Ebbs grinned widely. Alright! She had two candidates! This was already going to go smoothly. "Alright little ones, tell me your names so i can know who you are as well. But i must warn you before i decide on which i shall be training. I am a tough mentor. I may seem nice right now, but while you are training with me and you are under the stress of having to heal another cat, i shall be as merciless as Tigerstar himself." Ebbs' mouth quirked up at the edge but her eyes remained dreadfully serious. When it came to teh matter of apprentices and Starclan, Ebbs was always serious. Just because she was a loner now didnt mean that she didnt care about her warrior ancestors. She would train one of these kits to repect and interpret the signs that Starclan sent.
While Thornkit grinned and giggled quietly, Willowkit's eyes shone brightly, and she nodded seriously (as serious as a kit can get XD). "I understand that...Ebbs? But if ThunderClan needs a medicine cat and I'm the one to do it, then I won't give up!" She realized how strange what she was saying sounded for someone of her age, and Thornkit and Pinekit snickered behind her. She lowered her head slightly, flinching at their snickers.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs studied Willowkit for a moment before a great grin broke across her face. "Alright you two, i have decided upon my apprentice by the reactions you two had to my questions and threats." Her ice blue eyes rested with warmth upon Willowkit, "Willowkit will be my new apprentice and the future medicine cat of Thunderclan." The black she cat turned her eyes to Willowkit's mother with a mischievious glint in them. "Please allow me to take care of your daughter as she learns the mysterious ways of herbs and Starclan." She dipped her head with respect but before she lifted it again she winked at Willowkit. "Come on then. Lets tell Duskstar the good news!"
Willowkit leaped up. "Really? Me?!" She jumped up in excitement and followed Ebbs out of the den, her tail straight up. "Bye guys!" She called as she left, and looked out into the bright hollow. Most of the cats ignored her and Ebbs, but a few were still looking strangely at the black cat. Why didn't they want Ebbs here? Ebbs was such a great cat, Willowkit had become friends with her really quickly!
Ooc: gotta sleep. xD Nighty~
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs trotted ahead of Willowkit, but teh length of the tall she cats legs made the effortless stride seem like a fast jog. Willowkit's short legs were thumping against teh ground trying to keep up. The former Windclan leader felt a smile crack on her face. She was going to have to remember that Thunderclan cats were a deal smaller and slower. Yet that made it perfect to live in this forest. THey didnt need Ebbs' long legs to find food. They used stealth, or so she had observed when playing with Duskstar, Eaglesight and Goldheart when she was younger. Not to far from the nursery, the brown Thunderclan leader sat near the opening to a den that had the lingering smell of herbs. Memories of Ebbs' days in her own medicine cat den flooded her mind. "Duskstar!" She called out, "I have found my new apprentice. Willowkit shall be Thunderclan's new medicine cat!"
Duskstar smiled widely and called back, "That's wonderful! I'll let you two get settled in. And I'll make sure to send an apprentice over with fresh-kill." The tabby leader winked warmly at Willowkit and turned around gracefully, pausing to talk to an apprentice before bounding up the rockfall and disappearing into her den.
"Am I really gonna be a medicine cat?!" Willowkit asked, sprinting after the tall black cat in her attempts to keep up.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs turned a smile over her shoulder and chuckled, "Of course, i wouldnt joke about something so serious. Tonight, you and i are going to go to the Moonpool and we shall talk to Starclan. This will be your apprenticeship ceremony." The bouncy little tabby kit's face lit up with amazment making Ebbs' heart fill with warmth. "Lets get settled in and see exaclty where we are going to be living from now on." With that she disappeared in to the den and glanced around. The rock walls were smooth and dark, Near the back was a small pool of water that would more than likely be used in emergencies. The walls looked like they had shelves on them, making storing herbs a simple task. "I think i am going to like it here Willowkit, how about you?"
"I'm going to love it here! I've always wanted to be a medicine cat, but Pinekit and Thornkit always made fun of me for it." Willowkit explained earnestly, her sapphire eyes sparkling in the half-light of the medicine cat den. That was when the apprentice that Duskstar had spoken about walked in and lay a mouse and a vole in the den before respectfully turning away and leaving. "ebbs, the food's here!" Willowkit exclaimed as she looked at the food.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."
Ebbs grinned and nodded to her, "Go ahead and eat, i have already eaten before i came." With that the she cat went deeper in to the den to find a more private section of the den that was more than likely her spot to sleep. With a grin she left it and trotted outside. The sun was just barely visable as it climbed higher in to the sky. It was gong to be a long time before nightfall and even longer for them to get to the Moonpool. Still this is the path that Ebbs had chosen to take and she was going to stick through with it. "Willowkit," Ebbs called to her apprentice, "I want to teach you a few things before the whole day wastes away." Her ice blue eyes trailed back to the den and waited for the young cat to come bouncing out.
"Okay!" Willowkit bounded out, not touching the mouse that was left for her in her excitement. She scrambled out of the den to see Ebbs sitting there looking at the sky. She sat obediently beside the black cat, eager to please and to learn. Her chin was held high as she looked around at the Clan cats, slightly confused, but waiting for her first lesson.
"If he dies, then it will be God's will."
"If that was meant to be comforting, it was not."
"Everyone dies eventually. Once you are born, you begin to die."
"That was not comforting either!"
"It is the way of the Creed. Usually our deaths are violent but quick."