"Didn't you hear me?" Cloudandis told Stormbringer. Suddenly a hoard of these creatures came at them. Rach gave a low growl. "Stand and fight!" He howled. "Holly, Take Twiollow to saftey!" Cloudandis barked. he nodded. "Hey, I can fight!" twillow cried. "Not when you're ready to give birth to a pup you're not!" cloudandis growled. She gavea a reproachfull look before nodding in conent. They flew down to the trees as more Andelites attacked. "Stormbringer, run!"
ooc: Uh oh...due to recent inactivity, this isn't going to be easy to post. I'ma make an extra long post to keep the charries in play. Also, Panda, if you wanna RP Twillow (Holly's pregnant mate) or a guy like CRome or Hollyu, please feel free to do so. Don't change them too much though.
Cloudandis gave a snap at a creature that flew at Rach, about to slice a wing. She bit hard on it's neck, but even when she crushed it the creature was stilll fighting. She dropped it and then turned to see Crome and Rach fighting side by side. "Hurry!" she cried. Another hoard were coming in hot-and they hade their mouths wide open. She spotted something else."Just our luck." she growled. The carnivorouse leaves were being attracted to them by the faint acrid tinge of blood that hung in the air.
Crome and Rach shot out at the creatures, tearing them to shreds. Crome's nano biotic structure ate away at them if they tried to bite him. Rach was getting pretty mad too. THe furry was almost activated. "Why won't these freaks die?!" Crome snarled. "I bit one's head off and it's still moving!" Rach gave a low growl. "I don't know- RUBA LOOK OUT! TATTER< LEAF!" he shouted. Tatter couldn't take on a whole group of them who were biting him all over the place, and Leaf was fighting off a bunch that were trying to hit Ruba. Ruba smacked them away and broke the wings and legs off of a few, but more blood splattered their pelts and more Andilites appeared.
Twillow gave a small cry as she saw the fight. "I wanna help them!" she barked. Holly gave her a look as if to say "I know" but he glared at the creatures. He turned to Stormbringer, and saw the pup. "Why can't you-" But he was cut off as a large streak of fur launched itself at a group of Andilites who gave pitifull sqeals. Cloudandis turned. "You!" she barked. It was that strange creature she'd saved on their last journey, the one that looked like silver Fang. Silver fang had been a great and terrabley threatening enemy, and he had had many followers exce3pt that one little creature. "Yay!" it smiled but then went back to fighting.
-- Edited by Scorchheart on Sunday 18th of July 2010 09:46:42 PM
ooc: I'm sorry guys, too many users have stopped posting adn this thing has just about died. Oh well, second ones don't alwas do as well as the first ones, but okay. I'll submi this to the Archive boards once no one has posted by mid night. Over here any ways.....eastern time.
ooc; well guys, this RP had a good run, but like a friend said, second ones won't do as well. XD Ah well. Okay, if no one will post by 7:00pm EST. I'll willingly feed it to the archives boards. Nice knowing it was here :D