"Yeah! And when we're the best, everyone will look up to us!" Willowpaw jumped up. "And then no one can hurt us, cause I'll be able to heal everyone, and no one will be able to threaten us cause you'll be so strong!" She continued, her eyes sparkling once again in the pre-dawn light. "And there will be peace here!" The lake sparkled in the gray of the coming dawn.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ravenstep nodded vigoursly, "I cant wait for that!" His smile was still on his face and Ebbs couldnt help but smile herself. Their innocence was so cute that it made her heart warm. Yet she dreaded the day when they found out that they werent even supposd to be friends let alone talk to one another. "So you plan on bringing peace to the forest?" Ebbs chuckled. Ravenstep nodded again and nudged Willowpaw shoulder. "If its us we can do it! I believe that!" The young tom's voice was so sure and clear. Ebbs felt a frown touch her lips. What was going to happen to that spark of innocence when they knew what the real world was like?
"Me too!" Willowpaw quickly added, seeing the slight frown. "Not even the wrath of StarClan can stop us! And then they'll put us in the stories, and they'll have to have you too, because you'll have taught me everything I know, and you're the type of cat that everyone wants to look up to!" The silver apprentice exclaimed happily, glad to have made a new friend so quickly.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ravenstep stopped and looked at Willowpaw, "Dont you believe that Starclan is goig to help us?" His voice was confused. He had been taught that Starclan guided and helped them. Not try to stop them. What did she mean by not even letting the wrath of Starclan stop them? If there idea was to help the clans did that mean they were trying to make things better?
Ebbs watched the confused look pass over the young warrior's face. With a soft grin she laughed, "I dont think that the mentors of great cats are rememberd that much. But if cats remember you for your good deeds then i will be over joyed because i will be able to say that you were my friends and i taught you. Even if they dont remember me they will remember you." Ebbs bent down and licked Willowpaw between the ears and the same for Ravenstep. "We should be getting back." Ebbs bent down so Willowpaw could hop back on. Ravenstep's eyes opened wide and his voice was a little desperate, "Wont i be able to see youg guys again?" His green eyes darted from Ebbs and lingered on Willowpaw for a while. Ebbs caught the look and smiled. "Of course you can."
"Yeah! I'll be seeing you soon too, cause I'll be going to Gatherings now! And I'm a medicine cat, so it's not like it's against the warrior code to be friends with you too! And Ebbs, I'll MAKE sure that you're part of the stories!" Willowpaw exclaimed, climbing up Ebbs' back with more ease than she would have had before. "I'll see you soon Ravenstep!" She called, remembering what Ebbs had called him when he first arrived.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ravenstep frowned slightly for a moment before he grinned again. "Well, i suppose that will have to do!" With a cheerful flick of his tail said, "I will see you around." He turned and trotted a few steps away. Yet he hesistated and glanced back, "Everyone misses you Ebbs." With that he turned and bolted away.
Ebbs frowned slightly and sighed. "I guess i may have to return once your training is finished Willowpaw. Running around with you here and seeing Ravenstep again reminded me how much i really do love being in a clan... Still... there is Starclan." Ebbs spat the name other dead cat's clan harshly. The two medicine cats knew what they were really like and would more than likely stray from them the rest of their lives. "Come on then." Ebbs turned and bolted away as well. They tore across the open moors until they were on Thunderclan territory. Ebbs slowed to a fast trot and made her way to the camp entrance.
Willowpaw jumped down from Ebbs' back, not wanting to look like a kit, and strode through the thorn tunnel with her chest fur puffed up and her eyes sparkling. "Thornkit, Pinekit! Guess what?" She called as she entered the clearing. Her two friends ran out of the nursery and called, "Willowkit!" She laughed and dashed over to them. "I'm WillowPAW now~" She exclaimed. "But you aren't even six moons!" Thornkit replied. "Yeah, but I'm going to be a medicine cat!" She answered happily.
Ooc: Brb, dinner, I'll be quick. reply tho~
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs made a clumsy attempt to get through the thorn tunnel. She hated the fact that she had to bend down to get in. After many thorns snagging on her fur, she got in to camp with an exasperated sigh. The three small cats standing near the nursery with excited eyes made her smile. At least someone was having a good time. "You look like you lost a fight with a bramble bush." Chided a raspy voice from behind Ebbs. The black she cat whirled around to see Nightstreak giving her a board sneer. "And you look like a small squirrel that a fox vomited back up." Ebbs smiled cheekily. The white and black tom rolled his eyes and wrapped his thin tail around his paws. "Standing on sentry duty?" She asked not to curious as to why he was up and the sun was only barely rising. "Nope," He replied curtly, "I am sitting on sentry duty." Ebbs bristled a bit but felt a laugh push past her lips. Nightstreak lifted a brow as if questioning whether or not he was the reason she laughed. "Well, at least someone in this camp can make me laugh." Ebbs ice blue eyes twinkled. She saw the black and white tom hesitate and look away. "Oh come on, you know you are funny." She flicked his nose with her tail. "You just have to let others get to know you." She winked and padded away.
Willowpaw saw Ebbs coming through the tunnel and bounded away with a call of a goodbye. "So! What now? Are we going to check on Lily?" The silver tabby seemed to be full of unbounded energy, and it seemed as if it would never run out, even though signs of exhaustion were slowly showing in her eyes. After all, she hadn't gotten any sleep the day before.
Ooc: baack~ btw, tell me if you want me to put in more side characters. XD
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
OOC: It might help =D Just make up random warriors and description for them if you want XD I am probably going to be playing Nightstreak for a while and Ravenstep when he comes in to play.
Ebbs nodded and trotted to their den. "See if she is awake and if she isnt i want you to go straight to bed. Staying up to late is bad for your health." Ebbs yawned and looked around the den. Their stock of herbs was low and would need more very soon. With a sigh and made sure which ones they needed and which ones they didnt. When she had done that she knew it was time to go and talk to Duskstar. An awkward feeling over took her as she turned to the highledge.