Okay, here is where we can welcome new members, apprentices, and warriors into ThunderClan. There will be contests, and I'll try to update constantly. Please keep an eye out for new stuff!
I'd like to give a great welcome to ThunderClan's newest member, WOODPAW!
Welcome to ThunderClan!
-- Edited by Jaggedpine on Monday 11th of April 2011 01:19:56 AM
I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.
awesome! Im still trying to find a den picture for my den i think i took some pictures of dens when i was at the zoo except one of the picture had a giant bear in it
its was kinda cool though cause the only thing between me and the bear was glass and me so i was really close same with cheetah i saw it came up to me and put its paws on the glass right where my hands were so i was really close it was super awesome