Warrior Cats: The Four Clans

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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

RiverClan Warrior

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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At the sound of gunshots, Valerie did as she had trained and located the source of breathing, ducking low and staying quiet. Following the source of one of them, she unsheathed her hunting knife and snuck behind the man, standing tall above the man and slitting his throat. Jumping back, she caught the body and laid it down, pressing the gun the man was holding to his chest. Laying him down, she froze as she heard footsteps outside of the room and creeping towards her. The sound of a gun reloading made her freeze and silently spin around. The searing pain in her shoulder along with the resounding sound of a gunshot made her hiss and sprint past the man as silently as possible to meet up with the others. Hearing the heavy breathing of her team members, she flung herself behind them and hissed, "There's one left and I'm hit."



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William turned to look at his companions that had entered the room as well, "Another one?! That makes seven!" At the sight of blood flowing freely from both Dex and Shepard, William hissed, "Dang it!" He turned forward to look around the stone pillar. In the bunker that Dex had just come from was the last man. William aimed his shot and fired. However, he missed and the man went running. William cursed under his breath. He stood, flashing his hands out in warning to the other two, "Get back to the ship, you're of no use to me if you're shoulders are shot!" Yet as he said this he felt the pain in his chest flare up again. It had been a trail getting through the building after his ordeal back at Cape Ironia, and yet he had made it this far. He wasn't going to back down now.
Just behind him he heard foot step, heavy at that. William growled and turned, "Dang it Shepard! I told you-" He stopped when the person he saw wasn't his lieutenant, but was Emili instead. She had a determined look on her face, magnum drawn and ready. She did not stop as she passed him by, leaving the man's jaw hanging open wide. He turned and shouted, "Emili! Get back here!"
Quickly the man chased after the AI, the latter not slowing down at all. "I cannot do that Commander, I have let your all sacrifice enough without aid. It's my turn."
William raced after to AI, "You idiot! You're walking right in to a trap!"
As soon as he had said it, a massive explosion erupted before the two. William was sent flying backwards, Emili was sent sprawled against the wall. Thunderous footsteps raced away while the two lay on the floor to shocked to get up. Hissing, William called out, "I'm going to kill that good for nothing..." and strung a few more unkind words after that. Sitting up, his chest hurting to much to allow for swift movement, William looked for Emili.
The AI was slumped again a wall, her blonde hair falling in to his face. The man crawled forward, "Emili, are you alright?" When she didn't reply, he brushed the hair from her face only to see harsh scorch makings on her left cheek. The skin had turned back and was burned away in some spots revealing a metal skeleton underneath. Her whole face wasn't to badly damaged, only the left cheek. William touched the synthetic flesh there, no blood dripped from the wounds, but if she had been human it could have been worse.
After a moment, the AI awoke. Her soft blue eyes widened with fear. She looked as if she didn't know what to do and she didn't. Emili had never been in a combat situation, this was all traumatic for her. Emili's mouth quivered and if she had tear ducts, tear would have bee streaming down her burned cheek. William felt his heart ache for the poor AI. He gently rested his hand on her shoulder, "Come on, get up." Emili didn't though, she grabbed William in an embrace, desperate for someone to make her feel stabilized. The man felt a frown touch his mouth and he patted her head. "Come on now, don't fall apart on me now."
Emili stayed like this for a little while longer before gaining her composure. As she pulled away, she murmured softly in a very human manner, "He's gone."
William lifted a brow, "What?"
She looked up at him, "My sensors indicate that he has escaped the building."



ShadowClan Warrior

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OOC: Hey Resta? What does OTL mean? Also, I SUPPORT GHOST TOWN X DEX! X3

Daniel hurried to the ship, at certain times he would look back, but only for a moment. His shoulder screamed in pain as he pumped his arms. His bullet-proff vest felt heavier than normal, and so did his weapons. His breathing became faster, as he tried to run to the ship. Soon his body felt fatigued. Darn this wound! His thoughts screamed as he reached the ship. "Ghost Town!" He yelled, turned his head back. "Ghost Town!" He called again.



RiverClan Warrior

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Gripping her shoulder, Valerie stood slowly then closed her eyes for a second, glad that it was an in and out wound and the bullet hadn't lodged itself in there. However, as the explosion rocked the building, she sprinted out and shouted, "You fool!" Rocking back onto her heels, she looked away and muttered, "Tch, why else would he run that way?" Turning around, she told herself, "You heard that. We're done for now." Her feet were freezing and she sauntered up to Ghost town and Emili, trying not to flinch as she saw Emili's face. Her hand didn't move from her shoulder as she stood there, then threw her head back in a sigh before eyeing the scene that lay before her. Preventing herself from showing she was in pain or frustrated, she kept a blank face and strolled easily to pick up the knife that lay abandoned in the room she had dropped it in and avoided looking at the scene that lay before her. they were in a desperate time and she didn't want to believe it. Turning towards Ghost Town, she gave a stiff salute. "Sorry for disobeying orders." With that she sauntered back to the ship to get her bearings.

ooc; sorry for messing up this post... i'm on my phone so i can't really edit it... and OTL is a person bashing their head on the ground... you can search it on google and it explains it. :D

-- Edited by Florestadream on Thursday 24th of November 2011 02:30:45 AM



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William said nothing at Dex's words. He knew he had been an idiot for chasing after the survivor, but if he hadn't tried they'd have been killed anyway. If the man survived and Henry found out, he would do something horrible, which was going to happen now that William thought about it. They were all dead men walking. He sighed softly and helped Emili off the ground. "Come on," he said softly, "Lets get out of here." The entire group left the building behind and entered the Panthera. William helped Emili place her body in the cargo hold for repairs while she downloaded her conscious back in to the ship.
When she had finally been downloaded the ship came to life. All the systems lit up as if the breath of life had swept through the hull. Emili didn't make a sound as she prepared the pre-flight systems. William left the cargo hold and entered the common area. He noted that Patruskia had gone to bed already and Shepard was patching himself up in the kitchen area. William's own wound had clotted again so that only the remains of what had bled out earlier was left on his ear. William turned from them and went in search of Dex. Man was he going to get it. She had yelled at him last time for simply trying to walk out a door and nearly getting killed in the process. What was she going to say now that he had run in a full on sprint toward a known dangerous man armed to the teeth with weapons and grenades?



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel had removed his vest and jacket, so he was only wearing a sleevless loose shirt as he finish banding the wound. "Well there goes a perfectly good medic." He sighed, with a bit of dark humor. Daniel looked down at his hand, which was still shaking a bit. How could they defeat the enemy if Henry will continue to send them out on suicide missions. "Emili." Daniel called out to the AI that was throughout the ship. "How are you holding up?" He asked genuinely, which was an odd thing coming from him.



RiverClan Warrior

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Sitting at the table she had been at the first time they flew, Valerie was currently stitching up her shoulder, having cut open the sleeve of her right arm. Cleaning it, she began stitching herself up as she sat there, lips pursed in thought. Hearing Ghost Town enter, she spared him a glance with a raised eyebrow, she continued cleaning herself up. Clucking het tongue softly as if reprimanding him, she was truly reprimanding herself for running after the men so carelessly. Snapping the med kit closed, she looked up at him with tired eyes, not daring to move her shoulder. Her hair fell raggedly around her shoulders and she leaned back slightly, raising her face to the ceiling. Opening one eye, she asked in a monotone voice, "And you called me reckless?" Sitting forwards, she gave him a hard stare. "You're a fool. They were the Ghost Squad. They were prepared and they knew. And you should have known, too." Valerie shook her head softly in dismay, body feeling light from blood loss. Holding her head in her left hand she just nodded no softly once more. "I'm angry, yeah. But... I don't know." Standing, she brushing past him swiftly, uneasy on her feet though determined.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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William stood silently as she spoke, a bit of humble shame apparent on his face. His brown eyes stared at the floor, not bothering to meet her green gaze. He knew he had been an idiot, seems like he'd been doing that a lot lately. As she brushed past he turned to follow. As she moved away determined, he spoke, "I'm sorry." He had said it just the same as he had before, full of conviction and with no lies. He was indeed sorry. He was sorry that all of this happened. He was sorry that he hadn't been at his best for the mission, that GK had died and that he had been nearly killed... again. He stopped and stared at the floor, his fists clenching. For a moment he felt like breaking down, like tears would spring from his eyes. He pushed that feeling away and it was replaced with sheer anger. He let out a loud cuss before slamming his fist against one of the walls in the Panthera. He just couldn't seem to do anything right anymore. "You guys need a new leader," he murmured, not feeling sorry for himself, just despair and anger.



RiverClan Warrior

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Jumping slightly at the sound of something being hit, Valerie waltzed - more of a stumblewaltz on uneasy, nervous feet - and saw Ghost Town acting rather shameful. Handing on her hips, she stood there, looking rather peeved. "Hey! I let you off easy! Do I seriously have to yell at you? Leaders don't act like this! Pull yourself together, Ghost Town. You were made leader for a reason. So stand up tall and act like one. Losing teammates is nothing compared to what we've been through before." Arms folded across her chest now, she tapped an impatient foot - she's have to ask Emili where she could get new socks, boots and a shirt - and snorted at his behavior. She was feeling rather lightheaded from yelled so throwing her hand against the wall she looked at him. "Never mind. I don't have the energy to yell. Just stop whiningg like a child. It's disgusting for a man your age to weep like that." Waving him off, she waltzstumbled to the kitchen - I'm actually going to eat this time and not be distracted by that man-child, she thought slowly - to eat and calm down.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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Posts: 12977
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Now angry burned deep within William, even more than before. He looked up at her disappearing from to reveal very dry eyes. He had not wept, he hadn't even let a single tear well in his eyes. A deep primal growl resounded from his chest, "I have not wept since I was a boy." He stormed past her, heading for the commanding officers chair. "I was just apologizing for not being able to save her!" he roared as he flashed by her. He snarled again, throwing curses and hisses out to alleviate what anger had built in him, "Infuriating, stubborn, thick-headed, emotionless, hard-hearted witch!" He found his spot next to Shepard in the front of the ship.
Why did William even bother to try and connect with Dex? It's not like she had shown much value in friendship. Heck, why did he even bother with any of this self absorbed halfwits? He owed them nothing, just as they owed him nothing. The only reason he had even bothered to interact with them was that they were the only few in this world that could understand what he was going through. And even then they showed no care for his problems. But oh no, he was the leader, he needed to be strong, courageous. To heck with whatever weaknesses he had, he was supposed to be better than that! There was not a moments rest for the leader who needed to make all the right calls and then had no one to talk to when he gets someone on his team killed.
At that moment, he had never felt more hate for anyone in the world than he did for those in the Panthera. Such selfish and egotistical creatures shouldn't be allowed to walk the Earth. Perhaps Henry was right, they all were nothing. They were easily discarded, probably for the best. Snarling to himself and not a word sent toward Shepard, William stood and marched right back to the men's bunk room. He wanted nothing of his crew at this point. Heck, if someone suggested that they'd open the air lock at 30,000 feet, he might just take a flying leap out of it just to get away from all of them. He entered the bunk room, aggressively ripping his uniform from his body. He kicked his boots off, threw his vest and coat away. He reached for the short sleeved shirt, but his fingers flickered against something first. For a moment, William's face softened as he realized what it was. The dog-tag that he had had since he was a boy was still there. Sighing he slumped on to his bed, he swung his feet up next. Laying down he turned to face the wall. Even if someone bugged him, he would not answer.

Emili had not replied to Shepard for a while. She was still calculating and trying to come to grips with what she had felt. She had never felt fear like that before, she had been so worried about the safety of her team that she had tried to save them by throwing herself at the enemy. She didn't realize how easy it would have been to kill herself as well. Ghost Town had been there for her, but he could not fight the inner toil that she now faced. She didn't know exactly how to feel so she spoke truthfully, "I am not sure Lieutenant. I have never felt like this before. It will pass, with any luck."

OOC: By the way, Happy Thanksgiving :D

-- Edited by Ebonycloud on Thursday 24th of November 2011 05:04:41 PM



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