Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Separate Ways .:A Warriors RP:. ~Full~

RiverClan Warrior

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Separate Ways .:A Warriors RP:. ~Full~
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He had listened to their conversations. Quiet and calculating. We all want something, but it may not be what we necessarily need, thought Bearfur, frowning at his own words. What I want is not what I shall get at this point. Bearfur had remained silent during their journey, and as the badger attacked, he gave a facade of disgust at everyone's surprise. "Please. To be surprised by a badger," he jeered, eyes narrowing. Following Normandy's lead, he latched on to one of the badger's limbs, imbolizing the creature. He didn't want to kill the poor badger. Bearfur detested killing almost as much as he detested the past. However, as Petaldancer had blinded the badger, Bearfur decided it was his turn to strike. A blind badger is a dead badger. Charging in, he dug his claws into the blind creature's neck, muttering, "I apologize for my sins and beg for forgiveness," over and over, much like a mantra. As the thrashing continued, Bearfur grunted in worry towards his teammates. "Everyone get back! It's actions are going to get even more frantic!" A silent worry was carried over his words. Friends or enemies, I cannot afford to see you die. As the cats backed off of the badger, Bearfur latched on for life as the badger thrashed it's head, breaths becoming strangled gasps. "I apologize. I hate taking another's life, no matter the creature." And after one other solemn gasp, the badger's blinded eyes became motionless.

ooc; i hope that was okay. ^^' if it wasn't i'll edit it... also, i will post as kestreleye soon. also, making kestreleye seem alittle insane here... don't mind me...

Kestreleye looked down at his group solemnly. "I'll inform you all of our mission now, seeing as we are heading in the direction. As I stated before, we are heading to the border of the former ShadowClan territory. There, we shall find the two-leg place, guarded by a dog. We shall kill it, and bring Darkstar back a fang." Taking a moment to breathe, he then looked at his group. "Do not get in my way, nor bring me down. I intend on being a Sentinel, whether or not I have to kill you all to get in my way." And this is one of the moments where Kestreleye really hated himself. Like, a genuine hate. But, as with most cats, there are two sides to him. His rational, and the blood-thirsty TigerClan born-and-raised side. And of all the times for his irrational side to come out to play... This is the worst, thought Kestreleye.

-- Edited by Florestapaw on Sunday 4th of September 2011 10:21:33 PM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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OOC; Not a problem, just hope you don't mind if I interject something of my own ;D


Normandy had not heard Bearfur's call to run. He was only focused on staying on the badger's leg. The badger had been stamping its feet trying to dislodge Bearfur, however they had managed to catch Normandy square in the side, however he not let up. He bit deeper in to the badger's leg as Bearfur began his final assault. The badger's strangled gasping could be heard and Normandy smile to himself. It was almost over! He began to let go to scramble out, but the badger came crashing down on him, his already injured side cracked and gave way to the badger's weight. Normandy's eyes grew wide as he felt his broken ribs puncture his lungs. Blood flowed in to his mouth as he coughed and gagged. Normandy felt his limbs grow stiff as he began to see with vision as if he were looking out of a tunnel. He tried to screech for help but he only coughed up blood. He knew that someone was going to die during these test... He just figured it wasn't going to be him.

OOC: Because I can...
Also, makes for good drama I think ^^"



RiverClan Warrior

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ooc; haha! "Because I can..." aahahaha!
and this is because i can make bearfur try to save normandy even though it's pretty much inevitable...

As Bearfur removed the claw carefully, he heard muffled gurgles coming from beneath the badger. Frowning, with claw clutched in his jaw, Bearfur circled the badger until he saw crimson seeping out from underneath the creature. Startled stare aimed towards his group, his plead was clear. And almost immediately, Shadestreak was there, beside him, each of them shoving against the large form. As several attempts, the badger rolled off from Normandy as Bearfur gazed at him in fear. He didn't imagine someone dying so soon into it. His jaw clenched even tighter on the claw and he could feel his teeth straining against the pressure. "Stay here," he managed through clenched teeth, "and try to keep him alive." And within a second, he was bounding back towards camp. Don't die. Not yet. Not already. We're a team, thought Bearfur, desperation ringing clear though his mind. I won't lose him. I can't. He isn't like the other TigerClan cats. That thought sent him over the edge as he skidded as he passed the entrance to the camp several times in fright. Too much time had passed already. His chances were slim.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ThunderClan Deputy

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Cliffheart nodded to Nightfang and gave a weak smile. His paw still ached from when Stormfoot had attacked him, and it still had never gotten the chance to heal. He turned sorrowful eyes to the ground in front of him. He was both saving and stealing from his clan. The tom glanced over to young Sablepaw. He was scared to death, taken from his clan and in a strange place with strange cats. At least he had Nightfang, but for some reason Cliffheart felt a connention to the small apprentice. It was almost a paternal feeling. Maybe it was because he had to protect the young cat with his life for his clan, or because this small group of LionClan cats was all he had, and Sablepaw now was a connection to home. No matter, Cliffheart wanted to meet Sablepaw and earn the apprentice's trust, and he wasn't sure why.


I am Jaggedpine. Just thought I should let you know.

WindClan Deputy

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Normandy struggled with his breathing, only blood was available in his desperate lungs. His soft blue eyes began to gloss over and he looked toward Petaldancer. Sharpfang, Shadestreak, Sandtalon and Kirby all gathered around him, horror in their eyes. They saw the young former rogue's life coming to an end. He managed to gurgle past his blood to Petaldancer, "I-it was.. *cough* a pleasure to meet you." His body was sent in to a spasm, air trying to get in but blood trying to get out. A look of peace crept over his face, "D-don't let t-these t-toms push you around." His bloodied mouth quirked up at the edge. Gently he rested his head on the ground as the sweet embrace of darkness and death took him.

Nightfang and the rest of their patrol marched in to camp, the sun beginning to set by now. As she passed in to the entrance the rank scent of fear hit her nostrils. She instantly sped forward to see Jumpingfox outside his den staring in bewilderment at Bearfur. She could see blood at Bearfur's paws but he looked unharmed. Her initial fears were set aside for the moment as she ushered Sablepaw toward Cliffheart. She whispered softly to her young cousin, "He will protect you." With that she padded over to Bearfur, "What happened?"



RiverClan Warrior

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Eyes wild, Bearfur looked at Jumpingfox in panic. "He's dying -- probably already dead! Under my watch! I'm hopeless! He's probably dead right now and it's all because I'm such a selfish moron!" rushed Bearfur, eyes wide in feae and aggravation as he panted for breath. He felt Darkstar's gaze on him as he pawed the badger claw. "I-I was getting tge badger claw and heard it and -- it was such a horrid sound!" Turning towards Nightfang, Bearfur's frantic eyes slightly calmed. And Shadestreak's sudden appearance did nothing to calm him in return to Nightfang's appearance. "He's dead, Nightfang! I watched a cat die with my own eyes I..." Suddenly sobering, he kicked the badger claw towards Darkstar's lurking form. "I will not allow it to happen again." And at that, he felt the tears dry up. Hiccups invaded his gasps for breath as they turned to calm inahles of air. Looking at Nightfang, there was still pain in his gaze. Head bowed, Bearfur frowned at his behavior. He knew he had sobered up because of Darkstar's calculating stare. But the mourning in his heart did not cease. Looking up at Darkstar, he gazed back evenly, eyes still tender and rad from tears. "Weakness only makes the soul stronger," stated Bearfur easily.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Nightfang drew closer to the tom and wrapped her paw behind his head. Gently she pulled him toward her in an embrace and whispered, "Shh... Bearfur, I'm here." She didn't know what words to say to him. A cat on his patrol had died, what could she say? Gently she stroked the back of his head, her own tears forming. She didn't know the cat that had died but Bearfur's pain was to much for her to bear. It was like Silverdream all over again. Nightfang had been there for him then and she would be there for him now, to heck with Tigerclan's rules about being strong. She would leave Bearfur now only if it was what he truly desired.

Thunderstep was stricken at Bearfur's shouting. A cat had died?! What was his father thinking?! Just behind him a sound of paw steps could be heard. It was Sandtalon and Kirby carrying the body of Normandy between them. He was limp and covered in blood, his chest concave in an unnatural way. A growl erupted from his throat, "Is this what we stand for?! The murder of a cat?!"
An even voice sounded from somewhere near Darkstar's den. "Murder? This wasn't murder. I didn't ask him to go on the mission. He chose to. Just as you all chose to." Darkstar emerged from the shadows and stalked toward Bearfur, "Stop your sniveling. Normandy was weak! He was only in this clan because his sister was here. He did not believe as we do. He was a coward, soft in the heart and soft in resolve. You are all now stronger because of this weakness. If you want to give him honor, then forget his existence. The weak are no to be remembered. Only the strong survive." Darkstar turned to Bearfur and muttered, "You survived because you are strong. Do not disappointment."
Thunderstep bristled at his father. How could he? This was insane! The tom spat at the ground, Tigerclan had to be stopped!



RiverClan Warrior

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Bearfur merely closed his eyes and burrowed his face into Nightfang's neck. "It's been so many moons since I've cried. I don't feel strong anymore, Silverdream," breathed Bearfur to himself, frowning deeply. "I've tried to be strong... but at this rate, I'm not even fooling myself anymore." Taking a collective group of breaths, he stopped frowning. Nuzzling Nightfang in a gesture of thanks and support, he smiled ruefully at her, eyes solemn "Nightfang, we can't give up. Ever. You're strong," he muttered, bowing his head. He didn't point out that he said, "You're strong," rather than, "We're strong." It was just sitting there, unsaid but clearly heard by the she-cat. Meeting Darkstar's gaze, he gave a cold smile.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Nightfang gently touched her nose to the top of his head. She said nothing about being strong. If he had seen her earlier he wouldn't have said that. She had been scared out of her mind and nobody could convince her that she was strong. She pulled away from Bearfur and smiled softly, "You don't need to hold it in around me." He placed her paw under his chin and lifted it so she could meet his dark gaze. "I'm here no matter what. Thick and thin, storm or no. We're partners... Remember?" her eyes grew softer as she mentioned partners. She would follow this tom to the end of the Earth if he thought it was even an interesting idea. She'd keep him going if it was the last thing she did, for if she lost him her world would collapse.

Darkstar snorted at the two, "Oh would you two go get a den." He turned from them and headed toward Cliffheart to inspect Sablepaw. A wicked grin spread on the tom's face. "Good, he is young. He will do just fine," he glanced Sablepaw up and down. "You're a Tigerclan cat now kit. What's your name?"
The young black furred tom squeaked, "S-sablepaw!"
Darkstar grinned darkly, "Welcome to your new home Sablepaw."



RiverClan Warrior

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Softly smiling to Nightfang, Bearfur sighed. "Of course. Nothing can tear us apart. Which happens to be a very good thing." Hearing Darkstar's comment, Bearfur rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore it, and the weird feeling in his stomach. Passing it as nerves and concern for the apprentice, he sighed. "I'm glad you're here, Nightfang." A silent thank you was communicated through his gaze as he grinned caringly, licking her on the cheek, him being the oblivious cat he is. Then turning towards Darkstar, he raised an eye brow. "I have retrieved the badger claw. Any words to say?" Bearfur's gaze was far from amused, though a tight grin placed itself on his lips, making for quite the intimidating expression. Beingthe same height as the older tom had its advantages.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

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