Ebbs lapped up the water of the Moonpool and closed her eyes. She felt nothing but cold overtake her. This was the feeling she had been waiting for earlier that day. At least Starclan hadnt refused her this time. When she opened her ice blue eyes she was standing behind what appeared to be an adult tabby she cat with all the same markings as her young apprentice. Ebbs' face grew astonished for a moment as many cats pestered the tabby with questions. When Lepordstar had spoken a few things clicked in to place. Willowkit was a cat that looked like this warrior named Willowshine. Coinsidence? Ebbs narrowed her eyes and stepped forward. It was odd having Willowkit standing beside her and her face coming up to about Ebbs' shoulder height. A few eyes turned her way with what many would call a glare. "Ebonystar... or should we say Ebbs?" came the rather heavy voice of Ebbs' old mentor Hawkstripe. The tom stepped out of the crowd of cats and stepped up beside Lepordstar. "Call me as you wish. This is Willowkit's ceremony and i have no place to speak." Came the steely reply of the former Windclan leader.
Willowkit had almost woken up, but froze when she heard Ebbs' voice. "Ebbs?" She asked, instinctively stepping closer to the black she-cat. But then what surprised her was that Ebbs was not too much taller than her. What was going on? Running seemed like a nice idea, but she was afraid. What if she fell? "What's going on here?"
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Hymmwhisper came back to camp and sat down. It was getting dark. She decided to guard the camp. Sitting down in from of the clearing, she kept silent, her dark pelt blending in. Keeping silent, she strained her ears, listening for any crunching of twigs, any scent of an intruder. All was well. Hymmwhisper relaxed. The last thing she wanted was a fight while their medicine cats were out sharing dreams with StarClan.
Dusky told me about how little old Eaglesight was being mentioned alot in the ThunderClan roleplay. So I came to check it out...though I've been inactive for quite some time, I realize...
Huh. That was weird.
Anyways, go on with your lives~ Just thought I'd pop in. PM me, I suppose, if you want...I might remember to check it tomorrow.
Ooc: xD That's right Flighty~ You were the cause of this roleplay. o3o course, that's not a BAD thing, in fact, you've given us an AWESOME plot :D You know, you could even CONSIDER joining. xD
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ooc: Hmm, I just might, I suppose. What would I do, though? Be poor, blind Eagle-chan and stumble blindly (eheh) around the desert? And then, what, fall down dead with my pathetic blind aura surrounding me? o-o
Ooc: XDD No. What about Flight? You totally forgot about her. Dusky and Ebbs pretty much opened their hearts to her when she came and kinda took Eagle's place, and they want to find out what happened to him, so you can develop why he disappeared, and all this awesome stuff! o3o
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs tossed a glance at the adult version of Willowkit but said nothing. She turned her ice blue eyes back to Hawkstripe and Leopardstar. She continued to say nothing and waited with a frown on her face for the dead warriors to talk first. "Well?" she sneered to them. "Arent you gonig to tell her what is going on? Or is it against Starclan's rules to tell anyone a straight anwser?"