K, soon I am going to entrust you with some of the best artwork I have ever created, if you take credit for my work it will break my heart.... SO ENJOY! :) And feel free to request magna! :)
^This is my first (and I think its my best) peice of work, her name is story :)^
^This is soul :)^
^This is Rebecca, I tried to make it look like moonstar in real life but it doesnt :)^
-- Edited by Flamepelt on Thursday 25th of June 2009 03:06:15 AM
So purdy!!! *0* You are awsome Flamster! XD I love how big and anime the eyes are!!! Great job and keep it up!!! I cant wait to see more of your awsome work!!!!!
Once again, I love mine Flames! Wow, I am so not used to being called Rebecca. It sounds so weird hearing someone say that again!! haha i kind of miss it. IT sounds so majestic for that character. I look awesome. hahaha. even though my eyes are greenish. but thst okay. :] ahaha.
nice. i want one. of couse grover's a guy so make him a girl! pwease?
"Well if we don't kill him maybe there will be death and destruction and maybe this realm will be destroyed and the Cykarie Realm (otherwise know as the Sye Realm in the future) will have a waged war with a realm Blackfang named after himself." Ryujini said then paused. The three of them broke out laughing.