Ebbs watched him leave but she said nothing. Rather she turned her attention back to Duskstar. The two sat in silence for a long time before Ebbs stood and hesitantly walked over. Her ice blue eyes gazed down carefully at the tabby she cat as her breathing became even once again. "Just because we are friends doesnt mean you have to try and kill yourself chasing after me." Ebbs narrowed her eyes and sat down beside her friend. "I am not giving up on Eagleisght but perhaps i should calm down a bit more eh?" Fade's interuption of their conversation had sobered her up quite a bit. Her emotions were hidden easily behind a mask of emotionlessness.
"Nearly killing myself was the only way to make you listen," Duskstar explained quietly. "Besides, you made a promise," she teased quietly. Then her head shot up. "Where's Willowkit? I did not see her in camp as I left. Do you know where she is?" She became the leader of ThunderClan once more, making sure that all of her cats were safe.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs looked toward the direction of Moonpool, "Still there i suppose... I dont think she had enough energy to climb back down." Ebbs voice was still detatched and uncaring, even if she was speaking about her apprentice. "Well, now that its night time if i go there with her... I might just be able to salvage the apprentice ceremony." Ebbs eyes were untouched by that prospect. She frowned deeply feeling the emotions she had earlier brush by her mind. She knew that at any given moment she could slip back in to that state of blind passion and anger.
"Then go. Do not shatter her belief that all will be well. She still trusts in us." Duskstar nodded, imagining Willowkit's eager personality. "And do not worry about me. I'll make it home." With that, she stood up shakily and began the slow walk back to the ThunderClan border.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs sighed softly and stood. She trotted toward the Moonpool at a steady pace. Her body felt bit tired from all teh sprinting she had done but it wasnt too bad. After a long time she made it to the cliff of rocks and glanced up. "Willowkit? Are you still up there?" She called out and waited for the young tabby she cat to reply. Perhaps if she was lucky, the tiny cat would still be there.
Willowkit heard the whisper of rocks moving again and she heard her name being called. The silver kit had not bothered to try and get down, for she had known that one slip would mean her death. "Ebbs?!" She cried, leaping up. As she squinted down, she realized that the black cat really was there! So she hadn't been forgotten!
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs sighed softly, not knowing if it was relief or annoyance. "Stay there I am coming up to get you." The black she cat made her way up the rock face as clumsily as ever. Ebbs could make running across an flat surface as gracefully and as beautiful as any creature could but give her a rock face to climb and you were looking at a new born kit tripping over its own paws. When the she cat finally got to the top she was panting and had a rather angry scowl on her face. "I hate rocks." She muttered and glanced down at Willowkit. "I am sorry..." she whispered after a moment of silence. "Do you still want to be a medicine cat?"
"I...don't know." Willowkit hung her head. "Why did you tell me that faith was a lie?" The silver cat looked up at the black she-cat's ice blue eyes, her own sapphire ones glowing in the dark. "Why did you tell me that no one would look after me when I needed it? And why did you leave me?" Those where the main questions that she had wanted to ask, and had thought about for the whole afternoon while wondering whether Ebbs would come back or not.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs sighed and glanced at teh starry sky, "I have to say that i have had a hard life... full of pain and disappointment yet i kept faith in Starclan because i believed in what they told me... But it was only when things were going good that they told me things. Never when i was having trouble or struggling. My faith just seemed misplaced. I left because i needed to get away from it all. The pain of being disappointed with the ones i trusted the most. It was just to much for me. I guess i am weak that way." Ebss turned her impassive eyes back to Willowkit and waited for her to reply.