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TOPIC: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~

WindClan Deputy

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RE: The Patriots .:A Future World RP:. ~Full~
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William turned his gaze toward the woman, "Really? No reason to stay?" He frowned heavily before standing and turning to face the door. "So be it," he said coldly, "Stay here and fight as long as you need to. Once you find what you're looking for move on." He walked toward the front door, passing Shepard as he did so. He stopped for a moment in the doorway and turned to look at Dex, "Do what's best for you." He turned and under his breath he murmured, "That seems to be all anyone is good at doing." With that he left, his mood having become rather foul. He didn't exactly know why though. Perhaps it was that he was getting tired, or perhaps he was hungry. No... That wasn't it. Perhaps it was Shepard's presence or Dex's attitude. He didn't know why that insufferable woman put him in such a mood. He never let anyone make him angry like this before. Perhaps it was because she was a woman. Before he had been put in this squad he had no dealing with women. They were so confusing and from what he had seen, cold hearted.
The man tensed as he turned to look at the apartment building. It was a two story building with mirrored apartments. The above apartments seemed to be available. He climbed the steps before rather rashly barging in to one of the house units and heading for the bathroom.



RiverClan Warrior

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Scowling, Valerie shouted after him, "I'm sorry that I upset you, but at least I'm not lying!" Ushering Sheperd out of her apartment, she shut the door softly and ran a hand through her hair in frustration. She had delt with men before, but never one as infuriating as Ghost Town. Something about him set it on edge. Maybe it was his inavility to think then act, for she had felt with strategists her entire life up until the Patriots, or maybe it was because of something else. Whatever the case he made her angry and she constantly either felt comfortable around him or on edge. Sitting on the couch, she sunk into the cushion and curled up, kicking off her boots in an attempt to stay warm and sleep.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William finished taking a rather hot shower, but did not help him relax but instead other put him further in to a bad mood. He quickly dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his body. Despite being so far under ground and in a shelter, the air in his apartment was still rather chilling. The man want to his bedroom and was instantly drawn to the closet. He opened it and found warm looking shirts and jackets. He quickly grabbed the darkest gray one he could find. From there he went to a dresser across from the twin sized bed he had been given and found pants and warm under garments. He got himself dressed in the mid-tone gray shirt and darker wool pants. The shirt had long sleeves and a turtle neck which for someone who was not used to it felt rather uncomfortable. Giving off a short 'hmph' he collapsed on to his bed and stared angrily at the wall. He turned on to his back and stared just as angrily at the ceiling for a while, sleep did not come to him. William tossed and turned a bit but still he could not fall asleep. He let out a curt growl, "Dang it woman." He turned in his bed and faced the wall, closing his eyes and wishing sleep would take him.



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel felt a bit confused from the fight between Ghost-Town and Dex. He shook his ehad and sighed, walking up the stairs to the room parallel of Ghost-Town's room. Daniel opened the door and walked inside. There was a dresser, a bed, a bathroom, a nightstand, and a window. It was simple. Daniel prefered being inside the Panthera, but it was safer for them to be where there was little to no technology at their current state. Daniel changed his attire dto that of a casual outfit. It consisted of a sleeveless gray-green shirt, and black-ish jeans. Daniel brushed back his curly red hair as he laid down, placing his shot-gun on the floor next to the bed. Daniel soon slipped from reality, into his own dreams.

'He was a young boy, with short hair, and dark green eyes. His hair was a very bright red, almost an ugly shade. But it would darken over time. He was only fifteen. The boy's friends weren't the nicest bunch, but he trusted them with his life. The boy was walking down the streets of the three-level facility. The facility's levels consisted of level zero, which was the underground below the undercity. THere were run-down shacks made of tin and tarp. It wasn't healthy to live down there, especially with the occasional cave-ins. The second level was Low-City. That was a slightly better place than Level Zero, but not by much. The whole entire city was just the bases and insides of the enormous fifty-and-higher-stories buildings. THey were run-down because nobody lived in them. They were used as warzones and hideouts. Rats were the biggest problem down there. And the final level was Skyreach. That was built with platforms that float or were buitl into the tops of the large buildings. Though the city was still in a large dome that change the atmosphere to where it was always night-time. The boy sadly never knew what the outside looked like, because he was stuck in Low-City. The boy suddenly heard a noise, and a voice. The voice was familiar. A large and bright smile forms form his lips, as he saw a girl walk forward out from the shadows. She was smiling too, but her smile wasn't nice. It was actually malicious. The boy's smile soon faded, and was replaced with complete shock and dread, as he felt something strike through his back. He let out an abrupt grunt. "We decided we weren't splitting the card three ways." The girl's voice was so cruel. The boy collapsed to the floor, and with his eyes, looked up. He saw his other friend. He was smiling just like the girl. Then the two began to laugh as they walked away, leaving the boy to bleed out.'

Daniel's eyes shot open as he jumped up. He was covered in sweat, and was panting heavily. I fell asleep. Daniel's thoughts were both in fear and self pity. I shouldn't have fallen asleep. "Unless those dreams go away." He finished his thought aloud without realizing it, then sighed. Daniel wiped his forehead and curled up to where his chin was on his knees, and his dark green eyes stared at the blank gray wall.

-- Edited by Ivoryclaw on Wednesday 14th of December 2011 12:47:19 AM



WindClan Deputy

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OOC: I'm going to skip us ahead about three days. Our characters haven't really spent much time together during this time. Its up to you to decide where your character has been their time though ;D

"Is it that time already?" The young girl's voice pleaded for her question to be false.
"Sorry little one," the dark haired man said softly, "I've got an important mission tomorrow. Right now I should be on my way to the Dagon Province. They've been doing some research about how to make me feel better."
The young girls' eyes flew open, "You feel bad Will?!"
The man smiled and laughed as he hugged the girl to his chest, "No, no. But if I go on this mission without their research, I will feel very very bad."
The girl pulled away from the kneeling man, William. "You'll come back right?" her voice tender and pleading again.
William smiled at her, "Yes my little Mary. I will be back. I need you to be brave okay?" The young girl nodded before throwing her arms around his neck and giving him one last hug. William pulled away and patted the girl's head. "I'll be back Mary. Keep an eye out for me."
"I will!" she chirped as he turned to walk away. When he was out of her sight his stride lengthened as he hurried to the Dagon Province. The research that was being conducted there would remove those organic implants from inside his chest, removing Henry's last control over him. William was more than ready to rid himself of his so called father.
He hadn't spent much time around his companions in the last few days save for the few moments he saw them while leaving his apartment to visit Mary. Every time he looked at Dex's apartment he felt foolish and angry. The woman confounded him like no other that he knew. He tried to ignore the feeling of guilt at his last interaction with, but he couldn't. He had sworn that he would no longer act like a child but that outburst couldn't be helped. Something in the words that she said felt like a knife in his heart, driving him to become cold and irritable. Frowning and shaking the thoughts away, William found himself outside Dagon's main research lab. As he stepped inside he found Gloria speaking with a man in a lab coat. Just beside them stood Emili, the AI looking just as sharp and aware as ever.
"Morning," William spoke. Emili said nothing but Gloria returned his greeting.
"Ready for the operation?" Gloria asked.
William tensed and answered stiffly, "As I'll ever be."



RiverClan Warrior

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Having traded for some clothing, Valerie had found some clothes to her liking, and had taken the time to meet other people in the village. One of the women she met, Kayleigh, had offered to lengthen an ankle-length skirt she had purchased. The woman had advised her to wear leggings of the same material underneath to keep herself even warmer and she took the advice now as she easily strolled down the stairs. She enjoyed the feeling of her outfit extremely. The skit was not body hugging but flowing, and the turtle-neck and jacket were form-fitting but warm. On her feet she wore a pair of shoes a woman had suggested. Stretching her arms over her head, Valerie offered a grumpy nod good morning while tying her still-damp hair into a bun. Even after getting a good night's sleep, Valerie remained a terrible riser. Grunting in greeting, she shoved her hands in her pockets and let her chin fall to her chest. I hate mornings, was a sentence repeated constantly though her head. Even though, to everyone else... It wasn't exactly morning anymore. Beside her, Jackson offered a nod to Gloria before patting Valerie reassuringly on the shoulder. "Bug off, old man!" barked Valerie, taking a threatening step towards Jackson. With a laugh he waved her off and strolled back to Shadow. Truth be told, Valerie hadn't noticed Ghost Town or Shep or Emili since she had Ghost Town had their fall out. Not that she was searching for them, however. She had decided to get to know the people better, seeing as she was now inhabiting their society.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

WindClan Deputy

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William frowned heavily when Dex approached. The outfit she wore did very much flatter her figure. This however only made William angrier, but he wasn't quite sure why. He turned to Gloria and barked, "How soon can we get this over with?"
The woman lifted a brow at him, a little annoyed at his attitude, "As soon as they are ready. Being a jerk isn't going to get things done any faster."
William shifted from foot to foot, "Well punching people's faces has always seemed to work for me." He tossed a look at Dex. Perhaps thats what she needed, a good stiff punch to the face. Might make William feel better anyway. Gloria noticed where William had glanced and let out a short sigh.
From where the AI stood beside him, Emili spoke, "I am sense intense heat rising in the Commander. I recommend that he go to the closest infirmary at his earliest convince."
William turned toward Emili with a dark scowl, "Oh shut up Emili!"
The AI shrugged and looked away, "Very well Commander."
Another sigh from Gloria only further put anger in to William, "What did I say about being a jerk?"
The man was bristling at this point, "Am I going to get this thing out of me or what?!"
At that very moment, a man in a lab coat approached them and grinned, "So, who's first?"
William didn't waste any time, "Me! Slice me open and get this thing out of me. Might as well take my heart along with it. Stupid things only been giving me trouble lately." He stormed past Emili, Dex and Gloria. Not giving them a single look as he went.



ShadowClan Warrior

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Daniel mostly spent his time inside his apartment room for the duration of time. He went out either to get fresh air, or to get food, and that one actually only once. Daniel felt no compelling need to go outside and talk with people. He hated being around normal society. He had always though of them lesser than he was. But in reality he was jealous of them. Jealous that they were normal people who did have to care about the hardships Daniel had lived through. But he had lived through them, and him still surviving meant that he wasn't done yet. He wasn't done killing. Though Daniel finally came out to go meet up with Dex and Ghost-Town, to remove the hazzardous implants and Henry had placed in all of the team. Then Daniel thought of Henry, and that burning desire to just wanting to murder him. Those dark thoughts actually made Daniel smile as he thoughts about the revenge he could get for his fallen team members. No. He suddenly frowned. I wasn't thinking about it for them. He thoughts. I just want him to die, so I can sate my hatred.



RiverClan Warrior

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"Oh shut up, you old coot! I just woke up! Stop stomping around like you're three!" shouted Valerie as Ghost Town stormed off. Slamming her head against the wall, she closed her eyes and began to doze off until Sheperd appeared. Looking up, she had a dark aura about her. "I swear, if you're going to start stomping around like that idiot I will slice your head off." With that, she became sleepy again and leaned against the wall. Being angry in the morning just tended to make Valerie tired. "I call going next because I can. It should've been ladies first but that idiot...," snorted Valerie, drifting off while her chin dropped to her chest again.



okay, then.
unfortunately loving an idiot
who doesn't love me back.
but i'm not falling.
i just kind of...

ShadowClan Warrior

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Posts: 504
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Daniel nearly jumped when Dex glared at him. "That woman is the devil itself..." He murmured, his left eye twitching. Daniel then shook his head and sighed. Ghost-Town you idiot. He thought, then folded his arms across his chest, leaning against the wall, though felt very awkward next to Dex. He was more worried about her killing him, than if something were to go wrong with the surgurey. His eyes trailed up to the ceiling, then down at his feet. He coughed awkwardly, then looked over to see that Emili was there. He immediately smiled, then his smile faded as he remembered that they had left off at a very uncomfortable position of the conversation, which had been interrupted by Dex and Ghost-Town when they had arrived to the apartments three days ago. "Emili." He called over to her.



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