It's okay, we stll finished in time, and yu werent late or anything, I just wasn sure if you wuld come on because you said your parents might disconnect your internet if you cant afford it. ;)
If we lose, I just want to let you all know that it won't be any of your faults. I want to thank this team so much for working hard, working together, trying your best, getting everything in in time, doing everything fairly, and, of course, having fun while making this packet. This team rocks so much, our collaboration and teamwork, and just the happy, nice air of the team is amazing! I'm sorry if I wasn't a good leader during this challenge, but I hope you all had fun. We definitely deserve to win, because we had fun, worked together, worked hard, and did everything fairly. Sometimes, in a game, one team will get so competitive they resort to cheating, like stealing another team's information in an act of plagorism, just paraphrasing a bit, or stealing another website, like Wikipedia,'s information for their challenges, and that's definitely not the case with our team, and I'm so glad everyone's pages were distinctive, transitioned well, and had new, fresh perspectives and really showcased every person on our team well. May Team Squirrelflight WIN! =D