-nods sagely- My apologies for disappearing off the face of this site for the past... I don't know. Don't ask me.
Anyway. I've been bored nowadays (not that it means much--I'm bored during school, but that doesn't mean I'm doing nothing @_@), and I've been running out of ideas of what to do (read as: too lazy to come up with stuff to practice).
...I have limited Photoshop skillage, although not being able to understand the language said program is in doesn't help, either. But I can do mild text editing and coloring~ :3
Basically, I'll take art requests (I've changed my mind; I need some serious practice on the cats && dogs, so, no guarantees of anything, but I can give you an attempt. Maybe a reference picture would be nice? xDD), photo manips (er... No promises, unless you can read Chinese, but it should do), and... uhm. Other stuff. We'll see. You can ask.
Anyway. I'm too lazy to post examples, but if anyone's interested, then solunasunwell at the dA (deviantart, for you people who live under a larger mountain than I do) is the way to go. ...but if you cant go offsite, then tell me so and I'll put one or two here. Maybe. If you're lucky and I really like you. Which probably wont happen. But you can try. [/end list of frags] ...-shotdead-
NOTE: I am not here to serve your behind, should it be an arrogant one that deserves a proper kicking. I am not bound by law to do things if you're rude and annoying. (Although none of you should be, I'm just putting this out there.)
Okay. Random outburst out and over with, I'll take three requests at the most.
1. 2. 3.
If I get any at all. :3
I've got more rules and form-y guidelines and such next. (I'm so picky... :c)
-- Edited by Souki at 05:54, 2009-02-26
-- Edited by Souki on Tuesday 7th of April 2009 11:31:55 PM
-- Edited by Souki on Sunday 10th of May 2009 12:22:51 AM
-- Edited by Souki on Saturday 16th of May 2009 03:35:54 AM
-- Edited by Souki on Friday 25th of December 2009 08:38:56 AM
If you're asking for a character sketch (it will probably be a character sketch unless I really like said character and decide to color it for you.), it'll probably be a head shot unless I really like said character design and draw a full body for you. [This makes me sound so self centered. Geeze.]
But still, give information that I'm actually going to NEED. I mean, a full personality bio is nice, but really? Am I going to need it? Single words that describe the character will suffice, thank you.
Instead, something useful like hair length, age (trust me--I need this particular bit of information), you know, the like. You can add color stuff on the off chance I'll color them. The same goes for the outfit. I may or may not draw it.
Noteitynotenote!:Oh yesh; I forgot. I can't do manly guys. They're really feminine. So if you don't mind, then go ahead and request a guy. :3
Under photomanips, almost anything goes. If you want me to tamper with a photo, post it, as well as what part of it you want me to manipulate (read as: mangle beyond repair). Text, colors, random blotches; whatever.
Also, if you want me to make something purely from scratch (...I should charge for this. -shotdead-), include dimensions.
I should add that I made my avvie from scratch, although I used a tutorial. Which I've long lost, and probably couldn't reproduce anyway thanks to the fact that I can't read anything my program throws at me.
All this said, I don't have a form. Include whatever you want, just make the main points are in there. Otherwise I'll bother you and neglect to work on the thing. =D
Although the font is tinier than I thought it would be @_@;; I'll need to change that... so no one goes blind before my own art work has it's chance to do so. 8D
yush, so here it is. an oc WIP. i'll change it to the complete thing after i'm done with it 8D which will probably take years and years. /uber procrastinator when it comes to things like this. u__u;
i know it's ugly as it is tiny. :C idk how to make it bigger? D: i'm pretty sure i saved it as full size on meh thing, but yeah xD;
Can it be a girl with silver-blue eyes and caramel coloured hair? She's actually pretending to be a guy, so she won't have a chest, and her hair will be anywhere from bald to her shoulders.
I can wait for this, but it'd be awesome if you can make a coloured version for me! :DD
Here's my personal info. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything! <3