Oakstar gave out a soft sigh than lifted his head high. "If fireleafs dream is true, we will have to leave windclan." Fireleafs eyes widened at those words and his ears dropped. he looked up at their leader. Oakstars eyes scanned all the scared cats.
"But what about the sick cats?" A young she-cat said. "They can't travel with poison in their bellys!" Oakstar gave a soft nod. "Yes, but we can't wait for every cat to heal, even the ones that aren't sick because of the poison. Every sick cat will have to walk with a partner just incase anything happens. They should be fine." Fireleaf felt a growl in his throat. Dang twolegs... He thought. Why can't you just leave us alone... Fireleaf blinked and heard his name being called by oakstar. "Fireleaf, when in your dream was it?" Fireleaf thought for a moment. "It was dark...." He said. "Yeah it will happen when the sun is down."
Oakstar nodded. "It could happen tonight, or tomarow. Maybe a surprise." Oakstar took a deep breath. "All right, we need to get ready."
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw opened his eyes at the sound of Rabbitpaws voice. It made him relax a little till he heard Oakstar say we must get ready. Standing up Breezepaw shook himself. "Thanks Rabbitpaw...." He walked over to Fireleaf as Mudwhisker walked up to the cat too. He heard Mudwhisker tell Fireleaf he shouldnt be walking and to go rest a little if anything does happen, then walked away. Once Breezepaw made it to the firey cat he bowed his head. "Fireleaf....are we going to have to leave?"
Fireleaf looked at the young apprentice and his ears dropped. "Yeah..." He whispered. "We have to find new land for windclan." Fireleaf stared at the ground with his glowing green eyes and slowly he tried to walk back to the medicine den but fell down on the damp floor.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw's tail fell to the ground from what Fireleaf had said. He looked up in time to see Fireleaf hit the floor. Running up to him Mudwhisker ran to the other side of Fireleaf and both cats picked him up. "Starclan help us!" Mudwhisker shouted as they placed the fallen cat on the floor. Making sure Fireleaf was ok, Breezepaw walked over to Rabbitpaw and sat next to her. "Rabbitpaw. I dont want to leave..."
Winterstorm sat in the middle of camp as the cats moved away to prepare things to leave. Her eyes were hollow with disbelief. How could they move away from their home?! It wasnt right! Tears welled in her eyes but she refused to let them out. She was the deputy and had to act like it. "Sparrowfang, Blacktail, Robinflight, go make sure that the queens can be moved. You will be helping them" The three cats she named off nodded softly and trotted away.
Rabbitpaw's ears drooped for a moment before she nudged her friend in the shoulder with her nose. "Dont worry about it Breezepaw. We will make it through. Starclan wont abondon us. They will surely bring us back when its safe." A smile touched the brown she cat's white muzzle. Her stump of a tail waggled back and forth for a moment trying to cheer him up. "Please dont be sad Breezepaw." SHe almost begged him. She couldnt stand to see him sow down like this.
Fireleaf moaned and opened his eyes, his green eyes shined brightly with fear nd sorrow. why? he thought. Why is this happening to us starclan? Why now? Fireleaf shook his head. He was talking to a bunch of cats who weren't even there. Thats what it seemed like. Firelead let out a growl and slowly stood up. His legs shook and he walked out of the den. The other cats seemed to be to busy they weren't looking. Making sure no one was watching, he slowly and quitly walked out of camp. He walked in the direction of his river. As he arrived her looked in the water. "Please starclan, Please. Show me a sign that we will be safe." Fireleaf waited but saw or heard nothing but his tears as they splashed in the clear rivers water.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Breezepaw looked up at Rabbitpaw. The smile on her face made him smile. He didnt want her to worry so he stood up and nudged her back. "Ok. I wont. Dont worry." He looked over to where Winterstorm was. "Come on. Lets ask Winterstorm what we can do." He walked over to Winterstorm and waited for Rabbitpaw.
Fireleaf sat down and watched the water as his tears dropped in it. Fireleaf let out a small sigh and closed his eyes. He slowly laid down on the grass by the river. Tears still streamed down his ginger colored cheeks as he laid there. The wind slowly pressed against his pelt.
Thanks karma! The cat in my avie is my character firestar/leaf. Not the character from the book ;)
Ooc: ALOT! Im roleplaying now as Breezepaw. Windclan is leaving because two-legs have poisened the prey and Fireleaf had a dream from starclan about a fire. Ummm Ebonycloud changed her character to Winterstorm and I think theres more...i just dont know.