ALRIGHT! The first issue of the newspaper is UP with MOONSTAR/SNOW! =)
Why did you decide to take a position in the Tribe for two weeks, leaving RiverClan?
Well, being the leader of RiverClan, I am incredibly bored/tired of being Moonstar 24/7. That's why I jumped at the chance to be a rogue when the outside cats were made. I like the name changes and the experience, but I could never leave RiverClan! So I always take the two-week trial and then hop on back to my home Clan. ^^
Do you think creating the Tribe was a good idea?
I think it was a good idea. It gives this site more feel to the books since in the books there is a Tribe, and on this site, there was not. Plus, changes like this increase activity sometimes, so it was worth a shot. And users seem to be having a great time! The problem is, not many people are Clan cats now, but many some will switch back after the two-week trial to keep their Clan positions. :)
How do you think the Tribe is forming -- is it coming along well, or not so much?
The Tribe is coming on amazingly. Everybody is very excited about the change making camps, roleplays, and even this newspaper.
Do you think the Tribe will continue to help the forum by making it more active? Um, I definitely think it could, as any change would. But the things that make the forum the most active are new boards/priviledges; I suppose you could call this a priviledge, and so far users have been a litle more active.
One last random question: What is your favorite kind of pie? We are all dying to know!! Hahaha! Out of the pies I've actually tried, I'd say pumpkin pie. But I'm sure if I tried chocolate cream pie or something, pumpkin would be lowered. XD