IC:Dropping the prey they had caugt in front of the elders Breezepaw wlaked away slowly toward a small dirt spot and sat down. Watching the cats around him he noticed everyone was still acting like they were at the regualr camp. Smiling he stood up and stretched wondering when they would leave.
OOC; Anyone else want to just pretend we have already foudn our home? Traveling in Rps tends to lose attention so who just wants to "teleport" there =D
OOC; There was a fire that happened in the old clan territories forcing the Windclan cats to moveout and find a new home. On the way their old leader Oakstar died and Winterstorm(Me) then became leader. She appointed her friend Fireleaf(No need to say who this is ;D) as her deputy. Hawkshadow is the medicine cat and helped Winterstorm to get her lives to become Winterstar. Now we are just going to do a timeskip to the point where we are at our new home =D
OOC; You know what Sparrowpaw? Our avvie characters look like they could be sisters O.o Sorry that it was off topic but i thought it was kindah cool ^^"
OOC; That is really cool and funny if you ask me ;D Tigerlily is the daughter of my first character Ebonycloud. Anyway, lets get this RP underway
Winterstar looked down at the land that they had arrived at last night. Her pale green eyes sparkled with delight at what the light had to reveal. It was a large lake land where a hilly moorland lay with no scents other than rabbits coming off of it. "This will be our home!" she yowled out to her tired clan. They had traveled so long and so far she didnt know how long it had been since they had been at the clan's true home. Yet here they were, a new home and new hope for them all. Winterstar turned her eyes over her shoulder and shuckled out loud, "Come my friends! Lets go home." With that she lifted her white and black tipped tail for them to follow.
OOC: Ive pertty much put us where the clans are at in the second and third book series. Hope that is alright!