Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: Separate Ways .:A Warriors RP:. ~Full~

WindClan Deputy

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RE: Separate Ways .:A Warriors RP:. ~Full~
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Nightfang watched as Sharpfang turned around to address her once more. The ginger tom lifted a brow at her and commanded, "Alright now. Enough slacking off. Go back to your den and wait for someone to call upon you. You won't have to wait long I'm sure." He sent a look toward Whitewhisker. From the look on the sentinel's face you could tell he was no fan of the twisted white tom. Still he said nothing more as he moved away. Nightfang trotted toward the servant den, wishing the sun would set faster and she could tell Bearfur about Rainfall. She knew it was well overdue and that if anything should happen to her, he should at least know who she really is inside. Not that the event with her first love would define her much, its that without that information, no one could say they knew everything about her.

OOC: After our character's talk I think we can do a time skip to the "blood" moon :) Gonna have the sun set so we can get it out of the way ;D

Nightfang rested in the servant's den, the sun had set not more than an hour ago. Her amber eyes watched the entrance to the den. Figures moved around outside as the last of the footman patrols entered the camp. They moved on toward their beds, calling jeers and jokes to one another. They were relaxed, confident in their abilities. Without the Lionclan cats here in this camp, Lionclan stood no chance. Hornetstar had no idea of the dangers his cat's faced. It would have been better to leave the lakeside and go somewhere else. War was not the answer, but the decision wasn't hers to make. Softly, she stood from her bed next to Sablepaw and moved away. She gently made her way past Kirby and peeked through the den entrance. The footman were away now and the only cat left in the clearing was Thunderstep. She grinned, at least it was someone she knew. She left the Servant den, Thunderstep's eyes moved toward her in a flash.
The tom looked both ways around the camp before standing and moving toward her. "What are you doing out of the den?" he asked in a worried, hushed tone.
Nightfang closed the distance between them and whispered, "I have to talk to Bearfur."
Thunderstep's green eyes held and irritated light, "We can't make waves right now. It would be best if you just went back to bed."
Nightfang's amber eyes pleaded with the leader's son, "Please Thunderstep, its important. I may not have another chance at this."
The golden brown tom flicked his bushy tail side to side. He stared at the small tabby for a few moments before he sighed, "Alright. I'll do it for you. Just don't make a habit out of it."
Nightfang grinned warmly and touched her nose to his, "Thank you. You're the best!"
Thunderstep grinned back as she pulled away, "I'll go get him. Sneak out behind the nursery. The well isn't well formed over there and the queens are all asleep." With one last warm smile she turned and snuck away.

Thunderstep couldn't help it, Nightfang was endearing when she wanted to be but prickly as a default. He really did want to help he so he would do as she asked. He stood tall and moved toward the Sentinel den with purpose in case anyone should see him. He stuck he head inside and whispered, "Bearfur. I need to see you outside for a moment. Someone wants to speak with you."



RiverClan Warrior

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Cracking open an eye, Bearfur muttered something unintelligible and then proceeded to stand - albeit shakily - from his bed. Carefully stepping - though it was more like stomping - past the others, he managed to make it out without waking anyone else. Letting out a yawn, he looked to see Thunderstep beside him. Tired enough to not understand what was going on, Bearfur muttered a, "Wha'da'ya wan', 'Undersep?" After several unsuccessful attempts to blink the sleep out of his eyes, he shook his head, the action making him slightly dizzy, but more awake. Putting his usual care-free grin on his face, he turned towards his friend. "Someone wants to speak with me?" he asked "I'm flattered," he joked. His voice was low but still held it's common jeering tone.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Thunderstep rolled his eyes at the large tom, "I personally don't know what this is about but its a favor for someone special." He nodded in the direction that Nightfang had disappeared, "Your little care taker from Lionclan is awaiting your presence." The golden brown warrior led his large companion toward the nursery, "She says she has something important to tell you." He glanced behind him, a curious look in his green eyes, "I'd like to know why it is she risks talking to you after hours. Must be something important." Thunderstep really was curious as to what Nightfang had to tell Bearfur that she couldn't tell to everyone in Lionclan. After a moment of reflection he realized that it might just be something personal and his curiosity was silenced. "Just make it quick if you can, otherwise you'll both be in pretty big trouble," he grinned widely at Bearfur, a friendly light in his eyes. "Good luck," he chuckled before turning and padding away.



RiverClan Warrior

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Raising an eyebrow at Thunderstep's behavior, Bearfur nodded back, slowly muttered, "Yeah... thanks." His mind trying to wrap around the situation, he strained to grasp the memory of earlier... he was speaking with Nightfang when she told him... Following Thubderstep's instructions on where to go, he saw Nightfang and remembered. Oh! right she needed to tell me sometging important, he thought with triumph, grinning slightly at the fact he had remembered. Seeing her meek body position and nervous eyes, he sighed. "Really? You won't get in trouble as long as we keep our voices down, Nightfang," he chided teasingly, voice low. Throwing her a cheesy grin in addition to his jeering advice, he sat himself on his haunches. "But," he began, quickly sobering, "you needed to speak to me?" His expression with serious, and he focused on her. When Nightfang says it's important, it's usually actually important, he thought, unlike when I say something of the sort.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Nightfang's eyes lit up at the sight of her old friend. She chuckled softly at his jokes, but gave him a playful scolding look. "Yes, I did want to speak with you," she mewed softly, "But not here. Its too close to camp." She nodded for him to follow and just like the loyal friend he was, he did. The two walked in silence but she could tell he wanted to know what she had to say. After they had traveled a short distance, Nightfang stopped beside a small river. There were many here in Tigerclan territory, seeing as it was the ancient Riverclan territory. She glanced down at the water to see the usually round moon reflected in rippling shapes within the water.
The she-cat sat beside the thin river and motioned for Bearfur to do so as well. She would not make him wait long but she wanted to gather her thoughts first. A silence stretched between them and she knew he would grow impatient soon. Timidly she started, "I want you to listen Bearfur, without judgement on me... What am I saying? You've always been kind to me." She turned her amber eyes to the tom, relief flooded them when she saw his form sitting next to hers. She hadn't had much time alone with him since they had gotten here and now it felt like the old days, just the two of them. "I... I want to tell you about Rainfall." She noted the curious look in Bearfur's eyes. He knew who had trained her, but she figured he didn't know why she brought it up now.
Nightfang turned her eyes back to the water, "During my training with him... I couldn't help but fall in love with him." The words stabbed her heart as she spoke. "I loved him from the bottom of my heart. Sure he wasn't the most handsome tom in the clan... But he was good hearted and he cared about me," Nightfang shrugged her shoulders in order to stop the tremors that now made her body shake softly. "We would go out and he would always say nice things to me, compliment me other than on my moves. I made no secret about how I felt toward him... At least when we were alone. For some reason I guess I always knew that he felt embarrassed by my affection because he never allowed me to tell anyone about how I felt. He said I should keep it a secret."
Nightfang turned her eyes toward the sky now as she remembered more, "As we continued to train I thought I saw signs of him finally accepting me. He used to look at me in such a way that I felt as if I could fly to the moon and back. Yet... The more he showed me that look the more he began to lie to me. Not directly of course, but he was betraying what was in his heart. I only found out later that he never loved me. In fact he had a cold heart toward me and the rest of the clan." Nightfang stopped as he throat began to constrict with pain, "Near the end of my training I began to notice that he disappeared from camp all to often. He had been doing it since the beginning of my training, but by the end it was occurring to much. I followed him one night as he slipped out of camp. He made his way to the edge of the Windclan-side border and I found him..." She stopped for a moment, to much emotion built up inside her to continue. She took a deep breath before she managed to gain her composure, "I found him with her. He had been meeting with a rogue, she was as pretty as the stars themselves but it was still wrong. I listened to their conversation and he was talking about their soon to arrive litter. He told her that he would be leaving the clan soon in order to be with her." Gently, Nightfang held back a soft sob in her throat. She attempted to compose herself with little success. However she knew that she had to finish her story soon so Bearfur could at least get some sort of sleep that night.
"As soon as I heard this I jumped out of where I was hiding and confronted him. I yelled and acted foolishly, saying that he was a traitor and a liar. I shouted at her to stay away from him, that he loved only me. Yet as soon as I said that Rainfall attacked me. He pinned me to the ground and I didn't resist. I looked up in to his eyes, wishing to see the tom I loved but the cat I saw was not him. I didn't know this part of Rainfall. He looked resentful of my very presence. He was disgusted at the sight of me. I grew afraid as he pressed me to the ground. I had gotten a look at the she-cat he had talked to and she only looked amused at what he was doing." Nightfang tensed and dug her claws in to the soft Earth of the riverbed. "He growled at me saying that he was so happy to finally be able to tell me to back off. He hated life in the clan since he couldn't be with the cat he loved. He hated us all for the warrior code and worst of all he hated me. He hated that I would never leave him alone. He despised me need to be around him and he hated the way I looked at him. He was so glad to tell me that he would never have to see me again. He said-" Nightfang couldn't go on, a lump gathered in her throat as tears formed at the edge of her vision. Rainfall had left a scar on her heart and it was still as fresh as the day he had made it. She knew she wasn't strong for crying over the worthless tom but she couldn't help it. She had loved him after all.



ThunderClan Warrior

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Wolfheart siged and gave up about letting Nightfang eat the rabbit. She decided to go hunting and make a servant pile. She decided that when she saw Cliffheart she would ask him when we would go back to LionClan. We would bring Sablepaw back and everyone. Suddenly she smelled a mouse. She saw it. It was young but rather plump and it was nibbling on a seed.

Ooc: I reply from the past! :D :D :D

-- Edited by Woodfall on Sunday 2nd of October 2011 07:48:13 AM



This wonderful siggie was made by Twigie! Thanks Twigstorm! :D


PLEASE click this link! I really need help drawing pictures for a Firestar tribute!


WindClan Deputy

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OOC: Its not daytime anymore Wolfheart :) Its night and everyone is asleep. If you don't know whats going on go ahead and read the last few posts ;D



RiverClan Warrior

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Scooting over so he was pressed up beside Nightfang, he placed his head on top of hers in a comforting manner. He felt terrible. When he was with Silverdream, no one mattered. He never paid any attention to any other cats when she was there. Bearfur only vaguely remembered Rainfall, and his memory of Nightfang was very fuzzy until she came into his life. Taking a deep breath, he defeated the urge to frown. He hated seeing her so broken and, in a way, he knew how it felt. "I'm so sorry," he finally muttered. His voice cracked, and he wasn't sure if it was from the lack of use or from sadness. Maybe it was a mixture of both. "I didn't know I -- gosh, Nightfang. I wish I hadn't been so isolated back then. Maybe I would've known already. Maybe I would've been able to help sooner. I'm so sorry." And I'm sure Silverdream would've been the one to pick up on your unhappiness is I wasn't there, he added gravely in his mind. Taking another deep breath, he continued, at this point his words only useless ramblings. "I know how you feel. Sort of. I mean, she didn't leave me but she's gone and I loved her and I miss her and every single day without her is like another day living dead and it hurts but -- I'm really not sure where this is going -- but I know how it feels to love. And I know how it feels to wake up with a broken heart and want everyone to disappear and have everything go back to the way it was. I know. And I know how it feels to want someone there with you." Finally letting a frown set itself taut on his jaw, Bearfur still lightly rested his head atop Nightfang's. "Everyone feels broken sometimes."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Nightfang trembled while Bearfur pressed against her. She let the warmth of his presence sooth her troubled heart. The she-cat was grateful for his friendship, now realizing how much it meant to her. The pressure in her chest from keeping this secret had left her completely now, she felt free. The she-cat buried her face in to Bearfur's chest, overjoyed that she had finally told him everything that she had held back from him. She listened to his words as she spoke, not daring to interrupt him. "Thank you," she whispered softly, "This... This means more to me than you'll ever know." The she-cat's trembling lessened until she was completely still, only moving with Bearfur's chest as it rose and fell the breaths he took.
Nightfang felt content in that moment, completely removed from the troubles that haunted her in Tigerclan. For this moment at least she was free. The silence stretched out before them with only the night sounds to accompany them. Softly, Nightfang mewed, "I'm sorry for shoving all this on you Bearfur. The last thing you need to do is worry about me when the big mission is almost here. I want you to know though, I will always be here for you." A darkly sad tone invaded her voice for a moment, "Even if I'm not really here..." Nightfang still couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen during Tigerclan's raid. However, she wasn't sure if it meant her own death or someone very close to her. Nightfang continued on, "I know Silverdream meant the world to you, and I will be here if you ever want to talk about it... No pressure, just remember, I'm here and I care very much."



RiverClan Warrior

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Shaking his head, Bearfur pulled back, smiling. "You're my closest friend, Nightfang. I'll always worry about you and I'll always be here for you. We're a team, right?" He ignored her comment of her not being there - because he would make sure he was there for her. However, when she mentioned speaking of Silverdream, his grin was whisked from his face. Opening his mouth, no sound emerged and his paws shook. "I... it's not a very interesting story." He decided to sum up the story for her. "She and I grew up together. We were always together. It was us and them. I was someone I wasn't, but it was alright, because I was with her. Everything was alright when I was with her. But... I guess playing pretend caught up to me. I wasn't a kit anymore. I yelled and..." Bearfur let his sentence trail off. Everyone from LionClan knew of Silverdream's end. Shaking off the dead feeling in his chest - that constant drumming of his heart didn't belong there - it felt wrong - because it was hers. She had lost her life because he decided to play along to some foolish game. "I don't even know anymore, you know? When she was gone, I was gone. Even now, I'm not sure what I'm doing with the life I've been given." Shaking his head, he decided to continue. "But, I met you, and that wasn't bad, now was it? That's why, when we fought and you ran off... I had to follow you." He didn't know why he was bringing that up -- the subject should be dead and gone in his mind -- but it felt like he should explain. Shaking his head once more, he cracked a small, half-there smile and said, "Maybe one day I'll tell you the whole story. Not just some summary." Because there's so much more to the story than what I told you.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

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