sense... but my favorite is the last stanza.

but what i don't remember is your enormous ego that could cover this whole town and how i was one of four you'd been with all summer and the way you'd lie, lie, lie and tell me forever when you knew that would never come because the clock was still spinning in thisisnevergonnahappens.

;;omigawsh, moonie, i can sooooo relate to this stanza. it's touches me, and your emotions definitely come across here. :3 i love this one <3 <3 <3 <3 it's amazing. what more can i say? lying hurts, especially if you can't forget the pain they caused you.

i hope you continue to write, as i will continue to reply to your poems! :3



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

RiverClan Leader

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Posts: 5414

Okayy, this comment is going to not be nearly long as that, but LONG IS GOOOOD :D
It means so much to me that you'd take the time to do that heart.gif I truly, truly appreciate it. Thank you sooo muchh :p
I shall PM you the uncensored right away XD Though there is very minor changes.



Thank you Ebbs!! <3


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Posts: 5

i love this!!! it's so amazing!! you use such great descriptive words! (oh geez i sound like a teacher.) you really should be like an author or poet!!!!

thanks karma!!^^

RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

Hahah, thank you SOOO much Missaa. Honestly :]



Thank you Ebbs!! <3


Status: Offline
Posts: 3066

your good beck! I'll give you that! :) You've improved so much from your first poems! *sniff* I'm so proud! :)


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BTW, this is Flames with a new name!!


RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

Hahahha *hand tissues*
Thank you so much!
You can probably understand every poem i write, since you were right next to me during all my traumatizing inspiration XD



Thank you Ebbs!! <3


Status: Offline
Posts: 3066

*accepts tissue*

yurp :) I can translate the majority of it :) hehe great job becka!!


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BTW, this is Flames with a new name!!


RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

Hahahaha sorry that you can translate all of it... *gave you an earful*



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

RiverClan Leader

Status: Offline
Posts: 5414

*some of these are censored versions

mmkayy here's a BILLION poems that i forgot to update this thread with...
it's a doooozzyyyy.

that was nice of my father
lovely ladies call to me with scissors in their toes. they say it is for motor skills, i say for a murder. no offense to the girls in gowns, but they are intimidating. maybe i can take the scissors off their hands for a while. except i can't find them there.

instead i found a fingernail that played back your horrifying breakup. i held my breath as the last words were whispered and i tried to listen even though i'd memorized them the first time. so why is it that i can't remember world war two with a glaring paper in front of me that's worth my acceptance into college but i still recall that fragile sentence you uttered on a fragile friday? the world is unfair.

would you be offended if i said you were cheap? [thanks for the roses, by the way. and the teacup imported from china. oh, and the silver frame i slid your school photo into. and let's not forget those chocolates i got over my anorexia from.] [what a nice gesture, letting me open the door with an armload of books. and the way you'd hang up if i called you to talk about my feelings. and, of course, how you'd tickle other girls and think i didn't see you feeling their tummies. and how generously you kept all those secrets to yourself. yes, how nice.]

i was fine with being left alone in my room singing daintily to coldplay, and i only discovered them because of you. and as i'm waiting and waiting for you to arrive for the beginning of the end of the day, my heart rattles. it needs encouragement. oh, how i wish i could fix you like my mother's cuckoo clock.

i can't sleep because my bed is not inviting unless you're in it. yes, i admit to fearing the dark. because in the dark, i am alone. i am back under the covers at 3:31 am waiting and waiting for you to arrive at the beginning of the end of the night.
[a/n: first stanza's really bizzarre, sorry. it was nice of my father to fix my mother's cuckoo clock]

here's my last token
a mime might think this is a lot to say, but a motormouth might feel slightly differently. the wind is distracting so i try to harness it does not work. i dry clean the dishes [because you screwed with my mind] [a/un: last sentence removed for content issues. pm me for real version]

you're a temporary God-forbidden number three. number one was a cheater, number two was a butt,  i thought you would be different. if you were a test, i'd fail it and would never get into the you'llbemineforeveripromise college which doesn't take much to get into anyways [all you gotta do is dig your fingernails into your wrist as he flirts with beautiful girls.] but either way, i'll be better off at justbealittlepatientandhe'llcomealongeventually university in that'salsoalie, california.

i've gotta view your face in a new light and see the dark from underneath. i've gotta see your smile with an open mind. i've gotta count your freckles with unlimited time [only seven, last time i checked]. after all these months, i can officially declare that seven is not a lucky number. and neither is three.

if i live to be 73 years old, i'll know i lived a crap life. if i get married at 37, i'll know i have a crap husband. it's that simple. the warnings are fantastic; maybe i'll never be wrong again. ha, i'm funny. i know you have brothers despite being an only child.

but yeah, i don't see any problem with her, so knock yourselves out. and she's only 17, which is three years older than me. and i'm smiling. and smiling.
you hurt me,
but i know you have a crap girlfriend
[again, if i was really as bad as you said.]

the bad girl
dearest bedsheets,
are you cold? i'm sorry. i can't touch you. i live in fear of overcoating the traces of his sunburnt skin, and the floor is not too umcomfortable, you see.

and that boy would tell me all about his cerebral cortex. he trusted me, i think. but i penned all my feelings for him on toilet paper and let my cheek feel the hope. i trusted charmin and flushed it down the toilet.

a 14 year truth
i whispered that i loved you 211 times into my pillow
because i wondered whether it was fact or fiction.
i remember bottling up your affection into a plastic bottle
so that i could take a sip whenever i felt lonely and lost
like a mouse in those science fair mazes.
and i wish i had whiskers so i could navigate
through the twisted truth more easily.

i burned your presence to a leather cd so that i could
feel you on my ipod when i pressed
so that when i pressed pause, the feeling
would linger in my eardrums.
and because being able to control how many times
you actually show up beside me
makes me feel closer to you,
like you actually do show up more than
3/8 the times you say you will.

and i said, "i'm sorry, but i forgot your middle name."
and he showed me his braided smile. "that's okay, because i forgot yours."
and we laughed about that because
forgetting middle names is okay and not nearly as wrong
as forgetting somebody exists.

you asked me one day,
"what do you think about forever?"
and i said, "forever sounds good. forever sounds long."
and then i whispered
"i want to spend forever with you."
and you said
"so do i."

so i scoop out my emotions from my pumpkin of "maybewecandothis,"
and "screwit,let'sjusttrytomakethiswork" and throw them into your oven of determination
i toast them because you told me to
i toast them because we agreed to it
i toast them because i believed in you
and i let them go an extra ten minutes so they burn.

now i know it's true when i whisper "i love you"
but maybe i shouldn't have agreed to forever
when i can't even drive a car
and now i'm wondering if you loving me
is fact or fiction.

there's a simple answer
and i knew he didn't know anything about me
when he said he knew everything.

they come and go. they come and sculpt linoleum lips. they come and rattle distant feelings. they come and churn hearts in a knot. they come and it's not what you think. they come and live. they come and regret. they come and. they come. they come like aliens. they don't come peacefully.

everyone is unknown. everyone is a stranger. you don't know anything about anyone until you realize you never will. you don't know anything about life until you realize it never will stop. you don't know until you realize you will never be warned. you don't know. you don't. you don't know anything about yourself until you realize that there's too much for you to know. you don't know because sometimes you don't want to know. you don't know until you learn that sometimes what you thought you wanted to know was really something you didn't need to know.

you are both humans. you are fragile glass and chipped mugs. you are crinkled leaves and golden braids and leather book covers. you are broken tears. you are the cause. you are the problem and the solution. you are everything. no, boy, you are nothing. you are. but we both are everything. we together are everything. we don't know. we don't comprehend. we don't guess. we always assume. we don't think.

we don't think. we don't.

and he's not my first person anymore
and the dirty pillowcases you slept on smelled like paled promises and shattered expectations only because your head is gone. it was after i whispered zoo animals in my sleep when you asked me what i dream about.

i told you "i dream about the endings of fairytales that are teaching children the opposite of reality. i dream about you shedding skin particles onto my bed whenever i think of Hitler or the scary movie i almost didn't watch when i'm trying to continue my nightmares. my nightmares are dreams without you. i dream about not being with you forever.

"i dream about rotten apple cores that have been stripped of all they have and about how lonely and exposed they must feel. i wonder if the air whipping by hurts them. i almost wonder what it's like to be stripped of everything you have and tossed into a garbage can before i remember that i already know.

"i dream about going to circuses where my mind feels at peace, at home. not being the outsider for once. following my mind, my head, and where it says to go because the last time i followed my heart, i ended up face first in the waste of hope. i dream about how without beating organs, there's no life, but without mental organs, there's no thought. so if i'm alive without a brain, i wouldn't know i couldn't think and that i never would. i wouldn't know that your eyelashes are thin and fragile like the legs of a ladybug and that deodorant really only lasts for a little while. and i definitely wouldn't know why you kept showing up in front of my bedroom window that still needs windex.

"i dream about the way your eyes seem distant when i'm talking and how they have no color anymore. like when things started churning, the bright blue just felt useless; 'hey, we have no need anymore when these two aren't in love' and just got up and left. i dream about you begging to explain. saying we are in love. telling the truth-
telling what i know and what you still haven't figured out."

and he kissed her lips as she lay motionless in bed.
and he told her "when you're asleep, you talk too much.

i can't take any more paycuts, oh, no, i just can't...
her cherry skin left in peeled remains on the bedroom floor suggested four things. 1. she is sun burnt from her trip to miami; 2. she is bored to death without someone to fit herself in; 3. she is distracting herself from exotic places she doesn't want her mind to wander to; 4. she is adoring someone. she is loving someone. she is killing herself with someone.

and i think that if each reason was worth 25 cents, she'd have a dollar. and i think if they were worth 10 cents, you'd have 40. and i think if they were worth 5 cents, you'd have 20. but in order for anything to be worth something, someone has to care. and since that's your job, the words are worth nothing. the words mean nothing.

i think about how i used to work for my grandmother's flower shop and how she'd pay me minimum wage. i feel like you pay me minimum wage just to be yours, like i'm not worth any more but that's just enough for me to keep up with your lies. for me to stay. and i liked my grandmother's flower shop because it was good for my college. and someday, i will be brave. someday i will quit. someday i will. someday i. and someday might actually mean something if you increase your salary.

someday, someday, someday, someday...
[a/n: i hope somebody besides me understands this. tell me if you do. i think i made it too confusing... or it doesn't make sense at all. blahh. i don't know.]

i don't really like my work too much but i'm practicing. i hope i'll get better.



Thank you Ebbs!! <3

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